Success In Life & Relationships Is A Never Ending Process

Jul 13, 2022 by Coach Corey Wayne
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Why success in life and relationships is a never ending process that requires constant effort.

In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email success story update from a viewer who has been following my work for 12 years. I answered an email of his in a previous newsletter titled, “The Balanced, Centered & Successful Man.” He says my work helped save his marriage and has helped him to continue reaching his full potential in his career.

He shares why success in life and in relationships is a never ending process that requires constant effort. My comments are in bold italics like this below in the body of his email.

Success In Life & Relationships Is A Never Ending Process

He goes through and explains how my work, especially 3% Man, helped him to save his marriage and how it’s helped him. And I would imagine probably Mastering Yourself and the other things he’s learned, because he’s been an avid student for a long time. It has helped him to excel in his career, and he’s also teaching the things he’s learned from me to his kids.

So, for those of you that are struggling or having a hard time, or maybe today is just one of those difficult days that you’re just thinking, “Man, I wish I could be somebody else today,” it just goes to show that there is light at the end of the tunnel. You’ve got to put your head down, you’ve got to keep grinding, you’ve got to keep moving forward, even when you don’t feel like it. Because success is a process, so commit to the process of improving yourself and improving your life, and trying to get a little better each and every day, and just be consistent over time.

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Like Jocko Willink says, I love the phrase, “Discipline equals freedom.” Because it’s true. You have to discipline yourself in every aspect of your life that’s important to you, even when you don’t feel like it. You’ve got to take action to move yourself forward, even if it’s incrementally. Success is making progress, after all. And if you feel like you’re making progress in your life, if you see things slowly changing for the better, that’s what’s going to make you feel happy and fulfilled. You feel like, “Man, I’m finally getting somewhere. It’s slow, but in a few years time or another decade or so, things are going to really be awesome.” Because all great things take time.

Viewer’s Email:


I am sure this email finds you doing well! I just wanted to send an update on the continual success I am having since coming across your work. I started to follow you in 2011 and still do so to this day, (12 years and counting). 

Thank you. You know, I really appreciate you sticking around all of this time.

You even used one of my emails as a video, “The Balanced, Centered & Successful Man.”  We also did coaching, which was most helpful!

Since we last spoke, more amazing things have happened and continue to happen. Much of which is a result from feeding on what you teach. I have moved into a very senior level leadership position with an international company. This allows me to keep living my purpose each day. It pays me a lot to do what I love, and what I would even do for free!

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Someone once said, “Choose a job you love, and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.” And the founder of Marvel Comics, Stan Lee, said, “When you work at something you love and you enjoy, and it’s fun, work is like playing, it doesn’t seem like work.” It’s so true.

I also moved heavily into investing as a side gig and am doing great there as well, (even helping others as a way to give back). These simply emphasize what can happen when you live from your mission/purpose. My marriage, which you helped to save, has just hit the 25-year mark.

Damn, that’s a long time. Congratulations, dude.

And I also use your content to educate my kids, (18 and 9… one boy and one girl), on the relationship dynamics and success principles you teach. I also have integrated many of the same principles into the work I do and see significant results for others, in addition to the ones I am getting. 

My health, fitness, spirituality, and social life are also great, and I am thriving at all levels, going higher and higher. The sky’s the limit. Despite this success, I wanted to pass on to your listeners that self-development and mastering your content is a never ending process.

Yeah, no matter how big that mountain is, when you climb it and you get to the top, you realize, damn, there’s an even bigger mountain off in the distance. And I remember – for those of you that have read “Mastering Yourself” – when I was like 31, 32 years old, I literally was living the life that I had dreamed of from the time I was 17 or 18 years old.

When I got to that point in my life, at 31, 32, I literally had everything that I ever wanted. Part of me was like, “This is it? Is this is all there is?” It’s in that space of emptiness that a new desire pops up, or you see, “Wow, there’s actually a bigger mountain off in the distance there. I think I’m going to go climb that.” And you come up with new goals, new things you want to conquer and overcome or become.

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I still read your book, (on copy #4, as I keep wearing them out), and listen to your videos every day, (download them onto my phone so I grab them in the car, working out, in the airport, etc.). 

See, this is a committed student. And I say this all the time. Constantly, when I’m doing phone sessions with guys, I say the same thing, “How many times have you read the book?” “You’ve been following me for five years, and how many times have you read the book?” “Oh, I went through two or three times, four years ago.” It’s like, “And you wonder why you struggle.”

And you see this guy here, he’s constantly going back and reading the book. It’s just like the analogy I use with Tom Brady. When the NFL season starts, he’s going through the playbook, going through the plays, even though a lot of the plays, he’s been running them for 20 years. He’s still going through it, he’s still studying, trying to get better. Because you’ve constantly got new players. You’re trying to pit your players’ strengths against the other team’s weaknesses. So, it requires constant attention, constant effort, because if you don’t, you’re going get your ass kicked, basically.

I don’t feed like this on your content alone, as I follow different people depending on their areas of expertise, but you are in there with ‘the greats.’ The point is that the learning never stops, and if anyone is serious, they must immerse themselves in the information. 

Yeah, you’ve got to be a lifelong student, and you should always be learning from other people. I’m constantly learning, myself. I just did a podcast recently with Jon Dufresne of, and even though Jon is one of the best shooters and trainers of pistol and rifle in the whole southeastern United States, he was telling us in the podcast, he’s taken something like 18 different classes from different instructors just in the past year alone. So, it’s not like he’s like, “Hey, I’m the best. That’s it. Let me stop there.” He exposed himself to other people.

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Once in a while just doesn’t cut it. It must be part of your lifestyle, (value yourself enough to give up who you are today for who you want to become tomorrow). It’s a crock pot process and not a microwave.

Yeah, microwaves are quick and dirty. The Crock-pot, you can let things sit for a while. Crock-pots make great chili, by the way, for those of you that like chili. And it’s a great date idea, as well.

Each day, I look forward to whatever new info you come out with and find new truths and ways to apply them all the time. I also refer you/your work to others often in hopes they will grab this wisdom.

As I said before, thanks for who you are and all you do. I will keep sending updates as they come. And anyone who may read or see this, I strongly urge you to follow Corey’s game plan, as it works.  And this is coming from someone who used it to rise from the ashes to higher levels than he thought possible and who keeps rising higher.

Thanks again Corey. Keep killin’ it!


Well, thanks for that recent update. Twelve years, that’s a long time to follow somebody. But I think it’s great. I appreciate it. It’s like somebody like Tony Robbins. I still check in with him. I still see what he’s up to, what new things he’s teaching, what things he’s learned, because he’s a voracious reader and learner. And that’s one of things I admire about him. He didn’t stop once he learned all the stuff he learned when he was 18-20 years old. It’s constant – constant refinement, constant improvement, constant trying to get better.

That’s why videos like this, coupled with the books are constant. It’s constant updating. You’ve constantly got people in the real world applying these things, getting experiences, getting successes, having failures. We get all of that feedback that I can, obviously, share through you with these videos over time.

So, if you’ve got a question or a challenge and you’d like to get my help, go to, click the Products tab at the top of your screen and book a coaching session with yours truly.

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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur

Published on July 13, 2022

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