How to easily and effortlessly create seduction success stories by meeting and seducing the kind of women you’ve always wanted.
In this video-coaching newsletter, I discuss two email success stories from a viewer who shares how he easily and effortlessly met and seduced two different women by applying what my book teaches, and what he learned in my YouTube video, “Body Language That Attracts Women.” He’s doing pretty well considering he only read my book twice so far.
He details what he did and said to meet and seduce these women the first time he met them. It’s a great success story of how the best way to meet and seduce women is by enjoying your life, being prepared and successfully executing the principles taught in my book when a great woman unexpectedly shows up in your life. My comments are in (bold parenthesis like this below) in the body of his email.
Hey Coach,
I’m emailing you to give you praise for what you do. Your videos and book have been a great help. I am on my third read, and I would like to share two of my favorite success stories, which are in thanks to what you preach in your book and videos.
Recently, I was at a club. I followed your advice from one of your body language videos.
(That would have been “Body Language That Attracts Women,” and he probably also read, “How To Get Women To Approach You First.” Those two kind of go hand in hand. )
I stood with my chest out and my chin up. I didn’t have my beer in front of my chest like most guys. I girl walked by and intentionally rubbed my arms and she looked at me as if to say, “That wasn’t an accident.” I didn’t follow her, instead, I walked around the club, and when I happened upon her table she invited me over. I didn’t go to her, but I told her to come to me so we could dance.

(Pretty cocky and pretty confident. Obviously this girl likes you, and you’re different. You’re giving off a completely different vibe, because most guys that are hungry and are trying to meet somebody have got a different vibe about them, but you’re just enjoying your life, hanging out with your friends. You were standing with the physiology of somebody who was the captain of the football team, somebody who’s very happy, very successful and very content. Women can pick up on that, because you give out the vibe you already have enough of everything you’re looking for.When women are surrounded by a sea of men that are desperate, that are hungry, that have a scarcity mindset, and there’s some guys in there that are just having a good time, maybe they are married or have girlfriends, women who are attractive and have a lot of choices with guys will be looking for the guys that act like men.
When women see a guy that seems to be as if he’s in his own little world with his friends, they’re going to typically go and get the attention of those guys. That’s why you don’t have to work for it. And that’s why I place such a big emphasis on creating a great life and lifestyle for you. People that like the same things tend to like each other.
If you get up and spend seven days a week involved in the activities you love doing the most, you’re going to feel like you’re doing what you were put on this earth to do. And if you’re doing what you were put on this earth to do, you’re going to be happy. The happier you are, the more you’ll smile, and the more you smile, the more attractive you’re going to be. Being successful with members of the opposite sex is really a reflection of, are you happy in your life? Do you enjoy your life?)
We talked for a good bit and had some drinks, then she invited me back to her place.

(You gave off a completely different vibe, she was obviously open to meeting somebody, but she was out having a good time with her girlfriends, and you happened to click. Attraction’s not a choice, and the difference is, you didn’t talk her out of it.)This next story happened yesterday. I was on a river trekking tour, and I noticed this girl staring at me.
(You didn’t have to do anything. You were just doing something you enjoy, and when you enjoy the things you’re doing, you’re going to meet other like-minded people that enjoy the same things. You’re going to have a lot to talk about already. That makes conversation very easy, and it flows.)
She is very attractive, and I could tell she thought the same about me. During the trek, I placed myself in her orbit, then she started talking to me.
(She’s opening the door, inviting you right in.)
The trek took us five hours to complete, and we talked the whole way. I let her do most of the talking, and I kept our conversations funny and playful.
(That’s right out of “How To Win Friends & Influence People.” It creates rapport when you take a sincere interest in other people.)
On the way back to our city, I didn’t sit with her, as I wanted her to ponder our day together and to have a moment with her friends. Once we got back, we went to a bar and had a few drinks. She told me what drew her to me was how I carry myself. She saw that I walk with confidence, and that I was not trying to impress anyone.

(You’re focused on enjoying your life. If you don’t like hanging out with yourself when you’re by yourself, you’re certainly not going to be very happy with another person. That’s why you get together with somebody, not to complete each other, but to share your completeness. So focus on taking care of you, and there’s a good chance you’ll meet someone along the way who likes the same kinds of things. )I was just a guy having fun. She also told me that she was upset I didn’t sit with her on the bus coming back.
(If we had been talking, I would have sat down with her. Obviously, if she’s in the middle of talking with her girlfriends and you’re talking to other people, then you sit down in a different place. But if you’re together, you don’t purposefully get up and go somewhere else. I wouldn’t do that.)
She said I am a mystery, as she can’t get a read on me, and she wants to know more about me.
(She’s curious. In other words, you’re not telling her your whole life story. Because she is interested, she will ask. This is the kind of thing that makes it easy to tell she’s into you.)
The bar we were at stayed open a little longer than usual for us and offered us free drinks.
(Just like the captain of the football team, you’re on your home court.)
We started to dance, and during it, she pulled me in close kissed me. Next, she invited me back to her place. We had sex that night and spent a good bit of the morning repeating the night before. She is a great girl, and we have already made plans to see each other later in the week.

(Especially if you’re dating two or three women, if you’re just starting to apply the things that are in my book, you’ve got to date around. You’ve got to see what’s out there, because the average guy never really has had an experience of what it’s like to have choice and multiple options. You’ve got to have that experience first, so you know what you’re capable of, what you can get, and you can go through the process. That way, when you meet somebody that absolutely knocks your fucking socks off, you won’t lose your shit and talk them out of liking you.)In conclusion, your advice works. It has changed my life for the better. I hope you continue what you do, and I hope men that need help will take inspiration from this.
Thank you so much, and have a great day.
(Good for you dude. Two great success stories after only reading the book twice. But again, I want to caution you, read the book 10-15 times, because this is just the beginning. This is the basic pickup and dating things that are in the book. The harder things are maintaining it later on as you start to transition from just casual dating into a relationship.
You should definitely learn the fundamentals, because I’ve done plenty of email success stories over the years from guys that started having success just like you. They read the book two or three times, figured they had it, things started going well with a particular girl, and then they never bothered learning any of the relationship stuff until they got dumped, friend-zoned or things were really rocky. So do yourself a favor, and read it 10-15 times. There are no shortcuts to success.)
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“Nothing happens by accident. We attract how we act, and we get what we focus on in life. Success in your professional life is the result of becoming a person of high value in your chosen field of expertise and life’s work. Success in your personal life is also a direct result of becoming the best version of yourself, and designing your life around your dream lifestyle, full of the kinds of people, circumstances and events you love. In order to attract the kind of personal and professional success you dream of, you must become what you want to attract.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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