How to have a wonderful life full of love, playfulness & romance with your dream woman.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email success story from a guy who found my work after his 3rd divorce and a 3-week fling with a girl from high school went sideways. He discusses how fun, easy and effortless his relationship is with his new fiancée of 2 years, and how much my work has changed his life for the better.
He also talks about his dating experiences with many different beautiful and successful women, and how each one helped him to refine his list of his ideal woman. My comments are in bold italics like this below in the body of his email.
What led this guy to my work, like probably 80% of the dudes that first come to my work, is he was seeing a girl he really liked and it went sideways. He’s like, “Man, I’ve got three divorces under my belt. What the hell is going on here?” So he writes a success story of learning 3% Man. Also, he read Mastering Yourself several times, and he’s even gone through at least one of the two quote books, Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations – Volume I and Volume II, which came out this past year. So, I appreciate everybody’s support with those. I still see people in the comments going, “Hey, when are the quotes book coming out?” It’s like, they’ve been out for a couple of years.
So, anyway, we’re going to go through the success story and share what he learned and how he refined his approach, how he dated a lot and made a lot of mistakes. Because repetition is the mother of skill, and obviously, learning what’s in 3% Man, you’re going to be unlearning a lot of what you have learned and been taught, and even what you oftentimes feel you should be doing. Because you’ve been emotionally anchored to a lot of behaviors that are unnatural and they’re unattractive, especially when you’re trying to attract the opposite sex or the opposite sexual essence opposed to your own. If you’re masculine, you’re going to want a more feminine, polarized essence, and the more polarized it is, the stronger the romantic attraction is going to be.
Viewer’s Email:
Dear Coach,
First and foremost, thank you from the bottom of my heart for changing my life! I first started following you in 2018…
So, this is five years now.
…after my third divorce and a three week fling with an old high school chick started going sideways as she threw out new terms like, “You’re the man, you decide what we are doing.”
Women like it when we take the lead.

Or, “When you take the lead, I think it’s fucking hot.” I had never heard a female say things like that, she was/is an alpha and I was not at that time. I’m a handsome dude and attracting attractive women has always been easy, but I had no idea I was doing all the wrong things until after this and I stumbled upon your work.
I was electrified and thrilled with all the teachings and articles and evidences you have out there for guys like me. I began a transformation that has helped me become a 3% man. I eventually picked up chicks in the grocery store, turned a hot long term friend into more than just a friend but soon recognized she has zero integrity, so I didn’t pursue it.
This is what we call having choice with women – being able to attract and keep (or not) the women that you want. But it’s your choice, instead of always being the one that gets dumped, or blown off, or friendzoned. They’ll go, “Oh, there’s no chemistry, there’s no spark. There’s something missing. You’re a great guy, though. It’s not you, it’s me.”
I have dated beautiful and successful women, and every time after about 6-8 months, I’d realize this is NOT my ideal woman. I’d refine my list after each of the LTRs I enjoyed along the way.
Well, this is how you get better. This is how you figure out what you want and don’t want. You’ve got to have life experience. It’s kind of funny, the email that I went through yesterday, the one where the guy found that his fiancee he’s been with 13 years was sending topless pictures of herself to some dude she met at a wedding. And it’s like, you’ve got all of these young guys that have got zero life experience going, “Oh, just dump her. She’s got no integrity.” It’s like, this guy lives with her. They own a house together in a declining real estate market, and they’re obviously not going to be able to sell it unless they take a significant hit.

They have two kids together, they have a business together, they live together. And it’s easy just to go, “Oh yeah, just dump her,” but the guy wants to work things out. And as a coach, your job is to help people get what they want. But it’s just kind of funny. You see these that guys have zero experience in the comments, telling me I don’t know what I’m talking about. It’s like, okay, how many relationships have you helped save? Yeah, okay dude. But you can tell it’s a lot of the red pill dudes that just get butt-hurt.
I mean, granted, the woman is sending topless pictures of herself. It goes without saying, you’re not supposed to be doing that. And I didn’t specifically mention that, because I was focused on helping the guy turn his action around. Because that’s the only thing that really matters, is what he does going forward, whether it’s attracting and keeping his fiancee back or attracting somebody new. But if he doesn’t act like a man consistently, he’s going to have the same problems that this particular guy used to have.
Now, keep in mind, this dude’s got three divorces under his belt. If you act unattractive, no matter how good of a dude you are, you’re going to get jacked around. That’s just the way it is. I’m just the messenger, telling you how to get what you want.
Then out of the blue almost two years ago, only five weeks after I refined my list for the last time, I met the woman of my dreams!!! Just like you talk about, our courtship has been effortless and, like you teach, the courtship never ends! Forty-two items out of 44, my fiancé meets.
That’s a pretty good number.
I moved in with her after 14 months of dating, and we will get married soon which will be our 24th month together.
Well, congratulations to you guys.

