The importance of mastering the art of letting go so you can create the life and lifestyle you’ve always wanted, and to attract the kind of friends and lovers you really deserve.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss three different emails from three different viewers. The first email is from a viewer from the United Kingdom who joined the British Infantry Reserves after watching my videos on discovering your purpose in life. He’s getting a lot of pushback from friends and family who are busting his balls about his choices, and he asks how to deal with their verbal assaults and lack of support. He’s obviously still attached to, and worried about, what other people think about him.
The second email is from a viewer who asks, what is love really? He’s read my book twice already, but he’s struggling with how to balance letting go and being attached to whether or not a woman will choose to stay with him, or leave him for someone else. The third email is a great email success story from a guy who has been following my work for two years. He’s read my book 14 times and is on the 15th read now. He has a new car, new job, lost his virginity, has lots of women in his life that are pursuing him and he lives the way he wants. He’s done an outstanding job of mastering the art of letting go. My comments are in (bold parenthesis like this below) in the bodies of their emails.
First Viewers Email:
Dear Corey,
Your content is the best thing ever. I read everything you send me, and I’m slowly applying it to my life. I was wondering though if you would make a video of how to deal with people who make fun of you for going after your purpose in life. I enlisted in the British infantry reserves after watching your videos on finding purpose in life. (Remember, no one will ever do or say anything to you that isn’t a direct reflection of how they feel about themselves in a moment. If they’re busting your balls about doing what you were put on this earth to do, what do you think that tells you about them? We tend to project what’s inside of us. It means they aren’t following their purpose. They’re testing you, because now you’ve risen above your peer group by doing something that most of your friends and family don’t have the guts or game plan to do. People tend to attack leaders, because they don’t believe in themselves, and they’re looking for leadership.) I realize it’s what I love doing, so I’ve applied for Royal marine commandos full time. (Thank you for your service.) The problem is though, I’m now the laughing stock of the village, (That shouldn’t bother you at all. That means your village is full of a bunch of pussies, and you’re a leader. What does the word lead mean? It means to go first. You’re doing something that everybody in your village doesn’t have the balls to do, which is follow your purpose), all my friends are making fun of me behind my back, calling me Mr. Army man and Rambo and shit like that when I’m not around. (Who fucking cares? Twenty years from now, most of those people you call friends, you’ll realize they really weren’t on your team. Think of those people who are really supportive of what you’re doing. That’s who’s really on your team.) I don’t go around bragging or trying to act hard, but I was supposed to be going ice skating this weekend with a Facebook social group, but the army told be I was needed for ex firestorm, so I told the Facebook social group I was going on exercise instead, which was a silly thing to do, I know, but my brother told me people were laughing their heads of at me in the pub last night. (Well, they’re getting drunk, and you’re holding the fucking line. That’s what military men and women do. It’s a noble calling and you’re following your purpose.) It’s just hurts like a bitch when you want to improve your life, and others want to drag you down even when I could have to make the ultimate sacrifice for them, “The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his.” ~ Patton. How do I deal with this? (Don’t spend time with them. Tell them you don’t want to hear about it. Don’t let it get under your skin. Hang out with people that are like-minded and want the same things. As you become more successful and more immersed in your career, you’re going to spend less and less time with them, because they aren’t supportive. At the end of the day, the best cure for people who are talking shit is winning and succeeding. That’s the best way to shut people up. Go be awesome, and spend time with people that are supportive.) I thought they were my closest friendsBob
Second Viewers Email:
Hey Coach Corey!
I want to first say thank you so very much for all of your helpful advice and insights when it comes to dating/relationships/becoming the person you want to be. Your book, articles, and videos have been a tremendous help to me improving my life and embracing my potential, so thank you! My questions for you deal with the topic of love. I’ve read your book, am currently on read #2, watched many of your videos, and have read several of your articles on the subject, but I think I’m getting confused (The good news is, when you’re confused, it means you’re about to learn), as to what love really means in your system. (Well, it’s not so much a system. What is love? Love is all about giving. Relationships start to go sideways when you start focusing on yourself. As Thich Nhat Hanh said, “You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free.” The whole purpose of all relationships is that you go there to give.)I love the idea that when a man is truly happy and content with himself, he only needs to rely on himself for that happiness, and that whether a woman you’re interested in comes into your life or leaves it, you’ll be okay. (Yeah, because if you’re not happy when you’re single, you’re not going to be happy in a relationship.) What then makes a woman special? (It’s different from person to person. People who have great, quality relationships with family and loved ones tend to live the longest and have the most happiness and fulfillment.) Why ever become attached to anyone? (The right people will want to be in your life and will make an effort over the decades.) If a woman that you really love/care about ends up out of the picture, and it’s supposed to be completely okay, then what did she truly mean to you? (Love is about giving. Sometimes you will be with someone for a few years, and it just runs its course.) I would love some clarification.
