Here is how you can attract beautiful women easily. The Ultimate Online Dating Profile is one in which your profile is set up in a way to attract, and send you high quality, and pre-screened dating prospects you normally would not encounter in your daily life. Look upon any dating profile as simply another system you can employ in your dating life to automatically send high quality and pre-screened prospects your way.

I personally have found it to be an inefficient waste of time to write women. To me its the law of diminishing returns. When you compare how many high quality matches you get with a good online dating profile that causes women to contact you first, versus writing every woman you find attractive to elicit a response from the ones that like you too… its simply a more efficient use of your time to wait for women to respond to your profile first. Why? Many reasons.
Saving you time is the obvious answer. However, the more powerful answer is this: if you wait for the women who like you to contact you first, it puts you in the position of being pursued. This starts them out chasing you from the get-go. It also causes them to see you as a catch. Besides, women are more attracted to men whose feelings are unclear anyways. Give them what they want. Let them be curious like a cat so they have to work to get you.
Think about it from another angle. A successful man who is popular with women and who has lots of choices socially, is not going to spend much time online. Why? He doesn’t have time to. He’s either busy with his purpose/career/business/mission in life, or spending it with the women who are trying to convince him to be their boyfriend. Does James Bond have time to email chicks on for a date? Absolutely not. He’s already got more chicks after him than he can handle anyways. However, he’s always got room for one more good one 😉
When your profile is worded properly, it will cause women who are reading it to say to themselves… “he’s describing me!” and then be compelled to write you a response in hopes that you will reply and maybe go out with them. It flips the script. It causes women to risk rejection to contact you. Then you get to decide if you like them enough to make a date with them. Besides, most beautiful women are absolutely inundated with emails upon signing up for a dating site. One gorgeous Russian I met thru told me she got over 150 emails in the first 24 hours after her profile went live. She took it down after a week. I was shocked! She got over 1000 emails the first week.
How can anyone deal with that? She also got angry emails from guys who she never responded to. I was one of the few guys she contacted upon joining. I was the only one she actually went out with (of course). So if you want to spend your time emailing the hot ones, you know what you’re up against. Thousands of needy fucked-up guys… who don’t know jack shit about women… bombarding all the new beautiful women who sign up for online dating with countless emails. I really feel sorry for women trying to navigate the online dating world. Its good to be a man 🙂
I coach guys (and girls) to get clear about the type of person they want to attract first, before creating an online dating profile. I encourage you to watch How To Attract The Perfect Woman. Why? You need to know what you want so you can ask for it in your profile. Then, when women read it who like your picture they will say to themselves, “that’s me! I’m exactly what he’s looking for!” and be compelled to write you. Otherwise, by not getting clear about what you want is what I call… using the shotgun approach to dating. This sets you up to just get average lame chicks… instead of… using a precision instrument to nail (pun intended) your target. Much like the one shot, one kill (or two… don’t forget threesomes!) motto of a Marine Scout Sniper…
So after you’ve made your list based upon How To Attract The Perfect Woman for your future wife, girlfriend… or… girlfriends, you will know EXACTLY the kind of woman (or man if you’re a woman) you want to attract.
The top two dating websites are and Which is better? I’ve used both. is the best. Everyone pays so they’ve got skin in the game. is a free dating site. The chicks tend to be flakier. Their profile picture system quality is poor. So, there is a good chance you will go out to meet one of them and she won’t look like her picture 🙁 No Bueno!
This is an email I got from a new coaching client. He’s a Police Officer. He just finished making his list of what he wants, so here’s what he came up with:
Hey Corey, its Tom from San Francisco. I put together the online profile that we spoke about on the phone on Tuesday. I tried to send you the pages, let me know if you have a problem opening them, I’m not too savvy with the computer. I also have my top tens for you; here they are:
Wants: #1-Strong family values, is a good parent if they have kids or the potential to be if they don’t, #2-Giving to others/charitable with a strong world view, #3-Intellectually smart and can meet me on that level, #4-Honesty and integrity, #5-Good communication skills, can explain what they are feeling, #6-Balanced between work and personal life, doesn’t make job a higher priority than it needs to be, #7-Willing to submit themselves to the relationship, #8-Healthy lifestyle(Eating, fitness, and overall health), #9-Style, someone who can appreciate a nice, well kept home and will help maintain that environment, also a good personal style, #10-Reasonably attractive to me, I prefer brunettes with a nice shape, longer hair, and a little darker than me, #11-Financially responsible and reasonable.
