34 principles of high achievement that you can use to stay focused, taking action and making small and incremental progress towards achieving your grandest goals and dreams.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss a list of thirty-four principles of high achievement. As I have discussed in many of my previous video newsletters, you should think in terms of decades when it comes to timelines, instead of years, to achieve your goals.
We’re all surrounded by people who tend to major in minor things, and who have given up on their own dreams and goals and seek to diminish others to justify their choices. When they encounter people who have not given up like they have, they often will try to discourage your goals and dreams to make them feel better about their lack of success and the fact they have given up and resigned themselves to live lives of mediocrity.
These mindsets, techniques and disciplines can be the difference that makes the difference to help you get from where you are right now to where you want to be.
1. What do you want? You’ve got to figure out what it is you want before you start your journey. What’s your vision for your life? Who do you want to become?
2. Why do you want it? It’s nice to say, “I want the woman of my dreams,” but why do you want it? You need to have an emotionally compelling reason for why you want what you want, because succeeding takes long time, there will be lots of challenges and obstacles thrown your way, and you have to stay motivated. If you have an emotionally compelling reason, on a scale of 1-10, it’s got to be a 10.
3. What is your grand vision for your life, who do you want to become and what do you want to experience? Money doesn’t make you happy, but it gives you choices. It gives you the ability to spend your life in the way you want and have the kind of material things that you want in your life.
4. What is your plan of action? You have to come up with some kind of plan that you’re going to execute. Maybe it involves going to college. Maybe you want to start a business. Well, instead of going out and reinventing the wheel, you want to go find someone you can go work for or get mentored by that’s already succeeded at the highest level, and model their success.
5. How do you respond to failure and setbacks? Remember, people will do more to avoid pain than they will to gain pleasure. Our natural instincts are to move away from pain and towards what feels safe, but in order to reach your full potential, you’ve got to step outside of your comfort zone. You’re going to have to do things that feel awkward and scary. It takes a lot of self-confidence. You’ve got to become comfortable with recognizing that failure is just going to be a part of life. If you’re going to be successful with women, you’re going to have to interact with a lot of them. Then you’re going to have to practice being good at the dating process, having fun and creating an opportunity for sex to happen. The same thing goes for business. If you’re going to start a business, you’ve got to learn how a business is run, how it makes a profit, how it’s managed, what the value proposition is and why customers will come in and give you money for your products or services. Nobody’s born an expert. Everybody starts out a novice. We all have the same amount of hours in the day. How are you going to spend those hours? Most people tend to major in minor things, and most of their time is spent being busy and doing lots of stuff, but it’s not really productive time that’s going to give you the gifts, the skills and help you develop the talents, so you can eventually create the life and lifestyle that you want.
6. How do you deal with pain and keep moving forward?
7. Do you learn from your mistakes? I see emails all the time from people who are doing the same things over and over again, and I try to point those things out. That’s part of refining your process.
8. Are you modeling successful people to speed up your success? The best way to speed up your success and cut down your learning time frame is to model or study other people who have already succeeded at the highest level. Go find the people that are the best in the field and who have the most successful businesses, where their employees are happiest, where it’s very profitable and a very stable business, and it does well no matter what the economy or economic environment may happen to be.9. Embrace the suck. Life sucks sometimes. Accept your present reality. It’s not all sunshine and roses. Things aren’t just going to line up magically. The bottom line is, you’ve got to notice when something is working. When something is not working well, you have to look at why it’s not working and then either modify your approach or change and try something else. In any area of your life, you’re not going to be successful the first time you try something. You have to learn from your failures, and you have to continue to adapt your approach, because the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Most people give up. That’s why they stay in a shitty job, stay in a shitty relationship or stay in business with people who are assholes and they don’t get along with. They’re too afraid to go and do the things they want because of the potential pain they think they may experience. Challenges and failures are what really help you grow more than anything. Success is really not a great teacher. Failure and overcoming challenges is what builds your confidence. That’s what makes you resilient. When you have a really strong, emotionally compelling reason why you want to do what you’re doing, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, if you’re really not committed, as soon as things become tough or difficult or doesn’t look like it’s going to work out, you’ll give up, settle and do what’s easy.
10. Think in terms of decades, not years. Great things take decades. We all know about the successes when people succeed, but people don’t tend to see the work that was put into it. As Tony Robbins says, “Success leaves clues.” When you study enough success stories, and you’ve succeeded at several things in your life as well, you’ll learn to recognize, it takes at least a decade to really get it going well. Another one of the things Tony Robbins says is, “We tend to overestimate what we can do in a year, but we tend to underestimate what we can accomplish in a decade.”
