How you can master the art of being mysterious, so women feel more attraction, curiosity and interest in you.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a viewer who is new to my work. Since he has only read through my book, “How To Be A 3% Man,” one time, he’s becoming attached to some of the things he has read and is in danger of acting like a robot on his future dates.
He brings up being mysterious, how being evasive and not answering her questions will make a guy appear evasive, and like he has something to hide, instead of being charmingly mysterious. I explain the subtle nuances of making a woman work to get to know you, versus telling her everything about you, and the differences between being mysterious, charming and playful, and being evasive. My comments are in (bold parenthesis like this below) in the body of his email.
Hello Corey,
I just discovered you, I just finished you’re How To Be A 3% Man book, and I’m currently reading “Mastering Yourself.” I’m planning on cycling them and reading them again after finishing one.
I have a question that’s been on my mind since I first read your first book. Maybe I missed it in the book and need to go back and read it 10-15 times, which I will, but I would like some light on my question, so the next time I go back and read the book again, I’ll have your answer in mind.
My question is, how long or to what extent do you remain “mysterious?” In dates, or while dating, the women will ask questions in return. If you remain mysterious, not really answering and going around the question by replying playfully all the time, I’m assuming she’ll get tired of it and won’t take you seriously.

(I don’t say to do that all the time. What I say in the book is, 90% of the time, you’re a charming James Bond, and 10% of the time, you’re kind of naughty, you’re a little playful. You want to create the conditions where the woman is going to want to ask you questions. If she’s interested about you and your life, your hopes and your dreams, she’s going to want to know those things.
If she’s just out with you for a free meal, then she’s not going to ask you anything. You’ve got to get to know the person. They’re on probation as well. They should have to earn the chance to be with you as well. It shouldn’t be so one-sided where you’re just hoping they like you.
If you tell her everything about you and you’re boring, that’s just like telling the whole plot to a movie. It will turn her off. The idea is you want her to work to get to know you.
What does being mysterious look like? Maybe you can plan a date and not tell her. When are you going to call? It’s not calling on the same day every week and asking her out at the same time. If you care and you like the girl, you’re going to want to go out and do fun things. Don’t become boring and predictable. You want her to wonder about you.
By not volunteering everything, being unpredictable and having a life of your own, goals, mission, purpose, a business or career that you’re building, friends you hang out with, hobbies you have, going to the gym, taking care of yourself, being a fun, interesting guy helps enable you to appear mysterious.
It’s not about playing some fucking game with her. If you go out with her and you are evasive with every question, at some point in time she’s going to think, “Something’s weird. Something’s off with this guy.” The idea is to not be a robot, to understand the principles. Be different. Put some thought into it.
Again, you don’t do it all of the time, and the book tells you not to do it all the time. Just every once in a while, just messing with her a little bit. The whole idea is to be playful, to be fun. Don’t be such a fucking pushover.)

Further, if she stays in the relationship, she’s bound to know more about you or know you completely now, causing her to get bored since you’re not a mystery anymore. What I mean is, you can’t be mysterious forever, right?
(Well, there are things you can do to be mysterious. Think about it. The old adage from show business is, always leave them wanting more. In every television show or movie, there’s always a cliffhanger. There’s always some emotional tension that doesn’t get resolved. The only way it gets resolved is if you tune in next week or go see the sequel, so you can resolve that tension. That’s the mindset and philosophy behind this. It’s not about being evasive every time she asks you a question. The key is to be unpredictable, to be different. Don’t be just like everybody else.)
Thank you in advance, and thank you for sharing your knowledge.
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How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“Women are like cats when it comes to dating in that they tend to stick around to find out more about guys who are mysterious, unpredictable and exciting, versus guys who are an open book, boring and predictable. Being mysterious is akin to not knowing the ending to a new movie release, so you can enjoy living in the present moment and the movie as it unfolds in real time. Being boring and predictable is akin to reading and knowing all the spoilers, major plot points and the ending of the movie before going to watch it and telling everyone what you know before they see the movie. The juice of life is to be found living in the present moment, where the future is never guaranteed or certain, despite the fact human beings have a fundamental need for certainty.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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Paul N says
Hi Corey,
I am on the book for only the 4th time. I understand that when she is head over heels in love it is a different game – she wants you to receive her and hear her and for you to give her your presence. So the question is – how much mystery do you do when she is in love and seriously talking about marriage and if ifs she texting several times daily? How much mystery is needed, especially if she was cheated on by a previous husband?
Tyler says
There’s this girl I’ve been talking to for a few months who has always been slow at texting I mean days until she responds and I’ve made the mistake of coming off way to needy and basically blowing up her phone I know bad idea i
). What should I do in this situation I know most girls who are interested get back to somebody pretty quickly although she doesn’t. she seems interested when we hung out and when we talk on the phone shes a busy person in marine reserves, univ, clubs , etc Should I try and set up a date this week? She just got off spring break. Is she actually interested and should I just wait for her to get back to me. I really like this girl and don’t want to screw up any more if I still have a chance I’ll admit I got way too attached way too quick. I’m 20 years old if that helps and I guess this all started after she told me that I got brownie points for sticking around since she’s so hard to talk too. What’s the best thing I can do?
I’m a very patient person and know I have to be patient especially with women. This was after we hung out one night and got drunk and had a fun time she wasn’t on her phone at all either besides changing the music so it checks out with her saying she doesn’t check her phone often. She seemed very interested by touching me, telling me im cuter in person, things we should do etc. she’s always seemed interested but I guess I let her slow responses get to me and make me needy and always wondering if she is into me. Well anyway she told me I need to chill out on the phone and if I want her to text me I need to listen to what she says and actually follow through ( not the first time I’ve gotten a speech like this but this time I went overboard
Joe says
What do you think or should I remain mysterious around my ex. We have been separated for 5 yrs and I haven’t gotten into any new relationships. Ive been just dating and now I feel like I lost the spark of attracting new dates.? My ex has been coming around and looking tobsee what Im up to? She has been dating and doing everything possible to get my attention or jealous.. We do hook up once in awhile but I don’t feel any love. Just see her as a fuxk buddy. But she is now acting like a freak but don’t see her as girlfiend material. I don’t know how to trust her? Should I just ignore her and move on since w are not sure of the outome of getting back together..??