If you would like to know how to properly create sexual attraction, set up and go on your first date to ensure that you get laid, then this will be the most exciting message you will ever read!
A man’s job in the courtship is to create an opportunity for sex to happen. It’s a romantic and fun time planned with a woman who has a high level of interest in you to start out with, which is designed to make her feel safe, comfortable, like she can let her hair down, be herself and really have a good time. After all, girls just want to have fun! Your mission when you have a woman who has a high level of interest in you to start out with is to not talk her out of sleeping with you.
Women like sex just as much as men do. Unfortunately, most men (97%) do not understand women and therefore have absolutely no fucking clue how to show women a good time so they will feel sexual attraction and sleep with them.
Women who have a high level of interest in you to start out with will help you when they like you. They will make it easy for you to get to their front door so you can take them out and show them a good time. Women who have a low level of interest in you to start out with, will take a lot more work to raise their level of interest and cause them to feel enough sexual attraction for you so they sleep with you.
If you are on a date with a woman who has a low level of interest in you, it’s going to be a lot harder to keep a conversation going. A woman who has high interest in you will actually work to keep the conversation going. If you are just starting out and applying the principles and fundamentals from my book, you probably will be going out on dates with women you should not be scheduling dates with.
When you meet a woman, she is judging and noticing everything you say and do for any signs of weakness to make sure you pass her tests. If you fail a test and she senses weakness, she will pull away and test more. If you have read my book, then you know that there are literally thousands of little tips and signals you need to watch for that communicate her true level of interest and sexual attraction for you. A guy who is prepared will pass her tests and get what he wants, along with making sure that she gets what she wants.
When you arrive at the level of confidence that I and my most successful clients have, you will be able to walk into a room and feel and notice a beautiful woman checking you out. Without any hesitation, and without breaking eye contact, you walk over to her and look her right in the eyes and say, “I want you! You are amazing! You are the most beautiful thing I have ever laid eyes on! Let’s get out of here!” And then you take her by the hand and lead her someplace where you can sit down, have a drink and explore this amazing connection you both have with one another. After hanging out with her for a few hours, she is back at your place and naked in your bed where she tells you, “you can do anything you want to me!” It’s on!
If what I just mentioned in the previous paragraph is too scary or intimidating for you, then you can follow the simple steps I mention in my book to create attraction, get her phone number and later call her or text her for a date without risking rejection. This step by step process I teach enables a guy to slowly build his confidence over time without risking rejection so he can work up to being able to walk up to any woman he likes and who likes him, and simply say… “I want you!”
When you know the material in my book so well you could literally give a seminar on it (usually after reading it tend to 15 times), it’s easy to do almost everything right with women so they feel attraction and sleep with you.
The following is an e-mail I got from a coaching client of mine. He is a very successful attorney and recently divorced. He has kids and has become friends with a lot of beautiful women over the years. Since he was married before, he was always unavailable and off the market. Now he is single and has only had two phone coaching sessions with me so far. He’s doing pretty well. My comments are (in bold brackets like this) in the body of his e-mail:
Hey Corey.
Looking forward to our next session but I need some quick advice. Remember how I joked that I was seeing 2-3 women and had room for another one (Best line to use when a woman asks if you have a girlfriend… “I’ve always got room for one more!” with the James Bond smirk that communicates… I just flushed an M-80 down the toilet. I’m a naughty boy)? Well, just me being me dropped another one into my lap (You are getting laid and meeting so many new women that you are in an abundance mindset. You have a non-hungry state about you which causes women to feel attraction for you). Background first, last spring when I was going through a hard time with my wife I went to a hockey tournament for my son and ended up drinking in a bar with one of the divorced moms (that served as the 1st date and you did not even realize it. Go to 2-3 different places with a woman on a first date and she will feel like she has already had 2-3 dates with you by the end of the night. Most women sleep with guys after the 2nd or 3rd date. Give her the experience of multiple dates by going to 2-3 different places together instead of just 1 place. This breeds familiarity, safety and comfort for her which causes her to lower her resistance and jump your bones later). She was smoking hot but I was married and didn’t even think of anything (You were just being you and she probably thought to herself… “Why is he married to that woman! I am way better for him than her!). I ran into her last Thursday and she asked how it was going with my wife (translation… “are you still married to that woman? Hopefully you are not because I really like you.”) and I held up my empty ring finger and gave a small smile. Within 5 minutes she said we should have drinks the next time the boys play against each other (translation… “I want you to ask me out for drinks so I can have you all to myself”). I said, no, how about I pick you up Saturday night and we go to dinner. She smiled and said that would be great (translation… “OMG! He does like me! He took the hint and asked me out! OMG! I have nothing to wear!!! I must go shopping!!”).
I was thinking, perfect opportunity to enjoy her company (create an opportunity for sex to happen), but she’s very conservative, very into her kids, not much will happen (Wrong! Always assume deep down that all women want you. Interest level cuts everything. Kids, plans, religion, beliefs, her job, etc. all take a back seat when she has high interest in seeing a man she wants). Long story short, it was a great dinner, went back to her house where she invited me in and that’s when I found out the house was empty (Women help you when they like you. She planned this shit out. She was determined to fuck your brains out as long as you did not talk her out of it. See… it just… kinda… happened, as she probably retells it to her girlfriends). After about an hour of chatting and laughing we ended up, much to my surprise (not a surprise to me. This shit always happens when you treat women properly. Human beings are emotionally programmed like salmon swimming upstream. When you know what to look for and what to do… its in the bag), in the bedroom. After I spent another hour or so talking and laughing, then went home.
I’m interested in her, quite actually, but having been married 18 years I’ve never had a first date experience like that (get used to it. Have the mindset that… “this shit happens to me all the time”). Not really sure how much I should contact her (the phone, email, texting, etc. is for setting dates. Not to chit chat or to give out information. If you were getting laid by tons of other women who viewed you as a catch, you would not be thinking about relationships. You would be thinking… “How can I keep this up as long as possible and stay single?”) to let her know I’m interested in something more serious (STOP IT!!! love is playful and fun. Not serious! If she wants to be serious she will bring it up. Until then, just keep creating wonderful romantic evenings/opportunities where sex can happen) and not just a 1 night fling (each date is kind of like a 1 night fling. Just make a definite date and create the next opportunity for sex to happen. REVIEW THE BOOK ON THIS AREA regarding how often to call and set up dates), but at the same time, don’t want to push too hard. We’ve set up a lunch date for Friday (fuck lunch dates! That is what butlers and male girlfriends do. Act like her friend… get treated like her friend. Act like her mysterious knight in shinning armor… and… she will fuck your brains out again and again. You are a successful alpha male attorney who has lots of women that want him. You don’t have time for lunch dates unless its a “nooner” sexcapade in your bed), should I just see her then and not contact her at all (once a DEFINITE DATE is made, you show up for the date at the agreed upon time and create the next opportunity for sex to happen. Then what? Rinse… recycle… repeat)?
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“No man is a failure who is enjoying life.”-William Faulkner
Matt says
Haha so true. I’ve been doing this since I was 16 but Corey has helped me take it to the next level lol. 25 and single and this shit Happens to me all the time. First date sex… Then it’s just another girl in the line until I find one that I wanna date