Don’t Wants: #1-Selfish and self absorbed, #2-Narcissist, #3-Slob, #4-Lazy,#5-Excessive drinking, no smoking, and no drugs, #6-Hypochondriac, #7-Needy,clingy, smothering, #8-Has conflict in all their relationships, family, friends, coworkers, boss, etc, #9-Poor life priorities, doesn’t value whats important, overvalues nonsense, #10-Victim mentality.
Check it out and tell me what you think and where there is room for improvement.
Thanks, Tom

That should give you an idea of what a completed list looks like. From that list, you will create a positive, optimistic and focused online dating profile to automatically attract and pre-qualify good dating prospects that match your criteria. You will tell a little bit, but not too much about yourself. If a woman is intrigued by your profile, she will ask you to tell her more.
When creating an online dating profile, one of the most important things for you to do is to use several good pictures of yourself having fun and smiling. If you are a gym rat, don’t use any profile pictures of yourself showing off your muscles all tan and oiled up in your banana hammock. Its not cool and will turn chicks off.
Now the next part is for you to describe what you want. You’re not going to put your whole life story online. The idea is to be brief, mysterious (cats are curious-just give them a little taste), confident and talk as if you are a catch without bragging. After I first published this article one of my clients emailed this question:
Hey Corey, hope all is well with you! One question: What do you consider to be extensive or too much information for a dating profile? Tom.
If you notice in my profile below, I talk about a lot of general things I like to do. It allows a woman to read my profile and imagine the possibilities of what we might do. If I were to say something lame like… “I like long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners” that’s pretty boring and predictable. The Idea is to talk about a lot of different things without being specific as to my life routines. Predictable is boring and anti-challenge for women. If the cat’s not curious, she will go find someone else who gives her something to be curious about. Here’s my ultimate online dating profile:
About Me & Who I’m Looking For
I love beautiful, confident, and sexy women that are completely comfortable being feminine. Are you drop dead gorgeous, healthy, confident, secure, optimistic, sexually open, flexible, giving, intelligent, honest, outgoing (a social butterfly), fun, great communicator (my life is a drama-free zone), understands men, affectionate, sexy, happy, and very feminine? My ideal woman is between 5′-0″ and 5′-9″ tall, slender, and in great shape with a great body, long and straight brown, black, red, or auburn hair, dark eyes, and clear tan skin. Health, exercise and a healthy diet are a big part of her life.
I love to laugh, tease, and have fun. I am a very playful, outrageous, silly and strong man. I am very confident and used to getting what I want. I want a woman who is used to the same. What ever you do for a living, its something you absolutely LOVE! A great sense of humor is a must! Maybe you have older brothers who still to this day, mess with you and tease you, and you’re just as playful and sweet back to them.
I am a Life & Peak Performance Coach. I love helping people! I want a woman who is just as concerned about the welfare and uplifting of others as I am… and… who will support me in my mission to make the world a better place.
For Fun
My life is about helping people live their lives to the fullest. To wake up everyday and give a little more and be a little better than I was the day before. My life is about learning and growing and helping others do the same. My business is not work to me. I do it because I love it. For playtime… I love being on the water. Jet ski’s, boats, etc. I love to snow ski, snow mobile, exercise, run and anything that allows me to enjoy the beauty of nature.
Favorite Hot Spots
I love to travel and see the world. Paris, Germany, Jamaica, Bahamas, Sanibel Island, Costa Rica, Orlando, Delray Beach, The Florida Keys, Tampa-Rocky Point, etc. I have friends that live all over the world and just love spending my time with people who have the same care and concern for making the world a little better than they found it.
Favorite Things
I love to eat healthy and exercise regularly. My health comes first. Having great health enables me to live, love, contribute, grow, and experience life’s blessings as they were meant to be experienced. I love cooking good healthy meals for friends and family!
Last Read
Left To Tell-Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust by Immaculee Ilibagiza. I stayed up all night reading it because I could not put it down. Another great book that reinforces & reconnects us to our own divinity. Web of Debt by Ellen Brown is another must read.
Sports & Exercise
Aerobics, Basketball, Billiards / Pool, Bowling, Cycling, Football, Golf, Inline skating, Running, Skiing, Swimming, Tennis / Racquet sports, Walking / Hiking, Weights / Machines, water sports, etc.
