If you are a man who would like to start getting nonstop sex with online dating, then this will be the most exciting message you will ever read! Women who are on dating websites like match.com or eharmony.com are usually looking for a relationship. Women who are strictly looking for non-attached, but passionate and fulfilling sex without the hassle of a relationship, will join sex partners only type of websites.
The thing to keep in mind when meeting women on sex partner websites versus traditional dating websites, is that women are most attracted to men who are confident, strong, mysterious, charming, fun to be around, etc. So when you write a profile on a sex partner website, you still want to write your profile to push the appropriate sexual attraction hot buttons of women. The simple difference is, in traditional websites women are looking for relationships, and the sex partner websites women are looking for sex partners with no attachments. However, when two people have a real connection in addition to a strong sexual connection, they often end up in what they are trying to avoid, which is a relationship.
Some women are busy professionals who are focused on their careers and have made the decision that they do not want a relationship. They want sexual fulfillment and fun without any attachments. Maybe some of them for whatever reason, think relationships are a total pain in the ass. When you consider the fact that only 3/100 men actually understand women and how to properly approach and handle their interactions with women, it’s not surprising that many women choose to look for sex partners only. Why? Quite frankly, there’s not a huge selection of men who get it.
For most people, sex is part of a relationship. However, since most men are not very good at relationships, but men and women still really like sex, sex partners websites have become popular to fill this need. So if you want to simply get nonstop sex without any attachments, sex partners only websites may be just what you’re looking for.
The following is an e-mail I got from a widowed reader. My comments are (in bold brackets like this) in the body of his e-mail:
Corey, I am sending this to girls who view my profile dating website with explicit photos and profiles.
What do u think? Honestly? (The first thing you should consider when writing a profile for a sex partners only type of dating website is, what do women want who are on these websites? Obviously they are there because they like sex just as much as men do, but maybe just don’t want to deal with the restrictions, conventions, expectations or drama that often goes along with relationships. We know that most men don’t understand women, and therefore come on way too aggressively towards women instead of going with the flow. They tend to talk women right out of sleeping with them. Women who are on these sex partners only type of websites are simply looking for men who they can have great sex with, without any drama or attachments. They also want a man who knows what he is doing. So the goal is to create a profile that communicates to the women who read it that you understand women, you are mysterious, you are confident and that if she decides to contact you, that you will know how to give her what she wants with no attachments. That means you are not going to get emotionally hung up on her and create all kinds of drama after the first time you sleep together. Most importantly, you must communicate this indirectly and without bragging. How would you talk and what kinds of things would you say in your profile if you were getting nonstop sex? You would be very confident and matter of fact in your statements. There would be no doubt in what you say. Because every time a woman meets you who finds you physically attractive enough and after only a short period of time with her, it always ends up in the bedroom. You want to talk and think from the end. How would you be, what would you say, and how would you act if every time you met a woman who liked you, it always ended up in the bedroom? You would speak with certainty and conviction.).
I am THE Man that women want all around in bed & out. (This statement comes off as bragging. I would leave it out.). We are not here for a long time, we are here for a good time! I like the simple things in life & nature, down to Earth guy. (That is a good playful statement that communicates your easy-going outlook on life.)
My sex is the best you will find & hard to beat and my foreplay is the most wonderful experience you will ever have and with the longest tongue in the south, you will love every minute. (Again this comes off as bragging. Say something like this, “Isn’t it wonderful when you meet someone and look into their eyes and feel an amazing animal attraction for one another? That split-second moment when you realize that you and he are thinking and feeling the same level of attraction and desire for one another? No words need to be spoken. When a moment of magic happens between two people, it is a gift and should be taken advantage of immediately. Why worry about tomorrow or think about the past, when instead you can seize the moment and ravish one another passionately?” You want to paint a passionate romantic picture like a romance novel does.) And I am not a kiss/tell type either, very discreet. I am the respectful-ambitious Capricorn & a gentleman (These two statements come off as trying to win or seek her approval. The truth of an alpha male is self-evident. The fact that he is there communicates and implies that he already is these things. If you are what she is looking for, it is a given that the alpha male always understands and knows how to give a woman what she wants. There is no need to explain this.)