11. Willpower gets you through moments of fear and hopelessness. It’s easy to have a lot of enthusiasm in the beginning, but as you start to run into challenges and obstacles and the years roll by, and you’re still not where you want to be, a lot of times it will feel like you’re never going to get there. In those moments, you’ve got to bring yourself back to the present moment an focus on, “What do I need to do right now? What little goal can I accomplish right now or by the end of today that can get me a little bit closer to where I want to be?”
12. Success and happiness comes from making progress. Look for signs of progress. In other words, what can I be grateful for? It’s important to be able to see you are making incremental progress. Each failure brings you closer to success. Failure is a process of elimination. Eventually you’re going to get there.
13. What are you grateful for? Find reasons to be grateful. When you ask yourself, what do I have to be grateful for, it causes your brain to focus on finding reasons. If you’re asking yourself disempowering questions like, why does this always happen to me, your brain is going to give you answers that justify your model of the world. When you’re feeling crappy, the best thing you can do is ask yourself, “What do I have to be grateful for?” If you can answer, “I’m healthy, and I still have breath in my lungs,” that means you still have time to work at making my life better.
14. Find the gift in every experience, good and bad. In other words, what’s good about this? What can I learn from this? How can this be useful to me? How can I be better the next time around?
15. Use pain and pleasure to get leverage upon yourself to take action, instead of using it as justification to do nothing. While taking calculus in college, my fear of failure and my fear of finding out that I wasn’t smart enough to pass caused me to not take any action at all. But when I broke my calculus problems down into little daily goals, and disciplined myself to do a couple of problems each day, after two or three weeks had gone by, I understood what the teacher was talking about. When I finally started doing that, I was able to get an A in calculus after I had dropped the class three times.16. Let go of your attachment to outcome. When you take action and you keep moving forward in your life, a lot of times things are not going to work out the way you expect. You’ve got to accept that that’s the way it’s supposed to be, and obviously there’s more things you have to learn, there’s more things you have to experience, or that person you hoped it would work out with, it’s just not meant to be. When we become attached to either a person or a circumstance in our life being different, or acting different than it is, we’re going to suffer because that takes us out of the present moment. When we don’t accept the present reality, we suffer.
17. Be in a state of receptivity, instead of attachment, to outcomes. Accept that whatever happens is the way it’s supposed to be, or you will suffer and inhibit your progress. In other words, be grateful for everything that happens, because as Steve Jobs said, “You can’t connect the dots looking forward. You can only connect them looking backwards.” It’s only after you’ve gotten to where you want to be, or several years down the road in your journey, that you can look back and see how everything lined up perfectly.
18. Practice radical humility. Give credit to everywhere but your ego. Let other people sing your praises. Let your work and your actions speak louder than your words.
19. Think from the end. Assume that eventually you will succeed with enough time and repetition. Take a couple of minutes every day to contemplate where you want to be and what it will be like when you get there. Imagine and visualize what kinds of people will be in your life, what your business or your career will be like, what your lifestyle will be like, what kind of peer group you’ll be surrounded by, what kinds of things you’ll be doing for fun and the people you’ll be doing it with.
20. Stay in the present moment, and focus on the process and the grind. The best athletes are really great at focusing on the process. They’re focused on their diet, their exercise program, their film study, learning the fundamentals, and they’re also focused on listening to the coaches and buying into the system that the coaches have given them to get better. The really great players out-work and out-hustle everybody else. They’re focused on reaching their full potential.
21. Weight training and cardio exercise makes you happier, healthier and more attractive. It’s an essential part of life. Your lymphatic system doesn’t have a pump to pump that fluid, so you can drain the waste in your body. It requires the expansion and contraction of our muscles. The cells in your body need oxygen, they need the proper nutrients, and they need the ability to have the waste eliminated. Otherwise, the cells start to spoil and rot, and you can see this at the cellular level if you’ve ever had dark field microscopy done. You can see your living blood under a microscope with live blood analysis through a pathologist. Working out and exercising is essential to maintaining your body. You don’t have to be as big as Arnold Schwarzenegger, but you have work out with weights, and you have to do cardio. It’s essential for detoxifying your body, eliminating waste and keeping you mentally sharp.
22. An alkaline-based diet keeps you awake, aware, alert and in a peak state physically, mentally and emotionally. I did a video a few years ago called, “How To Make Corey’s Green Juice,” and I made another one called, “How To Make The World’s Best Salad.” Those two things right there, you should look at as a supplement in your life. I went through a paradigm shift when I started juicing green vegetables. Nothing has done more for my health, the allergy problems I used to have and the skin problems I used to get than juicing vegetables and eating an alkaline-based diet.23. Get Network Chiropractic Care, (NSA). Look at my article and video, “How To Be More Confident & Sure Of Your Actions” where I talk about the benefits of Network Chiropractic care and how it keeps you in a peaceful and relaxed state. When we’re in a peaceful and relaxed state, we’re going to make our best decisions, and we’re going to be most efficient in our actions. If you’re really stressed and really fearful, the actions you’re going to take are going to be based upon fear. And the results of those actions are going to bring about more chaos, more things that are unbalanced and inefficient, which is going to continue to keep you in a fearful state.