I am a very spiritual person. You won’t find me in a church… unless its on a historical tour lol. I’m not into organized religion. The Lord dwells in our hearts. I can read the bible and any other holy book and make up my own mind. I’m not interested in listening to dogma from unenlightened people trying to tell me how to be enlightened. I’m looking for a very spiritual woman who looks at all spiritual traditions with respect and without judgement. She’s a big LOVER. She lights the room up with her calm and peaceful presence.
That pretty much covers it for the major sections in most dating websites.
Here’s what to expect once you go live with your profile. Will you get nothing but 10’s emailing you? Nope. Many women just look at guys profile pictures, and then click the “wink” button, or they’ll shoot you an email without reading anything in your profile. I just ignore the ones I have no interest in. When I was on, I got 7-10 emails per week. Over the course of the month, I got 2-3 really good prospects that were pretty close to my criteria.
The women usually would send an email to see if I was interested. I would respond with this:
Hi Jennifer,
Thanks for your email. I’d love to chat with you. Here’s my number (555) 555-5555.
If she has confidence and is what I’m looking for she will call me. If she is timid, structured or has a bad attitude, I will never hear from her. When she calls, I will limit the conversation to maybe 10-15 minutes. I will simply make sure she does 70%-80% of the talking. How? By asking questions about her. When she asks about me I will give her a brief answer and then ask her something else about herself.
If I feel there is a connection, I will invite her to meet out at a public place for a drink. I will make a definite date. That means we agree on a place, day and time to meet. If she’s not excited to set a date and meet, I’m not interested. I want high interest level in me. Not mediocre interest.
I don’t have time to waste. I will set a definite date and time without any call back to verify the date nonsense. If she can’t make definite plans, then just tell her to call you when she figures out her schedule and you’ll set something up then. If she’s not willing to make definite plans, there is a good chance she will flake on you if you make a “definite maybe” date.
Setting up an online dating profile like I detail above, will automate the online dating process for you. This will give you several additional prospects to practice with in addition to, picking up women face-to-face in public (my preferred method) during your every day life.
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“It pays to be a winner.”-US Navy SEAL Motto
Bill says
isnt that an awfully long profile for anyone to read? Ive heard 90 words was tops.
Chris says
Good stuff bro. Wish I would have known this years and years ago. I have been working to hard, pursuing to hard and not staying centered and in my masculine.
Eu says
haha that’s a nice profile right there. but i wonder, havent u described yoursself too much? i mean, if i’d use an online dating website i’d only put the things i want from women, not much from myself after all :p
Joel says
@Eu says when you say “not much from myself” – why would you put yourself down in this way? This is the chance you have to say who you are personally, ie “i’d only put the things i want from women” makes you sound demanding, but it is the “from myself” part that makes YOU seem like a CATCH. Women are completely used to having demands placed on them (“I want a woman who is blah, blah, blah”) but women are TOTALLY BLOWN AWAY when a confident (aka “alpha male”) shows what HE has to offer. Try it, it WILL work like a charm. Works for ME, EVERY TIME! (and I have more women chasing me than I know what to do with, thanks to Corey Wayne!)
Julio says
Do you go on checking women profiles ?
Have you pressed the like button on them?
You just created the profile and wait for emails to come ?
Linas says
It’s actually pretty simple: cool pic, three confident sentences and you get emails. Then you don’t need to be needy and also be confident, and tease a bit, don’t pay her all your attention; she will be begging for more of you, I swear, it’s easy, lol. Now I wonder, where do I get a cool pic, hmm…
William says
Thanks for the article. I was on POF a few months ago and just started using again. After reading this article and getting a book from a texting expert in the PUA community, I decided to try POF again. So far the advice from the texting expert hasn’t worked out. Waiting for a women to message first seems to take longer, but in your book you said I need unlimited patience and you’re right. Thanks again for your work Corey, awesome stuff
John says
Corey…A big thank you!…I ran across your YouTube videos last week….I am so interested in your information I ran out and got a Kindle so I could download it Immediately! I have already been using it Online and practicing meeting women all around me… just in 3 days I have 2 dates set up for the next week!
I feel like I have more confidence as I have a script that I can follow now!
I’m starting to understand many of the things I would do in the past while talking to a ten, and couldn’t understand why I would talk myself right out of a date!
Thank you again I feel more confident and I know it shows! I will pass on your work to all my friends!