I am widowed from the most fantastic lady that was on the planet. She taught me lots and lots. We had sex 2 to 3 times daily for years, that’s just how hot we were for each other. She will remain in my heart. (This is good because you are communicating what you are used to sexually without bragging. Women reading this can imply that you would be the same way with them. It’s a very subtle difference versus bragging.)
I hangout at OBX beaches most of the time & reside in Lancaster. (This gives away too much information about your life and makes it sound like you are a one trick pony and do the same thing over and over again. Instead, mention some of the things you like to do and places you like to go. Women are like cats. They like mystery and slowly discovering everything about you. Always leave them wanting more.) My biz has given me all the free time I want so I am flexible for sexing selective ladies like yourself (This statement communicates that you have nothing else going on in your life and you don’t get laid very often because you are not very successful with women.). I am not the desperate or the possessive type (Then why bring it up? Truth is self-evident it needs no explanation. If a statement does not do anything to raise her level of interest in you by being mysterious and making her think about and feel the emotions associated with wanting a man, then you should leave it out). What happens happens! I am selective and only want the best for all involved. In any sort of relationship these days, long or short, I like to build some trust and lots of respect with a lady like you. (It seems to me you are putting a lot of what I teach about what women really want into your profile as platitudes. Remember, women are emotional beings and do not respond to logic and reason. They respond to how you make them feel. Keep that in mind when you’re writing to them.)
My favorites include escorting a lady like you shopping, dinner or a giant bubble bath with her favorite scents. (You don’t sound like her confident lover. You sound like a butler and someone who plans on taking her shopping so she can spend your money. This comes off as a bribe for sex.)
You may not want me to go back home or you may want me to come back again soon. (Think in terms of a romance novel. You want to be direct and confident when you make definite plans with a woman. When you are writing a profile, you want to use innuendo, charm and be indirect to get your point across so you cause her to day dream and see herself in the vision or story she is reading about what it is like to be involved with you and feel the emotions associated with that. Remember, women want to be in a love story. Women who are looking for sex only are looking to create that same kind of passionate sex that happens when two people meet and have a deep physical connection with one another. She’s not looking for sex to have sex. She is looking for that passion without the drama and attachments of relationships.).
Either way, it will be a sensuous time together you will possibly never forget. (This statement does not sound like you are very confident in your ability to give her what she wants.)
So let’s exchange phone numbers and get this Good Time started. My only commitment the rest of the year is MY Vegas Convention Oct 15th. (Translation… “my schedule is wide open and I have nothing else going on in my life. I am a lonely guy and have no friends. After the first time we have sex, I will probably become needy and clingy and stalk you.” If you are a busy alpha male who has lots of women chasing him, but are always looking to meet other women who you’d normally not have a chance to meet, your schedule will be packed. However, if someone seems really special, then you will find a way to fit them in. Do this without bragging however.)
So please let me know your favorite toys and your favorite condoms? (I would say something like this… “I’m a busy professional who is looking for sexy playmates who are comfortable expressing and asking for what they really want from a man in the bedroom. I want to know what you like and want, and I will share what I really like and want so we can ravish one another until we are both totally exhausted, content, fulfilled… and we’ve woken all the neighbors up! If you think you are what I am looking for, and comfortable expressing what you really want from a man, shoot me an e-mail and let’s get this party started!).
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“By leaving behind your old self & taking a leap of faith into the unknown, you find out what you are truly capable of becoming.” – Unknown
AJ says
I would love to be the 1 to satisfy alot of woman
Georgy bell says
I really like this guy and for months after he he split with long term girlfriend we flirted and became close. Never slept together. He suddenly went cold on me and a group of us were out last night where on guy said to this woman about her son that he should look for women online….like (the guy I like) does.
My heart just stopped I’m not judging him it’s that I’m so worried it will go from just sex to getting to know a girl more and her ghetto that chance instead of me. What can I do? Feel helpless.