Becoming An Awesome Catch

Mar 7, 2016 by Coach Corey Wayne

How focusing on becoming an awesome catch and the best version of yourself can dramatically change your personal and professional life for the better, so you can experience the life and lifestyle the average person can only dream about.

In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss two different email success stories from two different viewers. The first email is from a viewer who moved to China three years ago for a better job and life, without speaking the language or knowing anyone there. Last April, he had a bad breakup with his girlfriend that left him sometimes having suicidal thoughts. He resolved to finally figure out what he was doing wrong in his intimate relationships. This led him to my work. He has read my book twelve times so far and is now, for the first time in his life, dating his ideal woman. He details what he did and said to cause her to fall for him successfully.

The second email is the latest update from a client I have been coaching for several years. His last email I discussed in a previous newsletter titled, “Being In A Peaceful Relaxed State.” He details several success stores he has had with women that, before discovering my work, he would have thought impossible for him to experience. He is stunned by the quality of women who pursue him now, and he can’t believe the life he is living. He also talks about how his standards have skyrocketed, and how he has noticed there really aren’t too many women who are 3% women. My comments are in (bold parenthesis like this below) in the bodies of their emails.

Becoming An Awesome Catch

First Viewer’s Email:

Dear Corey,Please accept a big thank you for what you did for me, and keep doing it, because the things that you teach are extremely accurate. (I always say, even if you think I am full of shit, read my book, apply what it teaches and you will see that it will work for you. Time and repetition will get you there.) The hero of this story is a 33-year old, small town, good-looking guy from Italy, who 3 years ago decided to move to China for a better job and life, without knowing the language or anyone. This year has been the toughest one, but now that it’s almost over, I realize that it was for the best. (Like Tony Robbins says, “Your comfort zone is where you are most uncomfortable.” In other words, when you stretch outside of who and what you are capable of being, that’s where you grow.)

In April, I suffered from a very bad breakup, which hit me very deep. (When you have a long relationship with somebody, your whole identity becomes associated with being with that person. Then when they are no longer in your life, it takes time for you to get back to the person you were before you met them.) I hit rock bottom, and I have no shame to say that I had been suicidal for a month. I was in a relationship with a girl, 3 months on and off, with the same “pattern” of my past relationships. I’ve never had problems getting laid, but when emotions were engaged, I always lost my center, turned myself into a pussy and drove girls away. This time was harder though. (Whatever you focus on will expand. When you realize what you’re doing is not working and you need to expand your knowledge, that’s when you need to start looking for solutions.) We always had wonderful sex until the last day when, after, ironically, the best session ever of the Indoor Olympics, she just left saying, “I don’t want to see you anymore.” (If you ask a woman why, 9 times out of 10 she’s not going to give you a straight answer, because she doesn’t want to hurt your feelings. That’s where my book can help fill in the gap.) After that, I did the best I could to text her out of my life, and guess what? It worked. (So you chased her right out of your life.)

I was devastated, again. This time I was alone and far from home and friends, so I could rely on myself only. (That’s what I teach. I teach self-reliance, because the more you can rely on yourself and your ability to create the life and lifestyle you want, the happier you’re going to be, the more you will feel like you’re in control of your own destiny and the more your life will match your ideals and fantasies for it.) I told myself that I had to figure out what I was doing wrong at any cost. So I’ve been through hell and made it to come back, covered in blood of the monster I had to slay while finding my way out. At the beginning, for instance, I couldn’t ever read the second part of your book without feelings. I’m now on the 12th reading, (The best success stories are always from guys who read my book 10-15 times. Repetition is the mother of skill, and when you read the book that many times, it gets to the point where you know the book so well, you don’t have to think about it. When you know the principles well, it becomes instinctual and comes off as being natural without any game playing), and I watch your newsletter daily, I surf your website, other websites, read books from the so called “manosphere,” and so on. I started a huge improvement job, house, looks, nutrition, exercise, I got a leather bracelet, inspired by a video of yours, with the initials BTFJB, “Be the fucking James Bond,” (This was probably inspired by an article and video I did called, “What Would James Bond Do?” where the guy had a bracelet with “WWJBD” on it), a ring, I painted in black the fingernail of my forefinger, which works like a charm for me, and most of all, I changed my mindset completely. In the last 6 months, every minute of my spare time was allocated to my improvement. D'Auri Muscelli D’Auri Muscelli

