Thanksgiving wishes and a great success story from a guy in London who has achieved amazing results over the last eight years since finding my work and embracing my coaching.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email success story from a guy who I had a phone coaching session with eight years ago. He originally contacted me to help get his ex back that was jerking him around. He was really struggling at the time and was in trouble with the law. He shares how amazing his life is now. He’s dating multiple women and is a very successful entrepreneur.
It’s another great success story of how radically you can change your life and destiny for the better when you embrace my work, read my books How To Be A 3% Man and Mastering Yourself, and successfully implement the timeless wisdom that they offer. My comments are in bold italics like this below in the body of his email.
What better way to ring in the holiday than to share a really good success story. Like the quotes says, life’s not all sunshine and roses. Some days you’re going to get up and you’re just going to have a bad day. Sometimes, you might have a series of bad weeks, or bad months or a bad year or two. The most important thing, and the thing that’s always helped me, is to focus on “what I have to get done today before I go to sleep?”
Even when you don’t feel like it, if you focus on taking action and what you must do today to move your life forward, as you get busy taking action, you kind of forget about what you’re worried about happening in the future. What’s happening is, when you think about the future, you worry about the future, or you worry about things that may or may not happen in the future, you’re not living in the present moment.
So, when you get busy taking action it brings you right down to the present moment and you lose yourself in taking action. And then at the end of the day, you feel good because you know you were productive. It’s so critically important to do that.

It’s just like, when you don’t feel like working out, go work out. If you feel like not eating a healthy meal and you’re like, “I’m just going to go eat some junk,” having the discipline to go, “No, I’m going to stick with the healthy meal.” Because every little choice you make moment, by moment in life determines where you end up in the future. And obviously, this guy is doing really great.
You also have to be thankful for where you are and what you have. You’re alive, you’ve got your health (hopefully), and you have time. And if you have time, you can do something to shape and change your destiny.
Viewer’s Email:
Dear Coach,
Some EIGHT!! Years ago, I reached out to you for some phone coaching as I couldn’t get over my ex-girlfriend who was being wishy-washy about getting back together after we agreed to break up over my behavior at that time. (I had some trouble with the police, and my behavior was erratic and not the centered man I now am, etc.) She would then arrange to meet up at her request and cancel and be flakey. Clearly living her best life elsewhere, which clearly devastated me at that time, but who could blame her? I was a douche and needed to change, and I did 100% thanks to yourself.
Well, you did the work, so you’ve got to give yourself credit, but I appreciate the fact that you implemented what you learned. You took action and you shaped and changed your destiny.
This nonsense I allowed to continue on for over 2 years, her being “unsure” and all the “maybe” BS we know is true. Like I say, I did make mistakes, but if someone can’t give you a second chance to show you’ve changed, you have to move on.

So, he spent two years trying to fix it, to turn things around, and it obviously didn’t work.
I’m embarrassed to have let myself get messed around like that, shocking.
Like all 3%’ers know, you’re either in or you’re out, regardless of previous mistakes on my part.
That is absolutely true, because the strongest negotiating position is being able to walk away and mean it. Whether it’s women, or a job, or a business opportunity, or even friends, you have to state what you want, and then you give the other people the time and the space to say “yes, I’m in” or “no, I’m out.” And if they’re out, they’re out, and you have to move on and let them go.
Sometimes they will come back, because the strongest negotiating position is being able to walk away and mean it, and you walk away when they are not willing to give you what you want. And as far as you’re concerned, they’re dead to you. It’s not that you’re instituting “no contact” as a technique to try to get them back. It’s, you’ve made all of the effort, you look at the playing field the way it is, they’re not willing to make a deal with you on the terms that are to your liking at this point, so therefore, you’re going to put a hundred percent of your energies and your focus into creating a new opportunity with other people.
You’re just simply going to move on, and you’re never going to look back, ever. And if that person or that party to your negotiation lets you go, then they can pound sand. It wasn’t meant to be. You’ve got to leave. It’s like the old saying, you can’t steal second base when you’re keeping your foot on first. Progress involves risk, always. And if somebody’s not willing to give you what you want or treat you the way you want, they can be in your rearview mirror permanently, until they’re completely out of sight and you just forget about them at some point in the future.

When the doors open, a woman is interested. When they slam in your face, take the hint!!!
I decided to cease contact and in the interim period invested in your books, videos and coaching. You even did a video on this about flakey fruit loop exes, “Why Is She So Flakey? I worked hard on myself and my physique and business.
Well, part of the reason why he was tortured for so long is that she kept displaying flakey behavior, and he kept trying to change it, instead of just letting her be. No one will ever do or say anything to you that you don’t invite them to do. Remember that. If somebody is jacking you around, give them the gift of missing you permanently. That means forever. It doesn’t mean for a certain period of time.
I know there are people out there that have other YouTube channels, and they say, “Oh, give them the silent treatment for thirty days. Go no contact for thirty days.” That’s a bitch-ass move. That’s a weak-ass move. And I see those people all the time, “Well, I tried this guy’s technique, and it might have been good for a week or so, but it right back to where it was.”
It’s like, you pursued somebody that has blown you off, disrespected you and has said no to giving you what you want. That puts you, from a leverage position, in a very weak position when you tell somebody, “Call me if you change your mind,” and thirty days later you reach out. That’s just weak. So you have to have the inner testicular fortitude to move on and never look back.
I now have a million-pound turnover company and have read a stack of books, (yours over 20 times, Mastering Yourself 5 times), on the power of positive thought and the law of attraction and have also dated and slept with in excess of 50 women. I love my life. I love my own time and love myself and even now live by myself in my own bachelor pad, (maybe one day like yours coach!!!).