I own all your works on Audible and refer people to your works constantly…
Well, that’s the highest compliment you can give me, is when you’re telling your friends and family to read “3% Man,” read “Mastering Yourself – How to align your life with your true calling and reach your full potential.” And the latest editions, the two different quotes books, Volume I and II are out. The audiobooks are out. Your support is appreciated, and so are your referrals.
…and am so thankful for your green juice and smoothies nutritional info!
Obviously, that’s discussed in “Mastering Yourself.” And there are some videos on the website, if you Google or go to YouTube and you search “How To Make Corey’s Green Juice with Gracie” and “How To Make Corey’s Green Alkaline Smoothie With Gracie.” Those are the most recent videos of us making the juice in the smoothies with the latest recipes.
I am so fucking grateful the Divine Creator placed you on this earth, so you could be an instrument in His hands of helping alphas to unlearn their beta male bitch modeling that is programmed into our minds from media at a young age.
Yeah, people with man boobs like Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab, they really, really enjoy that. I love strengthening the alphas, so eventually we can crush our enemies at the Nuremberg 2.0 trials.
I am a 45-year-old man, and recently started my own business and am in year three, (still have many more to go before I am bulletproof), and 100% confident I am living my best life thanks to you and can confidently say I was NOT a 3% man years ago, but I have become one thanks to your guidance!

Well, you did the work, dude. So, if you want to pat anybody in the back, pat yourself. I just simply showed you the way. But if you look at the comments from yesterday’s video that I did, “I Caught My Fiancée Sending Nudes To Another Man!”, you could just see from those guys, some people you just can’t reach. They get into that red pill cult, and they just turn into a bunch of negative Nancys, and women just don’t like them. They do not feel safe around these guys. You can tell there’s just so much anger and hostility in them. Any time I do a video with one of the girls, it’s like, man, these are some unhappy dudes.
I forgot to mention some crucial points in my email yesterday of expressing gratitude. They are as follows:
Just like you talk about in your first book and so many videos, the two keys to a long term relationship are: 1) Communication.
A woman must feel heard and understood. When she does, the legs open, and when she doesn’t, the legs close. Pretty simple.
If you really care for your woman, you’re going to continue to date and court and play with her. The family that plays together stays together. That’s the most important thing. If you’re not having fun together, then what the hell are you doing?
Thanks to your book and videos, I have been able to constantly remind myself of these and am not complacent. My fiancée always says the following phrase, “I am so attracted to you it’s unbelievable how it only gets better.”
Like fine wine.
Or, “I have never been so in love and so attracted to my man. You are such a rare man.”

Yeah, because most guys just simply won’t do the work. They’d like to cry like the pusswuas in the comments on yesterday’s video, just constantly complaining. It just cracks me up, these dudes. It’s like, “Oh, I totally disagree, Coach. I’m unfollowing. I don’t like this. You don’t know what you’re talking about.” I’m like, how many relationships have you helped save over the years? I’ve been doing this for 20 years, bro. Come on.
I have read your first book 15+ times, second book only two times but, Quotes & Ruminations six times.
Well, what everybody tells me they like about the two quotes books, Volume I and Volume II is that it ties the concepts together from both “Mastering Yourself” and “3% Man.” And so, it’s a great review. if you’ve been through both books. It’s just like, when you hear things explained several different ways, typically that’s when things just click.
It truly has become a lifestyle/philosophy and without it, I’d be left to the super pleaser beta male lil bitch approach I was raised with and taught in the media. In the beginning of my transformation, I “shit the bed” many times with different women as I learned by trial and error, and like you teach in your third book, you can’t be afraid of failure and I would ask myself, “What can I learn from this and how can I do it different in the future?”
The quality of your life is in direct proportion to the quality of the questions that you consistently ask yourself. It’s super, super important to ask good quality questions and force your brain to give you good quality answers.
I imagine you get thousands of these types of emails, and if my story can help others, please share it. I remember sharing the philosophies with my younger sister who is an alpha like me and married to a beta male, but, just like you teach, the sexual polarity in their relationship works.

I mention this, because to her, everything I was sharing in the early months and years of learning the correct masculine approach that seems counterintuitive, as you remind so many in your first book, my sister would say things like, “If a guy did __ that to me, I would never call him back.” Or, “That would piss me off if a dude did that to me.” It’s because she is in her masculine and her husband is in his feminine. Your philosophies are 100% fucking right on!!!
Well, every guy needs to read “The Way of the Superior Man” by David Dieda. It’s been out for over 20 years now. I goes back to the nineties. Every man should read it. That should be one of his book Bibles. You just have to really understand it.
From zero to where I am now having circulated until I found the woman of my dreams who hits 42 of my 44 items on my list. From the bottom of my heart and with every ounce of sincere gratitude, I thank you for equipping me with the knowledge and skills that have changed my life forever!!
Best Regards,
Well, Bob, thanks for the great success story and sharing it. And congratulations to you and your fiancee on your love story. And to all the haters and the losers in the comments yesterday, this one’s for you. You can kiss my arse.
So, if you’ve got a question or a challenge and you’d like to get my help, go to UnderstandingRelationships.com, click the Products tab at the top of your screen and book a coaching session with yours truly.
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How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
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