The importance of figuring out what’s really important to you and building your life around your answer, so you can reach your full potential.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a viewer who majored in political science in college. He says he has been neglecting his own personal growth and development. He shares how my book has influenced him to look beyond success with women and start focusing on his career, mission and purpose in life. He says he is really interested in investments and sales, but his degree places him out of the realm of possibilities in the financial sector. What’s interesting is, Gallup polling shows only about 13% of employees are excited about their jobs. He wants to know what he should focus on, or what he should do, so he can somehow transition out of where he is right now, to where he wants to be in the future. He has been going on interviews, but he’s not getting any job offers. He feels like he is stagnating in his career, which is obviously going to have a negative effect on his ability to be successful with women. My comments are in (bold parenthesis like this below) in the body of his email.
Hello Coach Corey Wayne,
First, I would like to thank you for writing such an excellent book, and I will be donating after this post. (Donations are always appreciated.) I am a 26-year-old college grad, and after reading your book, it has led me to look beyond just women. (I talk about that in my book. Once your personal life becomes great and you date the kind of people you’ve always wanted, you start to notice other areas of your life you would like to improve.) What I’ve taken away from your book wasn’t just relationship advice, but finding who you are and building towards that goal, which in time will lead to your career and your destiny in life.
Unfortunately, I’ve been pursuing women and neglecting my own development as a person. (When I wasn’t happy in my work, I knew I couldn’t stay there. I needed a new challenge. If you’re in the process of looking for a new job, take a look at my article and video, “How To Get Any Job You Want.” But remember, if you want a better job, you have to be excited about the opportunity. You should be asking questions about the company and the job.) I’ve been stagnating in my pursuit of career path and feel unsatisfied with where I am. I’ve been applying to various jobs, but to no avail, due to my limited experience. (That’s your belief, that you have limited experience. However the problem is, you’re just not passionate enough about the opportunities, and you’re not asking the right questions. You’re coming from the perspective of a dude who’s just looking for a paycheck, instead of someone who is looking for the best opportunity.) In the past, I’ve never taken the initiative to volunteer, intern, or attend seminars or networking events. (You’re going to grow the most where you’re most uncomfortable. If those are things you’re considering, you need to do it.)
As a 26 year old with a Bachelor’s degree, how can I go about finding a career that will help me find my passion? I’ve become very interested in investments and sales. (If I was doing phone coaching with you, I would ask you, on a scale of one to ten, how emotionally compelling is investments and sales? If it’s not a ten, then what would a ten be? The more your you’re doing things you love and are most passionate about in your work, day in and day out, the happier you’ll be, the harder you’ll work, the more value you’ll add and the better employee you’ll become.) I have a degree in Political Science, which is out of the realm of those areas. Any advice as to how I can make that transition? (The first thing you should do is get your own unique driving force needs written down. Do research on those areas, then decide if you need to go back to school or begin interviewing for jobs. When you love what you do, your enthusiasm shows. Repetition is the mother of skill. If you love doing something, and you do it over and over again, you’ll become really good at it.)
Lost in Transition
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“Life is a never-ending process of inventing and re-inventing who you really are and building your life around your grandest goals and dreams. You will work the hardest at things you truly love and enjoy. When you do things you love and enjoy, they seem like playing instead of work. Playing and having fun at what you do makes you become really great at it over time. Becoming great at something enables you to add maximum value, maximize your time and maximize your income earning potential when you find a way to monetize your passions through a career or business. It’s a thousand times easier to convince someone to hire you when you have little to no experience, if you are excited about their opportunity, instead of simply looking for a paycheck.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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