24. Get 7-8 hours of sleep daily. Your body needs sleep. You can go for short periods of time with maybe 3 or 4 hours of sleep, but that is just not healthy.
25. Moving your body changes your emotional state. If you’re going through a difficult time, or you feel like you’ve hit the wall metaphorically, go do something and move physically. Go do some cardio exercise or just go for a walk. Get off your butt, go somewhere and move around in nature. Move your body physically, because motion changes your emotional state.
26. Be aware of your body language and physiology. I did a video several years ago called, “Body Language That Attracts Women.” All men and women should be aware of their posture. With your chest out, head back, shoulders back, and with your arms down by your side, you’re going to feel better, you’re going to look more confident, and people are going to see that alpha male or alpha female physiology. It’s the physiology of leaders. You’ll feel proud of yourself, happier and more excited about your future prospects.
27. Take time to unplug, enjoy your life and celebrate your victories. This is really important. It’s great to have a journal, where every day you take just a few minutes to write down things for which you’re grateful. You could also take yourself, or someone you care about, out to a nice lunch or dinner, and just reward yourself when you’ve been disciplined and have been busting your ass and taking action to get from where you are to where you want to be. You’ve got to celebrate your victories. You have to find a way to enjoy your journey.28. Spend time with supportive peers, friends and family. One of the things I learned from Tony Robbins many years ago is, the quality of your life is in direct proportion to the quality of the people you consistently spend your time with. And also, the quality of your life is in direct proportion to the expectations of your peer group. We become just like the five people that we spend most of our time with.
29. Make and lifelong commitment to learning and self-improvement. Tony Robbins has an acronym called, “CANI,” which stands for constant and never ending improvement. I’m always reading, I’m always learning and I’m always trying to get better. The more knowledge you have, the better you will become and the more efficient you will be.
30. You do your best work when you are relaxed. Make sure your life and your lifestyle is set up to help keep you in a peaceful and relaxed state. That’s where you’ll do your best work.
31.Pay yourself first. Your business or life will eat all your money otherwise. Your revenue must exceed your expenses. You want to take out at least 20% of your profits and put it away. You want to be saving money. You don’t want to be looking to a credit card for emergencies. When you have plenty of money in the bank, it contributes to you being in a relaxed state, but if you’re always living paycheck to paycheck, and then something happens, then you’ll be in a stressed state and you’ll be freaking out about it. And when you’re freaking out about something, your decisions tend to bring about more circumstances that contribute to you having an unbalanced life.
32. See everyone as your ally, and ask questions for help and advice, instead of ordering or complaining to get people to do what you want. Be kind and ask for help. Human beings love to be helpful.33. Big things have little beginnings. When you get to a point in your career where you’re very knowledgeable and you have a lot of experience, you still work the same amount of hours, but your compensation is going to be a lot higher because of your knowledge, your skills and the value that you can add is a lot higher. Just because you’re not where you want to be right now, you’ve got to figure it will take you at least ten years or more to get there, or maybe it takes you twenty years. But even if it takes you twenty years, isn’t it worth it to be able to come and go as you please and be able to spend your life in your own way? I mean, who wants to sit in a cubicle all day at a job you hate?
34. Feel your pain and unpleasant emotions to heal and dissolve them, so they don’t persist and hold you back. If you’re suffering, if you’re not feeling good, if you’re feeling frustrated or things feel hopeless right now in life, you’ve got to take time to be alone and to be present with those feelings without any kind of judgment, without trying to get out of them, because you’ve got to get into them before you can get out of them. What you resist will persist. So if you’re trying to avoid feeling crappy by drugs or alcohol, being busy with TV, having the radio going or doodling on your smartphone, it’s only going to get worse. But if you take time to really get into those negative emotions and feel them, you will heal them and they will dissolve. Life is not all sunshine and roses, and you have to become okay with things sucking and say, this is just part of my process, this is just part of my journey and eventually I’m going to get to where I want to be.
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“Successful people think and act differently than people who live lives of quiet desperation and mediocrity. Our brains are naturally wired to cause us to move away from fear, danger and uncertainty for survival. However, succeeding and reaching your full potential is a process that requires you to take action, in spite of your fears and doubts. Overcoming challenges, pushing past your own perceived limitations and fears, is an unavoidable necessity and prerequisite to accomplishing your grandest goals and dreams. Managing your focus, mindset, staying in the present moment, and taking consistent perpetual action over many decades is a discipline every successful person must master. If you don’t master your emotional self control, you will be mastered and dominated by your fears and never reach your full potential.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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