While applying all these new things, I had several random successes. Yet incredible to all of my friends, it wasn’t enough. Saturday, 3 weeks ago, I was at a club with some friends, including a hot, engaged lady who was all over me. I noticed a group of 3 girls coming in and sitting at the bar. I went to the restroom to check them out, made eye contact with the hot target, and she smiled. I came back, took my beer and I just went over there starting conversation. (Nice job. You saw what you wanted, and you took action.) At some point I told her, “You look awesome. I want to take you out for a drink next week. When are you free?” looking in her eyes with a James Bond look. She said, “I have a marathon on Saturday, so I can’t drink next week.” I replied confidently, “Okay, we can do the week after.” She smiled submissively, and while taking out my phone, I said, “Give me your contact info.” It all lasted 5 minutes. I said goodbye to her, then I went back to my friends and the other girl. The plan was to write her on Tuesday, but guess what? Monday morning, 8 am she writes me, “Hey how are you? You said next week. It’s already next week!” (That tells me she had a high level of attraction for you.) I couldn’t believe it. I set a date for the following Saturday night, right after the marathon.

I picked her up; we went for a drink and then walked to dinner. On the way, since all the signals were there, I kissed her. (When you read the book 12 times, it’s pretty easy. There’s no guesswork.) She kissed back, of course. We had a great night. I could feel that she was ready for the Olympics, but it wasn’t possible, because she had a friend from another city staying at her place for some days. Still, she chose to meet me. I kissed her good night, and I wrote her on Wednesday to set a date for Saturday again.

Sex was in the air. I planned everything perfectly. I picked her up; we went for a drink, walked to a restaurant, had a nice dinner, walked to a comedy club and laughed our asses off. At the end I said, “I have a bottle of wine at my place. How about we go and taste it?” We didn’t even drink the wine. The next day we went to lunch and movies, yeah I know, but the deal was already sealed, to watch guess what? The new James Bond movie, ha-ha. After that, we finally tasted that bottle of wine and had another round of Indoor Olympics. She came 9 times over the course of 24 hours. “I’ve never had such a great experience,” she said. We met again last weekend and, while talking about how guys approach girls, she said, “I chose to go out with you, because I liked the way you came and talked to me.” (At the end of the day, it’s the women who do the choosing.) The next day, she invited me for dinner for the following Wednesday, her birthday. The plan is rinse, recycle and repeat the 3 H’s. (Hang out, have fun and hook up.)

This morning I was looking at my list, and I realized that she matches 100%. I got it. The beta monster is dead. (Awesome. This is a great success story. You applied the principles, and they worked. I’m happy for you.)

My best wishes of a Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones,


Second Viewer’s Email: Markovic Markovic

Hi Corey,

Here’s some news, a few questions, and a big thank you. I separated from Pam, with whom I had this very drama-free relationship that was not really fully 100% what I was looking for. You answered this in “Being In A Peaceful Relaxed State.” (If you go back and read this guy’s emails in my past articles, you can see the progress he’s made.) What then happened is really unbelievable for me. It was like the news spread out that I am single again. I am getting hit on from all directions: online dating, a woman in the neighborhood, former dates (never burn bridges!) got in touch again. (Leave the door open. You never know when those old relationships will boomerang back again.) Even a girl at the doctor where we both were waiting gave me her number, without doing anything. What was weird for me most was that my own local female counselor I sometimes go to stated that “we both will end up dating each other,” and asked, “Why don’t you join me going to The Carnival for holidays. Just take a plane and come with me,” out of nowhere. She is super hot, totally cool and 15 years younger than me. Would you date her? (She’s a therapist. Like attracts like. My job as a coach is to teach self reliance. I help you get what you want. Now that you have all of these great choices, it’s up to you. If you want to see her romantically, stop seeing her as a therapist.) I am hesitating as we had up to now a more business/counseling type of relation to each other.