I’ve also been thinking a lot about the psychology of women, in particular, how they respond to a man’s vibe. I totally get that a man who is comfortable and centered in his masculinity will project a certain type of confidence that attracts women like a magnet. I see this in the real world all the time, and I am working on perfecting it for myself. I also understand that when a woman senses weakness, she will test her man, and if he fails, will ultimately leave him for someone more centered. (That’s not what I teach in my book. The bottom line is, women want to be in a love story. If you’re not centered, masculine and doing what a man’s supposed to do, dating and courting your woman properly, eventually the woman will fall out of love and feel like you don’t care. Most guys focus on logic and reason, and being a provider and making money, and once they’re married or they’re in a relationship, the courtship slowly goes by the wayside. 99.9% of the guys that come to me that are having problems with their long-term relationships, they’ve all stopped courting their wife and girlfriend and communicating and having fun. That’s what I help them get focused back on, and also getting centered and focused on being the interesting guy they were when they met and fell in love the first time around. If you stop giving, women won’t stick around forever.) These ideas make me question the fidelity of women. Is there such a thing as a faithful woman? (Some women, absolutely. That’s their values and the kind of family they came from. They place a high value on loyalty, communication and commitment. If you have a relationship with a woman who’s never been faithful in any relationship, or has lots of male orbiters around in case you fall down, those are great fuck buddies, friends with benefits or sex playmates. Those women are not wife or relationship material. It’s not going to work with somebody who doesn’t value loyalty, communication and commitment.) Women are emotional beings, which means that they follow their feelings. How can you fully trust a woman to be a partner if she just follows her feelings, which most likely change every single day? (It doesn’t mean that every, single woman will leave you and cheat on you, but you’ve always got to make the effort. Don’t date women that place zero value on loyalty and have no history of being faithful.) Any help would be greatly appreciated.Take care!
Third Viewers Email:
Hello Coach Wayne,
I just wanted to give you a big manly bro hug for all the help that you have provided me with, as well as the monumental changes I have been able to accomplish, using said help! I have read your book 14 times, and am now on my 15th read. I originally sought you out after the girl I was dating two years ago, whom I naively believed was the love of my life, (We all tend to project our fantasy of what we want onto the other person, and we think we’re going to change them or somehow they will become different if we just stay with them long enough or we use the right strategy, but you can’t make good wine from bad grapes), pulled one over me and dumped me, because I ran into a guy who strangely happened to be her ex-boyfriend, with whom she was still fucking and told me she had not contacted since their breakup. (Obviously, you were dating a woman who was a total fucking liar. She should be a fuck buddy or friends with benefits. She’s not relationship material. But again, you were projecting your fantasy, ignoring the fact that the woman was placing zero value on loyalty to you.)She acted just like you said and sabotaged the relationship when she realized that her trickery, which she pulled over the ex and myself, was about to blow up in her face. (If you know my book backwards and forwards, this won’t happen, because you can spot these kinds of people just like that.) She then proceeded to go after my best friend relentlessly. She had said my friend was a short, unattractive dude and that she could never see herself with a man like him! Ah! The trickery! She was a devious woman, who lied incessantly and did not have sex with me, because she was insecure of her unshaven vagina. The ex was draining all of her life with his cock. Being an inexperienced virgin, and that she was the hottest, most awesome woman I had ever attracted, I believed her! (Always look at what somebody does, not what they say.) Following that, I sought out an answer to a statement she gave me, after she created an argument, just prior to dumping me: “I need space.” I Googled that term on Google search, and landed on your video, “She Says She Needs Space.” Your hilariously honest and kindly enthusiastic approach really resonated with me, and I decided to see what you were all about! From there, I read your book 4 times and managed to move on from that girl. At my friend’s birthday party, there was a smoking hot blonde girl, whom my friend and I decided that he would be sleeping with, since it was his birthday. Little did I know that she had ulterior motives of her own. I was being my goofy, wild self, breaking my slick dance moves and just being the life of the party… SOBER! She was blown away by this, and when my friend proceeded to make his move, she rejected him, because she wanted to have a taste of my beautiful testicles in her mouth! Using your one step forward, two steps back method, I managed to have her beg me to fuck her, on the bathroom floor, to which I obliged and pounded away with the force of 1,000 sexually repressed North Korean teenagers. Before entering her, I saw your face and you telling me good job, no Homo! I had lost my virginity… a deed that had been so elusive to me up until then! (That’s awesome dude. I’m so proud of you.)
