What you should do if you feel a bit lost with your life and what you should do with it.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email success story from a viewer who has been following my work since 2015. After graduating with a Finance degree and spending a year and a half in his job, he realized he wasn’t fulfilled and felt lost with his life. He then found my work, used it to discover his purpose, and five years later is a successful business owner doing what he loves for a living.
He shares his experiences and victories to inspire others to do the same. My comments are in bold italics like this below in the body of his email.
This is an interesting email, because a lot of people have this experience. They go to college, they get a degree, they get out, they start working in it and then they go, “This really sucks. I don’t like this.”
I remember years ago when I was in real estate, and this was probably around 2000-2001, I met one of the anchors at the television station there, and he had a similar experience. He had gone to college and majored in Accounting, and then he spent about five years working in the industry and realized that he just absolutely hated being an accountant. So, he went back to school for Broadcast Journalism, and at the time, he was one of the morning anchors on the news shows there. So, it was pretty interesting.
This happens to a lot of people that go in and get a degree, and they graduate and they’re like, “I don’t really like this job,” or “I can’t get the job that I thought I was going to get,” or “This job is not as fun as I thought it was going to be.” And so, the important thing is not to stay doing something you hate, because it’s soul sucking and eventually you lose hope. And when you lose hope, why take care of your body? Why eat healthy? Why ask that person out that you’ve always wanted to ask out? Why go for the things you want? Because it starts to cloud every part of your life and you lose hope. You just start giving up and settling in every aspect of your life that’s important to you, and it’s a tragedy.

It happens to most people, I would say, in the world. At some point they give up on their dreams and goals. And so, this guy was at that place, and then he came across my work, changed the way he looked at things, and therefore, the things he looked at changed. It should be a great success story to share what happens when you apply what’s in How To Be A 3% Man, as well as what’s in Mastering Yourself, which is my second book – it’s a book of self-reliance. And, obviously, my third book, Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations, which ties all the concepts in both books together. And the second volume of quotes should be out, hopefully in the next few months. So, Volume II is coming soon.
This guy wanted to share this, because he was hoping that anybody else that’s in the same place that may be watching this video will get inspired and do the same things he did. It’s like I always say in my videos, even if you think I’m full of shit, if you apply the things I teach, they will work for you and it will help improve your life dramatically in all areas that are important to you.
Remember, you can’t give away what you don’t already have for yourself. This is super important, especially if you’re a guy who wants to be more attractive to women, that you get your own life handled – you have some kind of purpose and mission in life that you love, that you enjoy, that’s exciting and gives your life meaning. Because if you love and enjoy your life, it’s much easier to get other people, especially women, excited about joining your life and hopping on your fun bus, versus some guy who gets up every day and hates his life and does nothing about it.
And everybody watching this has people that they know in their life that are like that. They complain about things, but they do nothing to help themselves. And the reality is you’ve got to participate in your own rescue. That’s part of self-reliance and that’s what my whole message is, self-reliance, relying on yourself. Because nobody’s coming to save you or fix your life. You have to do that yourself.
Viewer’s Email:
Hey Coach,
I wanted to write you a success story. I’m 28, from the UK. I’ve been following you and your books since 2015. Around then, I was 22 and finished university with a finance degree, then a year and a half into doing it as a job realized it didn’t fulfill me how I thought it would. I felt a bit lost with my life, and mentally I didn’t feel I had the tools to move forward at that time.

Well, the things that I teach are the fundamentals of the science of high achievement. And unfortunately, they don’t teach these things in school. School just tends to basically crank out a bunch of drones to think and act and believe the same way, because they’re easy to control and they’re compliant.
I didn’t know what to do, but luckily around then, I found your life coaching articles and 3% Man. First, I did your exercise on finding your purpose…
If you go to my YouTube channel, there is a playlist called “Discovering Your Purpose,” and I take several of the the people that work for me, and you’ll see in my podcasts where I take them through that same process. You can actually see me doing what I do in my phone sessions and what I talk about in “Mastering Yourself” and some of my other articles on discovering your purpose. You see a live example of people actually doing it. And if you follow along with that, you can do this on your own.
I do a lot of phone sessions, and because a lot of people have limiting beliefs, their story gets in the way of actually making their list and they get confused. It’s hard to separate what they like, versus what they love, and having someone like me helps facilitate that. So, if you’re unable to do it on your own, or your limiting beliefs are getting in the way, then I highly encourage you to book a phone session by going to UnderstandingRelationships.com, click the Products tab at the top of your screen and book a session.
…and found that helping people with math was something I liked so much, I would do for free.
That’s ideally the kind of thing you want to do for your life’s work, something that you love so much, you enjoy it so much, you literally would do it for free. It’s so exciting and compelling. And the idea is to find a way to monetize that, because if you solve big problems for a lot of people, you can make a lot of money.