Patrick Taylor says
Cory, You mention one liners the Marine Snipers use and Navy Seals so here’s what the largest elite fighting force the USA has. “Any Effort Employed Towards An Objective Not Achieved, Is An UTTER FAILURE!” 82ND AIRBORNE DIVISION FORT BRAGG NC. When it comes to Jumping from flying aircraft into combat they ALL come to the experts, THE 82ND AIRBORNE
Asher Rost says
Thank you for such valuable information on creating an online dating profile. In the past I have struggled connecting with women online simply cause my profile didn’t attract the the women I like to be dating. My buddy turned me on to your coaching and I’m now listening to your video newsletters and have begun reading your 3% book. I will follow your guidance and change my profile to what you’re recommending, of course tailored to what I’m seeking in beautiful smart women.
Cheers buddy!
Luis constante says
Dude dis freakin works I just got messaged on badoo and it never happened to me before lol
Joni says
I totally disagree as a woman I rarely write men first if ever. And when I’ve only exchanged one or even two emails with a guy then he gives me his number I never call but find it as if he is too needy and even a little creepy at times. I’ve found better free stuff on youtube.
Maybe comment on something we have in common from her profile (make this in subject line) and ask her a question. Don’t just say hey, how you doing….
Thank you!
Gabor says
I would like to add two things:
1) as explained in the article, this type of profile is aimed to filter all women out who are structured, have low interest or no interest at all. it is aimed to find those women who have high interest AND a free spirit, with confidence to go after what they desire.
2) what women say they want and what they respond to are two different things…
If your current strategy for online dating works and you are happy with the results you get just keep doing it and enjoy life! If you are not happy with the results (well, you are here commenting instead of going out on dates with amazing men) than it is possible that you get what you think you want instead of what you actually respond to. Just a thought.
Jesse says
I’m screwed. My life isn’t a quarter that good. I can’t put that. It would be a complete lie. Well, most of it. What am I gonna do
John says
Hi Coral Wayne
You are correct a good profile attracts the women. I never show a interest in a women on dating sites. They contact me first. The way they begin usually is they begin by writing they liked my profile and would like to chat with me.Then I look at their profile. The strange thing is a very Beautiful & intelligent woman really does not realize that she is a ten. Most men to her are stupid.Chat with her often. Pull away sometimes so she can miss you. Let her chase you.You know the hormone Oxytocin is released in her body when you text a women.She gets used to the release of it. She wants you & only you.
Rafael says
Hi coach!
I have read your book 7 times. I just love it! 2 weeks ago I ended my relationship with my girlfriend of 2 months. I’m deeply in love with her. But my neediness turn her off. I’m waiting for her to miss me and reactivate attraction. It’s hard for me. She’s a very insecure woman. She has never being in love with any other man. She’s a very fat woman. But I love her like I have never loved a woman before. Whenever we are together we have a blast and make love. She even seduces me. But the next day she starts pulling away. I keep reading your book! I know, I still have 8 more times to read it. Any extra advice coach?
Walt says
Maybe she’s a narcissist and your part of her supply. My soon to be x was so insecure, it was mind numbing, she also was a narcissist and cheater. Blamed her behavior on PTSD and expected me to just accept the cheating and lies about everything.. No accountability. Pay close attention make sure your not just being love bombed by a narcissist.
Sonny L says
One quick comment. Corey is right on pretty much always. This time around i have to say that his way regarding dating sites might work in the US. In Western Europe no matter the great profile you wrote and the incredible pick you have, they will never ever contact you first. It simply doesn’t work that way. They don’t make the first move. They don’t have to either. They seat and wait. If you wait for them to write, you’ll become a fossil. Guaranteed. Sad, but very true.
Daz says
Absolutely! Here in the UK in regards to woman texting first, its normally rare but can happen.
Dana Woodard says
Hi, Corey, I just read your article about the Ultimate Online Dating Profile. I love what you have put. It sounds really awesome. But one thing I would love to know from you is there have been Online Dating Coaches who said to focus on what you are looking for and not to focus on what you don’t want. Meaning he said he saw a lot of women who have profiles that are negative. Like they would talk about what they are not looking for like if you are looking for a HOOK UP KEEP IT MOVING. or one said IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR AN F BUDDY TO KEEP IT MOVING. Something to that effect or someone who is sarcastic or cynical which seems not so positive to me. I don’t want to hear that from women. I want to know what you are looking for from me that is positive. The other thing you didn’t mention Corey is having a great headline and a good user name. You never mentioned what you had for a user name?” That is the first thing a woman sees is your user name. Also, you have to remember you are limited to a certain amount of characters. I would love to hear your input on my profile what I have written. I feel it’s pretty good but I am not getting 10’s as you describe. I’m on Zoosk which is similar to I was told by a Dating Coach watching his video How To Meet Beautiful Women Online. He said to stay away from Plenty Of Fish E. Harmony and others like it because they only have very average looking women and the Dating Coach said it’s very hard to judge how Attractive the women are. I’m looking for very Stunning High Caliber women who are very Attractive looking. Here is what I wrote. I would love some feedback or if things need some changing. Also my perfect match and my ideal date.