Today, I have women hitting me up everywhere, have a great job that I love, have a great body, more money that I ever had and I love myself unconditionally. I no longer fuss about women who aren’t into me and genuinely feel sorry that they were blind enough not to see my awesomeness! (Guys like you are really rare, and women really appreciate when they come across a guy who’s a 3% man.) I cannot thank you enough for all that you have done for me. I will skip all the make outs, invitations for hookups, constant hitting on me that I encounter in my everyday life. I have attached a picture of myself, my new car and a big thank you for all that you have done for me. I still watch your videos daily and aim at 20 reads prior to year’s end. I have an abundance of women and feel like the man I have always wanted to be: James Bond. (From the pictures you sent, it looks like you are living the dream. I’m fucking proud of you dude. Great job.) I get complimented on my walk, straight back and tilted head, which I have fashioned after yourself, Denzel Washington, Idris Elba and my father. My clothing style, which is a representation of myself, makes women drool, due to its distinctive flavor, which has an “I don’t give a fuck attitude,” and most of all… I don’t even contact these women at ALL! (Just as I discussed in my article and video, “10 Reasons Why Women Chase More,” if you do the things in my book, you don’t have to worry. Women never dump guys that they’re chasing. If a woman is chasing and pursuing you, it means she’s really happy and she really loves being with you, and that’s her reward for you treating her properly. She knows she has a real man.) They message me after the very first dates and tell me that there is something about me that is extremely alluring… that confidence and centeredness. (That’s because it’s really rare. When a woman finds a guy that follows what I teach, she’ll be all over your ass. She won’t let you go.)
I owe you so much Coach and am privileged to have crossed paths with you! I told my friends about you; however, they have yet to read your book and wonder why they continuously struggle to have choices with women. (People won’t change their belief system until they hit a wall metaphorically. Unless guys are in pain or going through a difficult time, they’re just not going to be open to learning these things.) These friends have the biggest excuses, such as they are pursuing their passions, which is amazing, yet they cannot make time to read a small book such as yours and reap the rewards! (One of the biggest excuses people have is always, “I don’t have the time.” They have their reasons ready to go. Just live and be a great example) I love them to death, but I no longer can care for their success to the point that I did, because this care became a nuisance to my peace of mind. (You shouldn’t care about someone’s success more than they do.) They are smart guys, and they will wise up sooner or later. (Some of them won’t. Some of them will settle and be miserable their whole lives.)To all the skeptics, Corey Wayne is the truth, and follow what he teaches you. It costs you nothing and gives you everything! I will be making a bigass fucking donation, (Donations are always appreciated), whenever convenience permits, and want you to know that you have served as a surrogate father to me, as my own father has been living across the world for the last 11 years. (I am honored that you would think of me that way.) There are no excuses guys, I am a dark skinned black male, with an accent from Africa, and I think I am the best thing since slice bread: Women treat me accordingly. (Well obviously dude, because you’re a fucking 3% man. Good job. I’m proud of you.)
Peace and Blessings,
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“Leaders, and those who are actually doing things that others only dream or talk about, get attacked and questioned by those who are fearful and too weak to live their lives with the same kind of resolve, determination and confidence that winners do. Success and your happiness is a direct result of taking action to get what you want, and then letting go of any attachment you have to the way you think things should turn out. Mastering the art of letting go is essential to happiness, leadership and staying in the present moment. It’s being okay with any and all outcomes. Success is never a straight line to your destination. There will always be obstacles, setbacks and failures that must be transcended and learned from in order to accomplish your grandest goals and dreams. Getting to your destination is glorious and rewarding, but learning to enjoy the journey and accept your present reality is what makes sustained fulfillment and happiness a possibility. Why? If you’re only focused on the destination, happiness and fulfillment will only be temporary.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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