Every business, every job, every company exists to provide useful products, or useful services or a combination of products and services. In other words, they’re there to solve some kind of pain that people have. And the more pain you solve for a larger demographic of people, the higher your potential basic customers are.
I chose to try and follow this path, and fast forward to today, I am a successful private math tutor with my own business and have 5 years of experience. I am really enjoying my life, with many great reviews on my business page and wonderful clients.
See, that’s what happens. This guy, he loved it so much he would do for free. He’s just excited about it. And people that do business with him notice his enthusiasm. Because he loves it so much, he’s exceptional at it, and that’s why he gets great results.
Kind of like Jon Dufresne, (@mochabear_actual or Kinetic-consulting.net), the guy that I train with, my firearms trainer; he is like a little boy on the gun range. I’ve very rarely seen or come across people like him, that are just absolutely obsessed with what they do and love it. And that’s one of the reasons why I love training with him, because he’s so excited. If I have a malfunction in my rifle or my pistol or something breaks, he gets excited about it, he pulls out his camera and wants to take a video of it, and he uploads it to his Instagram or his YouTube channel.
It’s a joy to be around him, because he’s got so much passion for it. And because he’s got so much passion, he’s really good at. He’s one of the best trainers in the whole southeastern United States. That’s why I love training with him, because I always learn. You’re going to learn the most from people who love and enjoy what they do, because they’ll obsess over it in a way that most people just simply will not. And then you become exceptional.

If you want to become great at something, go learn from somebody that’s great at it, just like this particular guy who’s become a great tutor because he’s obsessed about math.
I also used your “How to Get Any Job You Want” article to get a contract with the UK’s biggest private tutoring company.
I also go through that process in a lot more detail in my second book, “Mastering Yourself.” And again, you can read that for free too at UnderstandingRelationships.com. Just subscribe to the email newsletter. You can read it right in the browser on whatever mobile device or desktop computer you may be using.
It’s a simple system, “How to Get Any Job You Want.” I only encourage you look at that article if you’re looking to change jobs, because it works. Because most people won’t do that.
Life is starting to feel effortless, happy, and really fulfilling. I’m using your alkaline diet, gym advice, network chiropractic care, and dating/social skills advice.
So, he’s using the whole suite of things that I teach and that I give away for free through my books on my website. A lot of people just come for the dating and relationship stuff. They don’t care about the health, they don’t care about the green smoothies, they don’t care about the chiropractic care. But the more you apply the things I teach, the better the overall quality of your entire life – all areas of your life that are important to you – are going to be.
It almost feels like you have superpowers, at times, when you go out into the world, as you realize, not everyone is applying this stuff, and you have an upper hand. I highly recommend your concepts to all of my friends.
Well, successful people are willing to do the things that unsuccessful people simply are not. And so, just like he said, he’s doing the alkaline diet, the green juice smoothies, all those things I talk about; the nuts, the colonic cleansing, going to the gym, working out, network chiropractic care, dating/social skills, advice. He’s applying things that apply to all areas of his personal and professional life. That’s why he’s getting such great results.

Because, even as a student, he’s willing to do things that most students simply are not. I mean, all you have to do is go look at any of the career videos or articles, or especially the ones on the network chiropractic care, and they get a much smaller view count because most people are just like, “Eh, I don’t care about that stuff. I just I just want help with getting some pussy, Corey.” Whatever, to each his own. But if you want to be exceptional, you’ll learn all of this stuff and apply it.
To your followers, I hope this can motivate you to keep grinding, finding new ways to improve, and pursuing a vision that sets your soul on fire. Eventually, life will reflect back to you the work you put in.
Provided you learn from your mistakes and refine your approach. That’s really super important.
It can turn out the way you dreamed. All the best and thank you for your articles and your books. Your stuff truly works and is the best of the best. Will update again in the future.
Well, we all will look forward to your future updates, Bob. So, thanks for sharing that success story.
And if you’d like to get my help – to help you with your own success story, or creating your own success story, discovering your purpose, help with your dating, or your personal, or your relationship life, or career, or business, whatever it happens to be – go to UnderstandingRelationships.com, click the Products tab at the top of your screen and book a coaching session with yours truly.
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How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“Your life’s work is going to take up most of your time. If you want to reach your full potential, it’s essential to find a purpose and mission in life that is emotionally compelling and fulfilling. When you are doing what you consider to be great work, it gives your life meaning and value. Having a meaningful life and purpose makes you feel abundant and like you want to share your success with other like-minded people. This draws other people who share the same goals and values to you, so you can have even more happiness and fulfillment together.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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