The secrets to successful seductions, so you can seduce the women you want when you want.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss two different emails from two different viewers. The first email is from a viewer who got a random text out of the blue after four years from a French girl that previously never went anywhere. He invited her over for drinks and dinner and seduced her successfully. A few days later, she said they should be friends only. He’s not sure what to do now.
The second email is an updated success story from a guy I previously answered an email for in my video newsletter, “Am I Beyond Hope & Help?” He shares how my work has changed his life since then and brought an abundance of choice with women. My comments are in bold italics like this below in the bodies of their emails.
First Viewer’s Email:
Hi Coach,
I like and own your book! My dilemma is as follows! I met this French girl a few years back and short story, I had mentioned going for a drink about 4 years ago and nothing ever happened! Until 2 weeks ago. She texted me out of the blue and so she asked me what I was doing Saturday, and I told her she was coming to my place for dinner and drinks! Note, halfway through the week she asked me to text her during my lunch break, (9pm). She was really aggressive, texting me saying I was a “beautiful man” and the texts were still positive, (mistake).
So something to consider, maybe something went sideways with a guy she was seeing. Maybe she was mad at somebody she was seeing. Maybe she was just in a place where she’s getting older, not getting as much attention for men, you don’t really know. But at the end of the day, she reached out, maybe potentially on the rebound.

Saturday evening, she showed up and everything went perfect. We drank, SHE asked to kiss me! Wow. We ate and had sex after supper/night and morning. She left around 2:30 the next day. The next week, I started texting as before, as I didn’t want her to think she was a notch on my bedroom post.
Well, quite frankly, you might have been a notch on hers. Like I said, it’s unusual, four years out of the blue, “Hey, what are you doing? You’re a beautiful man,” buttering you up like that. You don’t know, maybe she was looking through your social media, and it looks like things have changed or you have changed.
But the idea is, like I talk about “7 Principles To Get An Ex Back” and I talk about in “How To Be A 3% Man,” is that when somebody blows you off, or friend zones you, or ignores you and then they start showing back up, you let them do 100% of the calling, texting and pursuing. Because the mindset is they have to earn another chance with you, not the other way around.
And you tried pursuing her four years ago and it went nowhere, and she basically blew you off. So just because she reached out and you hooked up, it doesn’t mean you go back to pursuing somebody like this. Because, like I said, she might have just been using you as a rebound to help her get over someone that it didn’t turn out well with.
You just don’t know. Maybe she had a guy that was a boyfriend that she was dating and he cheated on her, and then she broke up with him and now she’s trying to make herself feel better, and you were the first candidate that came to mind. Either way, you got a successful seduction. You hang out, you have fun, you hook up. That’s your job as a man in the courtship, that’s it. It doesn’t say anything about relationships, or locking her down, or chasing a girl that blew you off four years ago.

You’re the prize. And as a man, the reality is with men, our sexual market value grows with time. As we learn more, as we become more sophisticated, we take better care of ourselves. And obviously, as we get older, we tend to get into our peak earning years. Whereas, with women it tends to decline with age, because at the end of the day, us guys tend to be visual creatures. That’s the harsh reality of things. So, men tend to age like fine wine. In other words, our choices as men with women don’t tend to peak until we get older. Whereas women, it tends to peak when they’re younger. That’s just reality.
Tuesday, that’s when she hit me with “I don’t think I will get any feelings for you and would like to be friends!”
Oh, swell. That sounds grand. Nope.
“We can go out for coffee or drinks to catch up if I want.”
Coffee and lunch, no thank you.
I was so stunned, I stupidly said okay, but thanked her for telling me early.
Come on, man.
I haven’t done anything since. I don’t know why I seem to be hung up on her, as I have two other girls that I’m sleeping with.
Well, you shouldn’t be. Just like the quote says, you should be non-attached. You should have a take it or leave it kind of attitude. If she blew off four years ago, then she’s got to earn another chance with you. You’re the prize. You don’t chase after somebody that blows you off. And just because she showed up out of the blue and hooked up with you, you don’t know what her motivations are or what’s really going on in her life.

When she left, I would just say, “Call me later. Text me later,” and left it at that. And then if she never called you again, so what. You had a girl call you out of the blue after four years and you hooked up with her. That’s a success. It was a successful seduction. As a man in the courtship, your job is to hang out, have fun and hook up.
And by the way, these sweet mugs, you can get at Teespring.com, in the Coach Corey Wayne store. Maybe as a reminder, this is it. This is the formula. Nothing about relationships, or locking her down to a commitment or any of that stuff on there. That’s it. You hear from her and you create the next opportunity for sex to happen, especially with women that are like this. She blew you off, she’s got to earn another chance with you. You’re already sleeping with two other women. What do you need a third for? It’s already enough work keeping two of them happy.
Now I want your advice, as I am on the third time reading the 3% book and realize the texting mistake. Also wondering why she left drinks on the table, is this a test? So, my plan is to call, not text, a week after this happened to see if she wants to go out for drinks.
Come on, dude. You do that and then you’re agreeing to be friends. The strongest negotiating position is being able to walk away and mean it. And when she says friendship, you don’t keep pursuing somebody that uses the “F” word. If any woman uses the “F” word, “friends,” and you in the same sentence, she gets permanent radio silence, because you’re not interested in that. And if she reaches out after the fact, you’re interested in sex and romance. That’s the bottom line. Hang out, have fun and hook up. It doesn’t say hang out, have fun and get a bad case of blue balls. Hang out, have fun and hook up.
If yes great. If no, I would tell her that I cannot be her friend, but will accept friends with benefits, and if she doesn’t want that, well, “Call me if you change your mind!”

