Are you feeling tired and sluggish all day to the point that it is interfering in your ability to be productive at work? Would you like to learn a few simple tips that will give you more energy and feeling of well-being than you have ever experienced in your life? Would you like to feel 10 years younger? The key is to alkalize and energize!
I was speaking with one of my clients the other day who was in the middle of a major business and personal turnaround. When I was asking about how he felt his level of productivity was this past week on a scale of 1 to 10, his answer was a six.
When I asked him what it would have taken in order for him to have given himself a 10, he said he would have been more productive and got more done. So then I asked him why was he not more productive. Usually the next statement would have been a limiting belief of his, and I would have helped him realize it, destroy the limiting belief and replace it with a more empowering belief. However, he proceeded to tell me that he felt physically run down all week and simply didn’t have as much energy as he usually does.
So my next question was, “What did you eat today?” He responded, “I had a protein bar for breakfast. For lunch I had a glass of wine, beef brisket and several other fried appetizers. At night for dinner I usually have pizza.” I asked him about working out. He also said that yesterday he just started back on his exercise program after taking a week or two off. I also asked him about the fluids he was drinking. He usually drinks coffee and water. I informed him, or should I say… reminded him, that everything he put in his mouth during the past 24 hours, with the exception of water, was all acid forming foods. Our bodies are alkaline by design, and acid by function.
It takes 80 parts alkalinity to buffer 20 parts acid. Our bodies are basically big batteries. A piece of hamburger meat has an electrical charge of 3 MHz. An avocado has an electrical charge of 90 MHz. A cancer tumor has electrical charge of approximately 33 MHz. When foods are cooked and processed they lose their high electrical charge, and basically it becomes dead food. If you do not ingest enough alkaline and ionized water, green leafy vegetables and other green vegetables to buffer the acid produced when your body metabolizes sugar, protein and carbohydrates, your body is forced to rob your bones, tissues and teeth of calcium and other minerals to neutralize the acid in your food. The toxins that your body cannot deal with because you have not given it enough buffering food to neutralize it, are parked in the fat tissues of your body.
As I discuss in my other articles on health, I personally drink about 2 gallons of alkaline and pH balanced water per day on days I do heavy exercise (30 minutes of weights and then 40 minutes of running in the south Florida heat will cause you to sweat a lot!), and about 1 gallon during normal days. I drink 3 to 5 glasses of green vegetable juice daily. I work out with weights 3 to 5 times a week. I run 3 to 4 nights a week for 40 minutes. I don’t eat red meat or pork. I rarely eat fried foods which are incredibly toxic to your body. I don’t drink soft drinks. I hardly ever drink alcohol. I don’t eat junk food very often. My diet mostly consists of fish, chicken and turkey for protein. I also eat lots of nuts and healthy seeds. I try to eat as many salads as possible. I eat a lot of Thai food. When I travel, I take Dr. Young’s pHour salts and his super greens which are the most inexpensive ways that you can start to alkalize and energize your body. Make sure you consult your doctor before making any dietary changes or starting an exercise routine.
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“What we are is God’s gift to us. What we become is our gift to God.”-Eleanor Powell
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