38 different ways you can improve your emotional health so you can improve your emotional and mental outlook on life, and quickly change your state from a negative one into a positive one to keep yourself in a peak emotional state, which will improve the overall quality of your life.
In this video-coaching newsletter, I discuss 38 different ways you can manage your emotional state. This will help you stay in a positive emotional peak state throughout your daily activities. Having good emotional health is essential to finding joy and happiness on a continual and perpetual basis in your life. The better your feel, the more attractive you will be to potential lovers, the more inclined you will be to exercise, eat healthy and generally find reasons to be excited and grateful for your life.
Everyone likes to be around positive optimistic people who are moving with a purpose. Life throws all kinds of unexpected curve balls at you when you are least expecting it, and your emotional state will always influence the meanings you give to the circumstances of your life. These methods will help you make lemonade out of lemons when life does not go like you expect, instead of letting it derail your life and your dreams.
Whatever you focus on in life is going to expand, so if you teach your brain to look for reasons to be happy, to be positive, to be optimistic, to look for the good in everything, to look for the benefit, to look for the meaning, to look at the ways you can potentially learn from what’s just happened and improve, and either not make the same mistake the next time around or get better from where you are right now, the better you get, the more value you will add in life. Remember, you don’t always get what you deserve in life, you only get what you negotiate. You should always be looking to better your situation day in and day out, because these little daily improvements have a tremendous impact on helping you get from where you are right now to where you ultimately want to be in your life down the road.1. Meditate – Do this for just 10-15 minutes a day, closing your eyes and focusing on some relaxing music or just focusing on quieting your mind and being in a peaceful space when the stresses of the day start creeping in. Focus on relaxing and emptying your mind. There are some great teachers out there on meditation. Dr. Wayne Dyer has a really good audiobook, “Meditations For Manifesting: Morning and Evening Meditations to Literally Create Your Heart’s Desire.” You’re going to do your best work when you’re peaceful and relaxed state. If you make decisions when you’re stressed out, those decisions tend to be much more inefficient and therefore, tend to bring about more chaos and being un-centered in your life.
2. Exercise with weights and cardio – The heart pumps the blood throughout our body. Our lymphatic system doesn’t have a pump. The muscles are actually the pump, so the expansion and contraction of the muscles is what moves the lymphatic fluid through the system, and ultimately drains in the colon. That’s how the body gets a lot of the toxins out, so if you’re lifting weights or doing cardio exercise, where your muscles are expanding and contracting, you’re circulating oxygen and nutrients, and you’re helping to eliminate the waste. It’s an essential function of our bodies. By facilitating that with exercise, you’re going to feel better because your cells need oxygen, they need the proper nutrients, and they need waste to be eliminated. If you’re not moving very much, that stuff’s going to tend to pool in various areas of your body, and you’re just physically not going to feel as good.
3. Eat a healthy alkaline diet – Ideally 80% of what’s on your plate should be green vegetables. You can also juice vegetables. Anything that’s really green will help balance out the metabolic acid that is produced by digesting protein, carbohydrates, sugar, alcohol or just daily stresses. It takes 80 parts alkalinity to neutralize 20 parts acid. By eating an alkaline based diet, you’ll feel a lot better. And the beauty of it is, if you go to my website, look at the Optimum Health category and read all of the articles I’ve written on health, and you just try those things, you’ll see how they physically make you feel better.
4. Detox your body twice per year – I did an article and video called, “Death Begins In The Colon,” where I talk about detoxifying your body by doing things like colonics. If you’re into colonics, they have a closed system where they put a large tube up your butt, and they have open systems, such as The Angel of Water Bed and the Libbe Bed, where you have a pen-sized tube inserted and it uses gravity to slowly gently fill your colon with water and expel it out. It really makes you feel great afterwards. I recommend the Angel of Water Colonics system.
5. Make & drink Corey’s Green Juice – Look at my article and video, “How To Make Corey’s Green Juice” where I show all of the ingredients I use to make the green juice I drink 3-4 times a day. Juicing green vegetables has been a paradigm shifter for me. The whole idea is, all of these little things keep you in a peak state.
6. Try to be healthy 80% of the time – That means getting sleep, eating an alkaline diet, juicing and exercising 80% of the time, and then blow it out on the weekends or whenever you have a day off.
7. Eat junk, drink alcohol, smoke ganja, etc., only 20% of the time max – If you’re looking at a 30-day month, you’re figuring you’ve got about 6 days a month where you can eat whatever you want. That will help you stay relatively balanced throughout the month. When you do anything to an extreme, you can get sick.