So, you’ve already said what you’re going to say to this girl. You’re not going to reach out and pursue her. So, I would do nothing. Again, think about it, you’ve got two other the girls that are fucking your brains out and you’ve got one going, “Hey, let’s go out and I’ll give you blue balls every time we hang out, and you can buy me drinks and entertain me like a a dancing monkey.” Yeah, that sounds like a swell deal. I’m going to be all over that. No, you give her radio silence.
If she reached out after four years, when you completely disappear she’ll probably wonder why. She used the “F” word, so if she does reach out, invite her over for dinner again. I wouldn’t take her out, I wouldn’t meet her out and then go to lunch. I wouldn’t do any of that. Invite her over for dinner. And if she tries to pull the “Well, let’s meet for lunch,” or “Let’s go to coffee,” you’re going to say “Nah, it’s been a long week. I’m just in the mood to hang at my place. If you don’t want to come over and hang out here, then give me a call in a couple of weeks and maybe I’ll be up for meeting you out then.” This is right out of “7 Principles To Get An Ex Back.”
What’s happening here is, because you really like this girl, you’re attached, and you’re trying to chase and you’re trying to force things. And obviously, just like when you texted her and called her a few days later, it didn’t go well. That’s when she threw the “F” word at you. That’s why your attitude should be like, “Hey, this chick blew me off four years ago. I’ve got two girls I’m already hooking up and sleeping with, and if she wants to see me again and wants another chance with me, she can reach out. And if she doesn’t, ‘Hey, thanks for the free pussy.'”

I mean, what are you going to say? “It was good, it was a good time. Thanks for coming by.” I mean, how is it a bad thing when a random girl calls you out of the blue, comes over and has sex with you? If she wants to see you again, she can get in touch. Otherwise, you’re busy with the twins, or whoever these other two girls are? That’s what I would do.
You’re doing the exact opposite of what I teach, because you’re attached to her. You’re attached to the idea of a relationship. Again, you’ve got to flip the script. She’s got to earn another chance with you, not the other way around.
Second Viewer’s Email:
Dear Coach Corey,
I would like to say that once before you made a video about me called “Am I Beyond Hope & Help?” I wrote to you a few years back in my mid-teens, and I’m in my early 20s now. If you would be ever so gracious enough, I’d like to tell you and your viewers and subscribers about how much I’ve grown thanks to your tough love.
Here’s where the success comes in. I’ll spare intimate details and get to the juice. I’ve been working out more. My skin has smoothened out and I’m 10x as buffed up as I was before.
So, I assume he’s talking about some of the different juicing and smoothie recipes, applying some of the dietary principles in “Mastering Yourself” to keep you really healthy. And a lot of these same principles, if you look at the GOAT, the greatest of all time, Mr. Tom Brady eats a mostly alkaline diet as well. That’s why he just won his seventh Super Bowl ring. But I digress.

If you want to play at the highest level, here’s how I look at my life. I’m 51 now, and the stuff that I’ve learned about diet and health and the things that keep me looking younger than I actually am is, I look at it like I’ve got an extra 20, 25 years over most people, worst case. So to me, my effective age is I’m 30, 31 maybe. Maybe 27, 28. In my mind, that’s how I think — if I keep taking care of myself like I am.
As I look at all my friends and all of the people that I grew up with, most of them really don’t look very good, to be honest with you. And I hate saying that, but that’s harsh reality. Because diet, lack of exercise, or even people that exercise that are really buff and big and bulky — there’s a lot of people that are fit, but they’re not healthy. That’s why you see these big bulky guys that drop dead of heart attacks when they’re in their mid 40s or 50s. You think, that guy was in great shape, how in the hell did he drop dead?
It’s all about how you take care of your body and your tissues, and I go through that extensively in “Mastering Yourself,” but the reality is most people won’t do it. They won’t do the little things. They won’t make the juice, they won’t make the smoothies. “I don’t like the way it tastes.” And then they age really quickly.
We shouldn’t be dropping dead at 70-years old or 65-years old, it just should not be happening. I mean, there was a turtle that I saw on Twitter the other day, the damn thing is 189 years old, a fucking turtle. Turtles are outliving us? What’s interesting about a turtle, they move really slow — slow and steady, like the river that never grows stale, no hurry, no rush.