“Hi, I’m Dana “I’m… a total diamond in the rough and I’m active, charming, educated, confident, and clearly, a two-time winner of “People Magazines Sexiest Man Alive.” 🙂 I’m seeking a relationship. I enjoy trips to Baja Mexico, enjoying Beach days in San Clemente. Or taking last-minute trips to Kauai island… While I can’t compete with Andrew Zimmern’s travel schedule, my passport does have a stamp or two.
During the week, I’m a musician and love being in the studio which gets the creative juices flowing. I’ve been creating music for 20 plus years or more and I’m passionate about working with others pursuing their dreams.
I volunteer to help others grow; I’ve helped young men in their teens with physical and mental disabilities as well as Autism. Helping and improving the quality of their lives fills me with such joy it can be hard to describe in written words.” it’s very fulfilling.
When the weekend, rolls around, you’ll find me in the mountains on a hike or racing down a mountain on my bike in search of the ultimate rush; followed by delicious fish tacos and a drink as a reward for working out.
I also like to scale it back by swimming a few laps and lounging in my pool. you are… confident, knows what she wants, isn’t afraid of a challenge, and is ready to be swept off her feet by my charm.”
Short and sweet
“73% gentleman, 27% Rogue.”
I look forward to your message.
Perfect Match
I’m looking for a self-reliant woman who is flexible, giving. Has a great sense of humor and is ready to meet a true gentleman. You’re intelligent, compassionate, creative, I love romance so hopefully your sensual and sexual, honest, and stylish, devoted and takes care of yourself.
“While I consider myself totally modern, I’d love, to find a woman who appreciates a held door,” “I’m a gentleman with old-school values in the new age of dating. I hold the door open, I’m emotionally available, I call to make sure That you make it home safe, I will court you, and I’m a badass when it comes to protecting you.”
Oh, and you don’t mind chopping onions while we make a delicious meal together. I enjoy checking out live concerts. It could be a cool jazz or blues group a local band at the beach or a park or club. Music is good but the right company is great.”
“Just because you’ve got a look that drives most men wild does not mean that I’d be attracted. To me, it has to do with a lot more than just looks. It’s you’re personality your character. You have substance you’re romantic kind to me and you treat me like a true gentleman.”
I’m looking for a woman with;
.Health / physical fitness
.Cooking skills
“…SO your fun magnificent chef (recommended but not required), and never get tired of laughing, then let’s talk more.”
Ideal Date
“Let’s sit somewhere by the beach… ocean waves crashing against the shore make a nice backdrop for a chat over drinks with a new friend.” Also, It’s all about seeing if there are chemistry and attraction. Let’s meet for a drink and share some laughs, engage in some lively discussions and avoid boring small talk, and maybe share a funny Zoosk story or two (I got a doozy that tops them all). If you don’t look like your photos you will be buying me drinks until you do. :-)”
I look forward to your message sincerely Dana!
Dana Woodard says
Hi, Corey how do you take down what you wrote?” I would like to take it down. Do you know?” it won’t let me remove what I have above.
Luca says
So I came up with an outline for my new bio sticking to the information in this article. I use an app where you get one potential match each day. So I changed my bio and instantly got a match… Spooky
Luca says
Same thing with tinder. I used to get a match every few days. With this new bio i got two matches within five minutes that evening. Both seemed very interested. This is absolutely amazing
Eddie says
Hi Corey,
I am a new member and enjoy your coaching very much. I purchased a hard copy of the book (prefer to read and hold a real book other than online) and just finished it the first time. Will start reading it again soon.
I wanted to ask you to update this post and also your opinion on which dating websites you prefer in the year 21/22.
Q Ortiz says
Nice. I’ll have to test this out a bit and observe. (for research purposes)