8. Network Chiropractic Care/NSA – Find a great, licensed, Level III certified network chiropractic doctor in your city or country. Network Chiropractic is also known as Network Spinal Analysis. Look at my article and video, “How To Be More Confident & Sure Of Your Actions” where I actually explain what Network Chiropractic care does for you. Network Chiropractic Care was founded by Dr. Donald Epstein. You can go to his website, World Wise Seminars, to learn more about his transformational practices. Visit the World Wise Seminars – Locate A Practioner page to find a list of certified network chiropractic doctors in your area. Make sure you go to a doctor who is Level III certified. They will have an asterisk (*) next to their name on the list. I highly recommend it. It is one of the most life-changing things I’ve ever done.
9. Spend time in nature – Go to a park, sit in a forest, sit on a beach somewhere and listen to the waves crashing on the beach. If you’re in a forest or a park, just listen to the wind blowing through the trees, watch the birds and listen to the birds. I’m talking about, ideally, where you can immerse yourself, where it’s just you and nature. It’s very peaceful and very relaxing.
10. Cultivate an attitude of gratitude. What can I be grateful for in my life right now? – In other words, focus on, what can I be grateful for in my life right now? If I ever catch myself in a negative mindset or thinking pessimistically, I ask this question. Maybe it’s just that you are healthy and alive, which means you still have time. If you’ve still got time, that means you still have time to make your life the way you want it to be. When you ask your brain for a positive answer, it fills you with positive emotions.
11. Motion & moving your body creates emotion. Use it to change your state and your vibe – If you’re having a rough day and you’re not feeling good, and you ask yourself what you have to be grateful for, and then you starting jumping up and down, as if you’re celebrating with your arms above your head, it will change your mental, emotional and physical state. I learned this from going to Tony Robbins’ events. By moving your body, creating motion, you’ll create positive emotions.
12. Always focus on looking for the positive in everything – Ask yourself, What’s good about this? What can I learn about this? How can this help me grow? How can this help me become better next time around? Ask yourself those kinds of questions, especially when shit goes sideways in your life. Always try to learn from what happens.
13. Delete negative people from your life – This is the way I run my business. My attitude is, not everybody is meant to be my client. Not everybody gets to have the privilege of being a part of my YouTube community or my Instagram or Facebook community. The way I look at it, this is like an NFL locker room. If you’re here learning from me, I want to create a nurturing, positive environment. I’m not interested in having negative people talking shit or bashing other people. Negative people are poison in your life. Misery loves company. If they can get other people to experience the same emotions they are, then they don’t feel so bad about their shitty choices. I’m all about peak performance, and it’s harder to be in a peak state when you’re tolerating negative people in your life.
14. Find & associate with positive high achieving peers – People who are positive, very successful, have money and have achieved great things in their life, have a positive, optimistic outlook in life. They will be more inclined to pat you on the back when you’re having a difficult day and give you a positive, uplifting word.
15. Commit to being a life long learner – Confucius said, “Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance.” If you’re always questioning everything, and you’re always learning, you will have different perspectives.
16. Spend time with family & friends you love – It’s very important to have people around you that are supportive, loving and accept you for who you are, without trying to change you or demanding that you need to be a different way or match some ridiculous, unreasonable expectation.
17. Work in a career or business that you love – Most of our time is going to be spent in our career or businesses, and it makes sense to make sure we’re doing something we really enjoy and love. If we can’t do what we love today, we should have a plan that we’re executing on the side to get to the place where we get to do what we really love. Don’t be satisfied with a mediocre job or a mediocre career. If it sucks and you know it sucks, you shouldn’t be getting up and going to work every day just because it pays the bills. Sometimes you will have to do that for a period of time, but if you’re not getting up excited and engaged with what you’re doing, you should have a plan that you’re executing on the side to get out of that and improve your situation. Tony Robbins has an acronym he uses called CANI, which stands for constant and never ending improvement.
18. When your internal enthusiasm is gone, it’s time to make a change – If you once really loved what you were doing, and now you hate it, it’s time to make some kind of change.
19. Stop watching the evening news – Why tune in to just hear about all of the negative things going wrong in our city? How does that add value to your life? Turn that shit off.
20. Spend more time connecting with other people vs. electronic devices – It’s nice to be interacting others without being connected electronically.
21. Have a compelling vision and mission for your life – What is your purpose? What is your mission? And do you fee like you are doing what you were put on this earth to do? Look at my article and video, “How To Find Your Purpose In Life.”
22. Success is the result of feeling like you are making progress – As long as you’re making progress, you’re getting better, you’re learning new things, you’re improving your skills and you’re getting closer and closer to accomplishing your goals, you’re going to feel like you’re making progress. And as long as you feel like you’re making progress, you’re going to feel like you’re a success. Make it easy to accomplish little daily goals, because that will make you feel like you’re successful, day in and day out. Accomplishing a big goal is really just breaking it down into little, easy to achieve daily tasks and goals.