So I dated some girls, especially through online dating. I use an extremely bold profile in the direction that you suggested, (Look at my article and video, “How To Create The Ultimate Dating Profile” to see the template he used), and never reach out to women first. This shit works like a charm and brings 2-3 super quality woman each month. Actually I am starting to fall in love with a sexy flight attendant, super sweet, feminine, caring and the sex is great. We immediately clicked as we saw each other on the first date. Something very strange happened. I was in the restaurant “by accident,” and she reacted totally cool. I liked this a lot. Of course we made out passionately on the first date. She said most of the guys let her do all of the logistics. (She’s basically saying, all the other guys she dates act like women. She likes that you act like a man.) And that she totally fancied me just kissing her. The second date she kind of “planned” to delay sex, but as soon as we left the restaurant she could not wait to get back to the car. I had wandering hands in my pants, and she was totally overwhelmed by her feelings. This was soooo sexy. I am fucking happy with her. She asked to be exclusive after the 4th date. For the first time I said that I will need some more time as I am just out of the previous relationship. It is such a cool experience when you hook up with a super sexy female and still date other options. (It’s your birthright to be the king of your kingdom.)

First date make outs happen so regularly now on dates with women I like, that I expect this to happen, which makes it happen even more. (Of course this is what happens. Think from the end.) My friends can’t believe this is me who has these experiences. Up to last year, I kind of faked being an awesome catch. Now I am really embodying or believing it. (Confidence is doing what you know how to do, and doing it really well. Repetition is the mother of skill, and after applying these things and seeing they work over and over, it’s built your confidence.) What really strikes me and really bothers me is that I see all the flaws in women I never saw before. I thought they all had their shit together, but it seems to me that there are also the 3% women and the rest, that is to some extent fucked up, weak, clingy, bitchy, just wanting to lock a cool guy down in their plans, or whatever. (You grow so fast when you apply what I teach in my book. You go from feeling like you don’t have any options to being able to get the best of the best. It completely changes things.) Maybe more than 3%, but I am really stunned how insecure and shitty a lot of women react. Even my last girlfriend Pam was very hurt because I left her, which is understandable, but burned all bridges and send me a nasty SMS 2 weeks later.I am in abundance with girls, but have problems trusting them because I think, in the end, they will show their weaknesses sooner or later or just try to lock me down. (Take your time. Don’t commit to anything you’re not interested in.) On top of that, I get a sort of fan base due to my YouTube videos and newspaper articles in my region, where women start reaching out because of that. How do you handle this? (Take your time, and make good decisions. If they’re following your videos because they are trying to overcome something, there’s a good chance they’re fucked up, so you’ve got to be careful. Make sure you talk to them in person before you date them.) Then there is this phenomenon that you could always set new goals. I experienced that I can get girls in their 30’s. Now I am curious if I can date girls in there 20’s. Is there ever an end to this? (There’s always another level dude. You can never stop growing and evolving.)

The next thing is that I kind of lose touch with my friends. What I do and experience is so out of their daily life that they kind of detach from me or do not like listening to me. (That’s a side effect of being successful.) Of course I make new friends, but I am so outside of my comfort zone, it sometimes feels like living on another planet. I worry a little bit if I ever will feel totally at ease again. Do you think this comes back one day? (It levels out at some point. You’ll realize who’s in your corner and who’s not. Your circle of friends will become smaller the more successful you become.) My kids are fine with me, and my ex-wife is still super bitchy and egocentric. She is really the prototypical woman I do not want to give one fucking minute to anymore. Keep up your great work, Corey! (The true measure of a leader is not how many followers they have, but how many leaders they create. By applying the things in my book, you become better and you also have the potential to change the lives of every person you encounter and interact with. With people who are open to being helped, help them. Otherwise, don’t waste your time. Not everybody is going to be open to it.)Bob

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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur

“In order to reach your full potential, you must first be willing to let go of all your preconceived notions of who you are and what your limitations are. The beliefs we hold of ourselves determine the type of walls and barriers we will consciously and unconsciously erect in between what we are right now, and what we are capable of becoming in the future. If you see yourself as an unlimited being capable of learning, practicing, refining and perfecting anything you have a compelling enough vision to become, you will give yourself reasons to take action and find the time to make it a reality. If you choose to see yourself as a limited being, your capabilities and comfort zone will contract to the point it saps your happiness and will to live. Your focus, attitude and actions determine your destiny.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne

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Published on March 7, 2016

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