And so, like I said, the way I look at it is I kind of still think I’m a 25-year old dude, even though obviously, physically I’m not that. But when you compare me to other people my age, I look amazing. I hear it all the time, and I’m going to keep taking care of myself. So it’ll be interesting to see what I look like in another 25 years. I’ll probably look better in 25 years than the people who are in their 20s right now.
It is what it is, because I’m willing to do the little things that most people aren’t, and that’s why Tom Brady is playing at the highest level. He’s doing things and he’s really anal retentive about his diet, and that’s why he accomplishes the things he does. Because most other guys, even the guys in the NFL, out of 7.5 billion people on the planet, you’ve got maybe a thousand on all the rosters and practice squads — most of them, almost 100% of them, just simply won’t do what he does, and that’s why he just crushes everybody. He crushes them all. It’s not even a contest.
And so, when you want to succeed at the highest level and accomplish the things that most people don’t, the keys are in these books, (“How To Be A 3% Man” and “Mastering Yourself”), and applying them day in, day out, week after week, month after month, year after year, decade after decade. That’s a fact. It’s the way it is. You’ve had all the rest. Now, here you are listening to the best. And you can read both of them for free at UnderstandingRelationships.com. All you’ve got to do is subscribe to the email newsletter.
I took up Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, after a friend of mine working at my local gym who’s been training in it for years roped into taking a class. I fell in love with it, and I’ve learned to defend myself and gained a new crowd.

This is what I talk about all the time. People are like, “How do I meet new people? How do I meet girls?” Go out and do fun things. You’ll meet other like-minded men that you become friends with that enlarges your social circle. Maybe these new guy friends have a hot sister or a hot friend or their wives or their girlfriends have hot friends and they invite you over for a barbecue on the weekend. It’s like, that’s how most people randomly meet people they really connect and jive with, because people that like the same things tend to like each other.
And that’s why when you get into things, whether in his case it’s jiu jitsu, or being in the gym, or rock climbing, or shooting or being in the gun community like I really enjoy doing, you meet a lot of really cool new people you wouldn’t normally meet. You hang out, you do things socially. That’s what you do, get out and participate in life and participate with other like minded people. And meeting cool girls will be a side effect of that. You don’t have to go out hunting for women. You just happen to kind of bump into them just as you’re living your life and having fun, because when you’re having fun, you smile more. You’re more attractive.
I’m still single. However, more girls have been straight up throwing themselves at me. Though, I’m a late bloomer. I lost my V-Card at 20, (I’m 21 now). I progress in my Jiu Jitsu, and I’m studying for a degree in a STEM field. As of lately, I’ve learned to approach girls, but more girls have been approaching me, two of which took me out for drinks. This is crazy! Looking back, I feel ashamed of how I treated myself and can see why women looked down upon me. But now the girls who wouldn’t give me the time of day are now hitting up my phone wanting to grab dinner.

Choices, choices, choices.
I’ve spent time extensively with one girl, who I’ve taken a liking to.
You let her take a liking TO YOU.
Overall, it got better. But only because I put in the work for it to get better.
That’s the key. Just like Mr. Tom Brady, he puts in the work, he plays at a level and he prepares at a level that nobody can compete with. And that’s why in my little niche and what I do, a lot of people bitch and complain. They write books and they hate on me and, “Oh, my book’s better than Corey Wayne’s.” It’s like, yeah, right. That’s why mine just sells religiously and relentlessly year after year, decade after decade.You’re not going to outwork me. It’s not going to happen.
I’d like for everyone thinking they’re beyond hope to know you’re given one life to live…
Well, I believe in reincarnation, so I don’t agree with that, but I understand the sentiment.
…and it’s up to you to turn your tragedy around.
I definitely agree with that. You must participate in your own rescue. Nobody’s coming to save you. America is the land of opportunity. It’s a land in a country and a government designed of the people, by the people and for the people. It’s for a self-reliant people, not a bunch of whiny ass little bitches that want to suck in the government tit and have those fucking clueless clowns in Washington, D.C. running and regulating every aspect of your life.
I’ll encourage anyone listening to try Jiu Jitsu. It will change your life! That’s all for now. Stay Strong, and Stay Safe out there.
And remember to hang out, have fun and hook up. And if you would like to talk to yours truly and hire one of the greatest coaches on the planet to help you reach your full potential and your personal and professional life, go to UnderstandingRelationships.com, click the Products tab at the top of your screen and book a coaching session with yours truly.
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“The key to seduction and romance is an attitude of non-attachment. Love is freedom. Loving in such a way that the person you love feels free to come and go actually causes them to want to be with you more and more and only you. If you try to control the one you love and desire, they will be repelled romantically, because they feel like they are losing their freedom. It’s almost a vibe of I dare you to find someone better. That way, when they do choose you, you will feel content, peaceful and certain of their love, instead of insecure and uncertain, which happens when you try to force things. The best feeling is being with someone who really wants to be with you and chooses you of his or her own free will.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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