23. Feel & be present with your pain and unpleasant emotions to heal, feel & dissolve them – It’s okay, if you’re having a shitty day, to stay home or sit in your car and scream at the top of your lungs or into your pillow and express exactly what you’re thinking and feeling that may not be very positive. When you feel all of those feelings without judgement, you experience them as a child would. They feel it, then they get over it.
24. Take risks & relentlessly practice getting better at things you presently suck at – Confidence comes from successful repetition, and repetition is the mother of skill.
25. What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? – That’s something to think about. You should definitely start moving in that direction.
26. Focus on enjoying your life, not being a slave to making money
27. Work to live. Do not live to work – It’s great that you love what you’re doing, but at the end of the day, money gives you choices so you can build a life and lifestyle you’re proud of and spend it with friends and family that you love spending it with.
28. Attend a Tony Robbins live event – Like UPW, “Unleash The Power Within,” or one of his Mastery events such as “Date With Destiny.” I also highly recommend you watch his documentary on Netflix right now called “I’m Not Your Guru,” and you can see what people at “Date With Destiny” experience. If you like a live experience, like a rockstar concert experience, he is absolutely the best in the world at it. I highly recommend any of his events.
29. Your revenues must exceed your expenses – Live within your means.
30. Savings are for emergencies, not credit cards – You should have money in the bank for emergencies instead of perpetuating the mentality of going into debt when shit hits the fan.
31. Use money to make money while you sleep. i.e. stocks, bonds, real estate, investments, buy low sell high, businesses, etc. – When you start to make more money and accumulate wealth, the idea is to put it to work for you to earn more money. Invest in something you’re excited about.
32. A goal without a plan is simply a wish – Come up with a plan that you can execute to accomplish your goals and dreams.
33. You must take action to make things happen – You can’t leave that step out. As the Buddha said, “Faith without action is meaningless.”
34. Become what you want to attract Become the kind of person that you want to attract.
35. Focus more on listening & asking questions instead of talking – This creates rapport. When you take sincere interest in other people, this causes them to like you. The quickest way to get people to like you, as you will learn in Dale Carnegie’s book, “How To Win Friends And Influence People,” is by taking a sincere interest in other people and being a good listener. As the old proverb goes, “You have two ears and one mouth. Therefore, you should listen twice as much as you speak.”
36. Only spend your time with people who improve the silence – That means friends, family and especially those you have intimate relationships with.
37. Confidence comes from successful repetition – As Aristotle said, “Excellence is not a singular act but a habit. You are what you do repeatedly.”
38. Focus on creating great memories – Create memories you will be proud of and you can look back on and smile with the satisfaction that you went for what you wanted, instead of having regrets.
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“How we move our bodies has a tremendous impact on the emotions we experience internally. The quickest way to change our emotional state is to change how we are physically moving. Everyone has days that are full of challenges that often bring about negative emotions, and this has a negative effect on how we are feeling internally. The key to managing your emotional state is how you physically move and what you mentally focus on day in and day out. Where do you live emotionally? The more positive and optimistic you are, the happier and richer your life experience will be. The more negative and pessimistic you are, the more disappointing and depressing your life experience will be. Choose wisely.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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Martin says
This is the single best article on happiness i ever read. It concentrates almost all i learned on how to improve one’s life. I started reading self development books a year ago, started to apply 80% of what’s in this article and this has changed my life. You are a great inspiration Corey keep it that way !
Greetings from France
Robin De Muyer says
Hey Corey
Let me stroke ur ego a little bit because you deserve it.
Beeing a 23 year old self help enthousiast i pritty much try’d everything to improve my life. Meditation clean food gym dating hugging tree’s…etc I came from a house situation with disfunctional parents who are beaten down by life. Anti depressants sugar and 1 vacation every 3 years is what keeps them alive. This gave me a crystal clean vision of how i DONT want to become. I often get compliments on my ability to motivate people and how driven i am at this young age.
I really want to take life by the balls and bring massive value to the world. Its my gift to make the world a better place but yet i fail to find a way to make money off it. After long self reflection and medition i came to the conclusion that the only life worth living for me is living the life you live.
If could life the life of 1 person in the world it would be yours. Travling arround study’ing more and more about relations and self help. And helping clients all day.
I have a hard time finding a job that i like and thats why im planning to go to australia for backpacking/working . One way i think about it as if its an escape from reality and in the other way it will grow me as a human beeing. If you ever look for people to help you build your legacy you would be stupid not to hire me. I would come and live in your city for that. What ever it takes, life is to short to spend time where your not enjoying yourself or manifesting your dreams
Kind regards , your favourite student