The alpha male qualities you must embody that are essential to your success, overcoming challenges and accomplishing your grandest goals and dreams.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a viewer who shares how my work has helped him to completely transform his personal and professional life. He says he had always let women, employers and other people treat him like a doormat and take advantage of him. After he got friend-zoned and mistreated by the woman he was dating and let go from his job, so they could hire someone cheaper after he helped them get things up and running, he came across my work.
He details how he got a better job, making $25,000 more per year, equity in his new company and how he successfully attracted the most amazing, beautiful woman he has ever dated in his life, who also happens to be a great communicator, all within ninety days of discovering my work. My comments are in (bold parenthesis like this below) in the body of his email.
Viewers email body:
Hey Corey,
I just wanted to say “Thank You” for all of your help and guidance via your book, videos and web content. I’ve read your book six times and will read it twelve times, but I’m tied up with a great new job. (Don’t let that become your story and then let your relationship go sideways.) I’ve watched countless videos and read various web content to supplement my reading.
I was fired from my job in September. There were may red flags going in, but when I was let go I was told, “You got everything up and running. Now I can replace you with someone cheaper who’ll just take orders.” My professional life was in shambles. I was burnt out, mentally beaten down and once again let people take advantage of me because I put them on a pedestal. My personal life… that was worse. Again, I put people on pedestals and let people take advantage of me. I didn’t even touch a woman for over a year. I put work ahead of everything else, and the one girl I was hanging out with friend zoned me and didn’t treat me well. That’s on me though, because I kept on coming back for more. (No one will ever do or say anything to you that you don’t invite them to do. If you’re chasing after somebody who’s mistreating you, you’re literally begging them to continue mistreating you. If you’ve communicated in a loving way how you expect to be treated, and they continue to mistreat you, then it’s time to pull the plug and say goodbye. Remember, the strongest negotiating position is being able to walk away and mean it.) I knew my current situation was all on me, and I took responsibility. I was looking online to learn more about alpha male qualities, and I came across your work. I ordered your book within 30 minutes and started watching your videos and reading your web content ASAP. I’ve read various PUA books and watched countless videos. From my personal experience, they made everything complex. What I liked about your work was you put everything into layman’s terms!
To get the ball rolling, I signed up for “Ok Cupid” and “Match” accounts and started to go on dates after reading your book one time. I used my real world dates to supplement my readings. I learned right away the value of the take away if women were acting flakey, and I learned the value of not showing your hand while dating. I wear my heart on my sleeve, and my needy actions repelled women. (The reason that works is because, scarcity creates value. When people take you for granted, you stop moving forward and making an effort, and then they start to care. If you keep chasing after somebody who doesn’t care or is not giving you the terms you want, you’re basically communicating you’re okay with how they’re treating you. Remember, rejection tends to breed obsession.) After going out on a bunch of dates and getting experience, I was planning to spend my time focusing on meeting women in the real world. I had a game plan thanks to my handy list of “qualities I want in my dream woman” and “qualities I can’t deal with.” (You can purchase a great Pros and Cons pad by Knock Knock on You get what you focus on.) I learned that the type of woman I’m looking for won’t be out at a club late night, but she’ll be out between 6:00 and 10:00 grabbing dinner and drinks with friends, then calling it a night, because she’ll be up early the next day. (That is absolutely true.)
I was about to shut down my online profiles, when I came across a very intriguing woman on Ok Cupid. After exchanging a few messages over the course of 24 hours, I got her number, called her. We spoke for 15 minutes, and set a definite date for the following week. (Ten to fifteen minutes max on the phone is all really you need if you follow the instructions I put in my article, “Attracting Beautiful Women Easily… How To Create The Ultimate Online Dating Profile.”) Once I set the date, I didn’t call her. The day of the date, she texted me, “Are we still on for tonight?” I replied with, “Of course! I’m a man of my word. Looking forward to seeing you tonight.” (This is what happens if you’re talking to a woman who has enthusiasm, she’s excited and you set the date properly, as I discuss in my book and in my article “9 Principles For Setting Definite Dates.”) I later learned she loved my response! We had a great date, and she broke all of her rules and reached out to me within 48 hours. What did I do when she reached out? I called, set a definite date, got off the phone and limited my texting to her. (The phone is for setting dates, period.) It was pretty much wash, rinse, repeat until we got serious after the fourth date. She is everything on my list: petite, brunette, sexy, smart, funny, kind, a giver, independent, and most importantly, an excellent communicator! (She sounds like an alpha female, a true equal. She sounds like she comes to the relationship with abundance, looking for somebody to share her completeness with, instead of looking for somebody to complete her.)
While our dating was going on, I got a great consulting gig with a start up company looking for marketing help. They wanted to kick the tires on me. They gave me four marketing projects, and if I did well on them, they would make me a full time offer. Thanks to you, I really felt confident and in control. I did so well on my first project, they wanted to make me an offer. I told them sure, but I had a few other offers. (Scarcity creates value.) This was total BS, but I wanted them to blow me away with their offer. (That’s a great way to negotiate.) When I got my offer I almost fainted. They offered $25k more than my last job, and they gave me equity in the company! What makes this better is that the CEO is all about family, so he takes care of his employees, and he provides us with the tools and training to succeed!To wrap this up, while reading your book and applying everything, I met my dream woman one month in, and got an awesome job two and a half months in. Corey, thank you for letting me know I deserve better. Everything clicked when I read your book and applied it to real world situations.
Keep kicking ass Corey!!
P.S. – I’ve been seeing my girl for 4 months. We’re still going strong, and she treats me like gold!!! (That’s because you are awesome, and you deserve it. You took what you learned from me, applied it and you’re getting results. This is a perfect example of how, if you are serious about your success, you will put the time in. And if you put the time in, you will get results.)
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How to Be a 3% Man
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“There’s a reason why alpha males and females tend to dominate and win in every aspect of their personal and professional lives. Alphas expect to win eventually, even when things are not going their way. They know their worth, won’t tolerate disrespect and will not allow others to manipulate, demean or take advantage of them. They will walk away from any personal or professional deal that does not meet their expectations and outcomes. They persist without exception and are relentless in their pursuit of their grandest goals and dreams, because they know that you don’t get what you deserve in life, only what you negotiate.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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