The Person I Used To Be

Apr 5, 2017 by Coach Corey Wayne
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How to change your life for the better, so much so, that you don’t really even remember or recognize the person you used to be.

In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss two email success stories from two different viewers. The first email is from a twenty-six year U.S. Navy Veteran. After his alpha female wife passed away in 2004 at the age of forty-two, due to cancer, his life spiraled out of control and he hit rock bottom. Last summer, he found out about my work. After deciding that he had to participate in his own rescue, he turned his life around. He’s lost 100 pounds, started applying what my book teaches and now has a dream job and life he loves. The second email success story is from a viewer who just closed a $2,000,000 business deal. He says that without what he learned from my work, he would not have been able to pull it off. He shares how my book has helped him to win at business. My comments are in (bold parenthesis like this below) in the bodies of their emails.

The Person I Used To Be

First Viewer’s Email:

Hello Corey,

I made a $100.00 donation today to thank you for your book and for inspiring me to continue to participate in my own rescue! (Thank you. I always appreciate donations.)

I purchased your book in June of 2016, have read it 17 times and also purchased your audio book on Audible, and have listened to it 10 times. I’m a retired U.S. Navy Senior Chief and combat veteran. (Thank you for your service.) I served 26 years, proud to serve and still serving as a civilian employee of the U.S. Navy, my dream job! (That’s what I think is great about what you do, because to you it’s your dream job. People that make military service their careers feel like it’s their calling. They really love it and have a passion for it.)

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After losing my beautiful alpha female wife at age 42 to cancer in 2004, (That really sucks dude. Sorry about your loss), I spiraled out of control and hit rock bottom after my retirement in 2005. (Obviously so with something like that. You lose your teammate along the way, and then you’re out of the Navy. Your whole identity is associated with being in the Navy and being in that relationship, and now all of a sudden they’re both gone. Any person in your situation would be scratching their head and asking, now what do I do with my life?)I grieved for 12 years, drowning myself in alcohol, bad relationships and just bad everything! I sought the help of professionals from the U.S. Navy and the V.A., and they got me started, but I decided that I had to participate in my own rescue by cleaning my act up, losing 100 lbs., (That’s awesome), getting back in top shape, getting hired by the U.S. Navy in a job I love, finding your book and your website, Dr. Wayne Dyer and others, and going to Network Spinal Analysis for treatments! WOW!

(For those of you who don’t know, I did an article several years ago called, “How To Become More Confident & Sure Of Your Actions,” where I talk about Network Chiropractic Care and how it can really benefit you and help you by loosening up your spine. You’re going to do your best work when you’re in a peaceful and relaxed state. When things happen to us in life, whether it’s a physical trauma or emotional trauma, and it overwhelms our nervous system, over time that tension gets turned into muscle tension in our nervous system. It starts to hunch you over and lock you into a way of seeing the world and seeing yourself, and it affects all of your relationships.

What I love about Network care is, it loosens me back up from the stresses of life. Network care was one of the most transformative things I’ve done. What it does is put you in a peaceful and relaxed state. When you’re peaceful and relaxed, you make better decisions, and the circumstances those decisions bring about tend to also be aligned with keeping you in a peaceful and relaxed state.)


* Network Chiropractic Care was founded by Dr. Donald Epstein. You can go to his website, World Wise Seminars, to learn more about his transformational practices.

* Look at my article and video, “How To Become More Confident & Sure Of Your Actions,” where I explain my experiences with Network Care in further detail.

* Visit the World Wise Seminars – Locate A Practioner page to find a list of certified network chiropractic doctors in your area. Make sure you go to a doctor who is Level III certified. They will have an asterisk (*) next to their name on the list.

The universe has brought me good things, and as I train young sailors and see them struggling with their life and relationships, I recommend your book and website to them, and every one of them has thanked me! (Thank you for referring me to your shipmates.) I tell them, don’t thank me, thank that bald-headed fucker who knows what he’s talking about, Corey Wayne!

I wish the U.S. Navy and Department of Defense would hire you! Thank you! I salute you! HOOOYAAA! (Hooyah! back to you Senior Chief. The way I look at it is that I’m helping from the bottom up. I’ve talked to so many people over the years in every branch of service, and every alphabet agency that you can think of, so I’m helping just the average person to be better in their own life, because what they learn from me, they can take that to their organization, take those skills, those gifts and those talents, and help improve everyone around them like you’re doing with the guys you get to mentor, train and teach in the Navy. And again, thank you for your continued service to this great nation of ours.)



Second Viewer’s Email:


Since the path started here, (I responded to this guy’s original email in my article and video, “I Feel Numb All The Time”), I feel compelled to make you privy to the fact I just closed a deal selling a product/idea to a major greeting card company for over two million dollars. I’m not sure I would have acquired the focus or self-confidence to pursue the project like I did if I hadn’t found your work.

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As for women, I’m borderline worshipped by an insanely beautiful PhD candidate with an ass so perfect, it could inspire the formation of a brand new religion.My life and identity have changed in so many ways, I find it difficult to even relate to the person I used to be.

Thank you again, and may you continue bringing light to those who’ve become lost in the dark. (A big part of what I teach are negotiation skills. As I talk about in my book, you will become more successful with women, especially if you struggled getting the quality of woman you wanted or having the kind of relationship you wanted. Instead of relationships bringing you stress, you’re going to feel happier. You’re going to feel more confident. You’re going to be willing to take more risks and as a man, and you’re going to want to expand.

And when you’re comfortable negotiating for what you want in your personal relationships, it becomes a thousand times easier, when it comes to business, to negotiate on your behalf. If somebody is trying to get you to accept terms you know are less than what they are worth, you have an amazing woman who has given herself to you freely and you feel like you have the best in your personal life, you certainly aren’t going to settle for second best in your business life.)


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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur

“Confidence comes from practicing and doing things you enjoy. Repetition is the mother of skill. When you do something over and over again and constantly learn about it to enhance your knowledge and to gain an edge, eventually you will become exceptional at it. Exceptional passion for something makes it hard for others to take their eyes off of what you do or to ignore you, because you are so noticeably better at it than most are. We only work hardest at things we love and enjoy. Spend your time developing your talent, skills and routines around a life’s work and mission that is emotionally compelling, makes you feel alive and like you are doing what you were put on this earth to do.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne

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Published on April 5, 2017

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How To Be A 3% Man

Mastering Yourself

Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations

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