How focusing on your purpose as your primary objective enables you to own your time and live life on your terms.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a viewer who shares some success stories of how focusing on his purpose and mission in life is bringing unexpected career advancement opportunities his way, and how being direct and decisive in his personal life is causing high quality women to appreciate and value his time and presence.
Like all great email success stories I get, he says he has now read my first book, “How To Be A 3% Man,” sixteen times so far. He does a good job of explaining how success in his career is spilling over into his personal life as well. Even his friends and peer group notice the radical changes for the better he has made in the past year. My comments are in (bold parenthesis like this below) in the body of his email.
Hey Coach,
I wrote you a few weeks back, but I know how busy you are! No sweat, just felt the need to share yet another success story with you in hopes that this inspires others who follow your work to keep plugging. You rock!
(Thanks for sharing. I always like great success stories so people can tell me exactly what they’re using from the book and from the videos, and how it’s changing and impacting their lives, because there’s going to be somebody that’s watching on video or listening to the podcast version, and they’re going through a difficult time, full of doubts, full of fear and they’re wondering if success is in the cards for them. Then they’re going to hear your success story, and that’s going to give them the hope to keep plugging along, keep grinding, inch by inch, millimeter by millimeter towards what they want.)
Over the past couple months, I’ve seen a complete shift in my attitude, actions, and as a result, my life circumstances.

(This is a key point from my first book, “How To Be A 3% Man.” There’s a lot in there about dating, pickup and relationship skills, but it really teaches you how to be a man and what masculine energy is all about. By focusing on your purpose and mission in life, that embodies what masculine energy is. And that’s what women like about us guys, is that we’re driven, we’re motivated, we know what we want and we know why we want it, and we’re going to make it happen one way or another.
Hopefully, they want to come along and join our fun bus, but if they don’t that’s okay too, because no matter what, we’re still moving towards our purpose in life. That’s what masculine energy is. It’s constantly moving in that direction, striving to achieve, overcoming challenges, breaking through barriers, and finding a way when no way looks possible. You keep grinding forward, day in and day out, because not matter what, the time is going to pass no matter what you do. You can choose to be a lazy-ass, or you can choose to get up off your ass and do something.
The bottom line is, big things have little beginnings. The little actions you take today, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year incrementally add up and ultimately get you to where you want to be, even though life tends to move at a snails pace. The reality is, we’re surrounded by people who have already given up, and they’re looking for other people to give up just like they have, because that’s kind of like a salve for their wounds. It’s on all of us individually to keep grinding forward when the people around us are telling us our ideas are stupid or “that’s never going to work out.”)
It’s amazing what a little perspective can do. I listen to your video audio in podcast form every day at work, and I literally consume everything you put out. I’ve read 3% Man now 16 times,
(All the best success stories come from people that read the book 10-15-20 times. People that struggle, who have barely been through the book twice, wonder why they’re struggling when they’re cherry-picking from the videos. That’s a half-ass effort. That’s somebody that’s not serious about their success and will make more excuses than they are taking actions. Then they wonder why their lives aren’t any better than they are. You have to do the work. There’s no getting out of it),
and am on my 3rd read of “Mastering Yourself!”
(My second book, “Mastering Yourself,” is more about aligning your life with your true calling, figuring out your purpose and mission in life. I go through all the things I do health-wise that keep me young and vital and looking good. It includes all the best mindset strategies I’ve learned, time management and a lot of business and marketing stuff. A lot of what I typically discuss with coaching clients in phone sessions I’ve put it in book format.)
I’d like to highlight 2 main areas in this email, the first being my social/relationship wins, and the 2nd being my career wins. I have a ton of momentum, and I owe it all to your work. My friends remark to me every day how energetic and happy I seem, they tell me I “ooze positivity,” and that my vibe portrays utter fearlessness.
(When you’re too busy taking action, you’re not going to be worried about what may or may not happen. You’re being productive in that moment. That’s why the fear tends to subside. But if you’re sitting around doing nothing and worrying about what may or may not happen in the future, you’re out of the present moment. As Dale Carnegie said, “Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds courage and confidence.”
