Are you a man who would like to date multiple women? Would you like to learn how to have your choice with women? Would you like to get to a point in your dating life where many different women are blowing up your phone trying to get you to spend time with them?
When I start coaching guys who are having trouble meeting and dating the type of women they’ve always wanted, I help them put in place systems, techniques and strategies they can use to create an over-abundance mindset and lifestyle when it comes to having multiple women they can go out with on dates any night of the week. A good tool and resource for you to increase the number of women you meet and date is my article “creating the ultimate online dating profile”. Having a great online dating profile will send you a steady stream of highly qualified prospects you can practice your pickup, dating and relationship skills on. As I’ve said many times before, repetition is the mother of skill.
For me, when I was younger and extremely inept with women, I always was trying to meet “the one”. I was extremely picky and anal retentive about the perfect girl. The problem was, I would only meet a woman who is exactly what I wanted and who I had a connection with every few years. Since I didn’t know what I was doing and I didn’t have many skills in the dating and attraction department, I usually never got more than 2 to 3 dates before I got blown off. I would spend six months of my life or more just trying to get over the one I lost, before I was able to get to a place where I would consider and be open to the possibility of meeting somebody new.
Once I really directed my energies and started learning from guys who were really successful with women, I was able to attract more women than I ever thought possible. It was strange to me at first, but I got used to being hit on an approached by many different beautiful women. My body language, physiology, the words I used, the way I talked, etc. all had a huge impact on the energy and confidence I projected. Everywhere I went, women noticed me. That had never happened before.
The more dates I went out on the better my skills became. For the first time in my life I had multiple women trying to make me their boyfriend, and I was the one doing the rejecting. I was not willing to settle for anything less than what I really wanted and knew I deserved. So therefore, I had women that I was dating who wanted to become exclusive with me. Many times I did not feel like I wanted to be exclusive, so I learned how to keep a relationship casual when a woman wanted to become exclusive with me.
When you are meeting and dating many different women online and in public, you realize you have lots of choices with women. When you are meeting and dating many different women it puts you in an abundance mindset. If you screw up with one girl, who cares? You still got four or five other ones who are blowing up your phone. That way you have no fear of loss.
This causes you to project a non-hungry and confident presence about you. Women can sense and pick up on this which causes them to naturally feel attraction for you. When you are only dating and chasing one girl, if you screw up, it can be devastating and keep you in a state that will cause most women to ignore you.
Any guy who has not dated a lot of different women, doesn’t know what he doesn’t know. The more women you date, the clearer the picture will become of what is most important to you in a relationship. When you finally decide to become exclusive with someone, you’ve played the field enough to feel confident that you’ve got the right girl. Guys who don’t date multiple women before becoming exclusive, will always in the back of their mind contemplate if the grass is greener on the other side.
I got an e-mail recently from one of my coaching clients. He’s doing fantastic! Before I started coaching him he was really struggling to meet and date women. From his e-mail you can really get a good sense of what it looks like when you are able to start dating many different women and have choice. My comments are (in bold brackets like this) in the body of his e-mail:
I hope all is well brother. I have really been diggin the news letters that you have been putting out (thanks man, I put a lot of time into each one). Thanks my man, for the valuable information!
As for everything else, I can’t really complain, been playing my cards right so far, I got me a hot date tomorrow (of course you do. You are a stud… and you’ve got a great coach who has your back.), set it up playbook style, lets just see if she follows through or cancels (good job on being aware of what her actions mean about how she really feels about you), Then this other gal that I was after a few years ago had hit me up on FB, she is from my hometown as well. She messaged me saying next time I’m in town that we should do lunch, I said, “that would be great, I would really like to see you, message me your number and before I go in I will set something up and give you the details.”
I haven’t heard back from her yet so just playing the waiting game for now (perfect, she will get in touch when she is ready. If you were to message her again without hearing from her it would communicate neediness and that you are not very successful with women).
Anyways, other than that I have been jumping thru hoops with work and school, I’m still managing to squeeze in some reading time from the book, Dam Corey that book has helped me out in ways unimaginable, I’m still making mistakes but overall I fell I’m getting better, last week I went out with the other chick I was telling you about, we went to a bar and I totally know what your talking about when you talk about masculine energy, I wasn’t nervous when I was with her like I was with the model chick a few months ago and everything flowed just right, not to mention other chicks were checking me out big time (its all in the energy and confidence you project. When other beautiful women see you with a beautiful woman, they assume you are popular with women and therefore will feel attraction for you. Dominant males are always with the hot girls. Women are attracted to dominant male behavior), when I would get up to go to the bathroom these other gals were totally giving me the “come on” anyways, so far so good Corey. I just thought I would share some of my success with you (I’m proud of you. Good job!). Hope all is well on your end brother, I look forward to all your news letters.
However back to the model chick from a few months ago, I’m sensing she is playing games. she finally text me a week ago, saying “Hi how are you” so I replied and said, doing good, we text back and forth for a few minutes, then I said I really wanted to see her and that I was going in for my sisters wedding that weekend, she said she was coming up to alb to see a friend but would be back on sat, so I told her that her friend can wait that she would have more fun with me anyways, she never responded, then she text me out of the blue on Tuesday saying “I miss you too babe, really bad” I was like wtf, because I never had texted her, so I just replied saying “i hope that was for me, lol” she replied with “hahaha I’m sorry, I hope everything is good with you babe” so I haven’t responded. what do you think Corey, I think she is testing me or playing games, anyways, any input would be great on this situation (she may have another guy she likes or an ex boyfriend is coming back into the picture. That’s usually the reason why you could go out on a date with a woman and she’s all over you. Then she all the sudden goes cold. Do nothing else. Just wait for her to contact you again and try to set another date when she does. This other guy or guys more than likely will turn her off over time and she will contact you eventually. Use infinite patience with this one. She likes you, but seems to be keeping you in “back-up” position. Keep dating and focusing on other women for now). Well have a good one Corey, look forward to your response.
Be easy my brother.Very Respectfully
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“Success depends upon previous preparation, & without such preparation there is sure to be failure.”-Confucius
Lilian says
Dude, right on there brhoter.