Welcome to the 3% Club, bro.
I have lived my life following the fundamentals and values that you teach, and it has truly changed my life forever. I’m currently dating three women, all my type, (slim and petite). I know the current “woke” generation would hate that kind of talk on my part, but screw them.
Yeah, fuck them. They’re a bunch of fucking goddamn pussies. Useless.
Attraction isn’t a choice man, and you like what you like! And life is excellent.
So you can guess what has now turned up — the ex I couldn’t get over all those years ago.
Now, this is what’s very satisfying, and I got to experience this as well.
This girl isn’t even my type anymore, and I’m definitely not attracted to her. I have kept myself in good shape and look 10 years younger than I am, and sadly the opposite can’t be said for this ex. I don’t say this gloating, by the way. It’s sad to see really.
I know. Most people just don’t take care of themselves. Especially being fifty, most everybody I went to school with, who I grew up with, they just look like shit now. They’re all out of shape or gained weight. There’s only a handful of them that have taken care of themselves out of hundreds that I knew growing up. It’s so sad.
Almost a hundred percent of people get to a point where they just don’t care. They just let themselves go, and they’re just on that conveyor belt of life — one foot in the grave. That’s no way to live.

We have met up to catch up, she has professed her love for me all along, and she wanted to figure things out all those years ago. She was just too “hurt” apparently. Either way, I wish her the best and would like a friendship, as I get along fantastic with her and she is good fun, but sadly for her, I have moved on and am dating far higher quality women. That ship sailed a long time ago. FYI, she doesn’t want a friendship, as she can’t hear me talk about current dating partners, etc.
You reap what you sow in life, and it’s always nice when you have something you went through — maybe you had a bad breakup with your business partners, or a bad breakup with the ex, or you stopped hanging out with friends that were just a bunch of losers who were not going anywhere. Eventually, you get to a place where you’re doing really well, and all of those people you left behind can look at you and be jealous, because you did the work. You took care of yourself.
The fact of the matter is, and for your viewers to understand is, all the while this ex was having her “party days” or whatever, I was looking after myself, growing as a person and becoming the best version of me, and she can clearly see that and is attracted back in again.
You snooze, you lose.
So, I’d say, move on with your life. You’ll find someone better, or if an ex does come back, you have to be that better version of yourself anyway to attract them back in, which requires self-love and dedication to YOURSELF.
So fucking true.
Isn’t it funny how they always come back when you have moved on and you are a better version of yourself?

Yeah, I see women that I hooked up with when I was in my early twenties, and now they look horrible. They’re not even attractive anymore, and they were smoke shows just twenty years ago. It’s so sad, man.
So I’d say to all your viewers stuck on an ex and stuck on moving on:
Read and listen to Corey.
Hit the gym and work on yourself and your purpose in life.
Read Corey some more.
Date. Date and date some more.
Read more Corey.
Make a damn donation to Corey. He is THE DON, and he changed my outlook forever.
So, if you’re inclined to make a donation, obviously, you can go to UnderstandingRelationships.com and there’s a Donate button on the toolbar at the bottom of your screen, and it’s always appreciated.
You will move on and find better, but first you have to find a better version of YOURSELF, so work on that.
Cheers Corey. I owe you more than you’ll ever know, my man. Wishing you a great Christmas and thanksgiving from over here in London.
Well congratulations dude on all of your success. I think that’s awesome. And for all of you guys that have been with me all of these years, I appreciate the fact that you continue to come back over and over — maybe just when you need a little motivation, a little pick-me-up, or you’re having a rough day — that you’ve stuck with me all these years, and that you’re continuing to recommend “Mastering Yourself” and “How To Be A 3% Man” to your friends and telling them they can read them for free at UnderstandingRelationships.com. All you have to do is subscribe to the email newsletter.
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How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“Life really is what you make of it. Every day, you get up and you either choose to move your life forward or do nothing. While you choose to take action or not, time marches on. The amount of days you have spent on this planet grows and the amount of days you have left gets shorter. Life isn’t all sunshine and roses, but it is the summation of all of your thoughts and actions. Whatever you do or fail to do determines where you end up in the future. Choose emotionally compelling dreams and goals and seek to make it your daily discipline to try to get a little better and a little closer to becoming the person you want to be and living the life you want to live. Life is the summation of your consistent daily actions over many years and decades. Make it a masterpiece.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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