You have to move. You have to take action. If you’re scared and you’re worried about the future, do something to feel better, even if it’s getting up off your ass and going to the gym to work out or making some healthy green juice. Do something that’s going to make your life better, something that’s going to improve your health and improve the quality of your life.)
I’ve been dating multiple, high quality women at the same time, and continue to push the bar on the type of women I want in my life. They all tell me they love how easy I make it to get together, hang out, and have fun.
(As the formula goes, hang out, have fun and hook up. The men need to be direct, decisive and get right to the point when it comes to dating, and talking to women like that. That communicates masculine energy.)
They comment on my “decisiveness,” and how they admire that I know exactly what I want. I don’t chase, over-pursue, and I only use the phone to set dates. I approach women without fear, and have started making dates on the spot in person!
(You’re giving these women you don’t know the gift of you, of your time. They see a lot of guys who have interest but never make the approach. Even if you get rejected, you win, because you took action. And the reality is, it’s a numbers game. Most women you’re going to approach, they’re not going to like you, they’re going to be married, they’re going to have boyfriends or they’re just simply not going to be interested, and that’s okay. You have to at least show up as a man. When you see somebody that knocks your socks off or lights your soul on fire, you’ve got to take action, because even if you go down in flames, at least you know.)
A year ago, this was unfathomable. Just this morning I saw a 10 on the bus to work. I approached her, created some light rapport, and went for the kill. I told her “I couldn’t help myself but tell you how unbelievably drawn to you I am.”

(That’s pretty authentic and real, and she’s obviously going to appreciate that.)
She responded positively, and even though she turned me down, (she claimed to have a boyfriend), she told me she thought I was really handsome, and that she appreciated how direct I was.
(In other words you weren’t creepy, going up to her and trying to talk about something totally unrelated. Women know when you make eye contact and come over that you’re coming over because you’re interested. If you beat around the bush, it shows a lack of confidence in yourself as if you’re working up the nerve in the conversation to tell her the reason why you walked up.)
She told me she’d “see me around some time” with a smile, and I said “you absolutely will,” giving her a wink and walked away. I felt incredible, and even though I didn’t get the date, every “loss” to me is a win.
(Yeah, because she got approached by a real fucking man for a change, and even though she was taken, you weren’t creepy or weird. You went up there apologetically and told her what you thought and what she made you feel, and you were respectful.)
In my career, I’m making moves to get to where I want to be! I work in tech sales, and even just a few months out of a school, they’re allowing me to interview for another position at my current company that I’m much more passionate about. They’re bending the rules for me,
(This is what happens when you’re in your masculine energy. People want to help you),
because they said “you’ve made a conscious effort to express what you want, and it’s clear you’re following your heart.”
(In other words, they recognized your passion and determination, and to reward you for that, they’re willing to bend the rules for you because you earned it. You deserved it.)
I’m ecstatic. Life right now is incredible, and while nothing is guaranteed, I feel a tremendous amount of gratitude for my situation. I love myself, and I live it every day.
To those who’ve fallen off the horse, get back on. Half the battle is showing up, (you said that in a podcast I listened to this morning, ha-ha),
(I think it was Woody Allen that said, “Eighty percent of success is simply showing up.” The reality is, if you’re watching this video right now, you’re way ahead of 97% of the other people who won’t even do that. They’re not even at the starting line. They aren’t willing to do anything to help themselves),
and as men we owe ourselves at least that much. Feel free to use this in a video if you want, I want others to know how important it is to own your purpose and own who you are. I’ll be writing you again in the future.
Thanks Coach,
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How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“Taking action towards what you want in life is the best way to reduce your fear of the future and what may or may not go your way. Your life and destiny is shaped by the decisions you make and the actions you take, or fail to take. Time is going to pass no matter what you do or fail to do. Life evolves and changes for the better incrementally and usually much slower than you expect. Unsuccessful people give up and stop trying when their life does not radically change for the better in an unreasonably short period of time. Successful people think in terms of decades and take action even though success seems far off or unrealistic. Taking action that is productive makes you feel good and gives you hope of a positive future outcome.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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