Is it really true that men are always thinking about sex? When a man does not have his nose to the grindstone working on his purpose and mission in life, any time he sees a beautiful woman who he finds attractive, he can’t help but notice her body, her lips, her breasts, her ass, her legs, her eyes, her demeanor, etc.
Men are visual creatures. We tend to fall in love through our eyes. Women tend to fall in love through their ears. Even if a guy is married and very happy and sexually fulfilled in his relationship, he can’t help but notice the hot supermodel looking woman as she walks by and have a least one dirty thought pop into his mind.
Men must find that women are physically appealing (usually) first, before they will be interested in talking or getting to know what she is really like. Unfortunately for most guys, they don’t understand what women are looking for in a man, nor do they understand what women emotionally respond to. It’s okay that you have sex on your mind when you first start talking to a woman, but if you don’t know what to say or how to say it, you will talk her right out of sleeping with you even if she is sexually attracted to you.
When a guy starts applying what I teach in my book, he will notice that applying my book’s principles brings out the best in the best women, and the worst in the worst women. Women who have daddy issues and are pissed off at men in general, or women who are ultraconservative, ultra-religious, prudish or structured, will get totally offended by many of the things I say in my articles and videos.
I recently had a woman who had sent me a friend request on Facebook which I accepted. Later, she totally flew off the handle when she read the headline of my article “How To Get Laid On The First Date“. She writes this nasty comment on my wall and accuses me of being the most awful woman hating man on the planet. It is obvious she never took the time to read my articles and digest the information. Or empathize with the guys whose questions I am answering. I use profanity and so-called “bad words” all of the time in my videos and in my articles. I talk about adult subjects and use adult language. My attitude is that if people get offended, then they should not follow or read my work and instead find someone who is willing to blow a bunch of politically correct bullshit up their asses. I’m not a happy talk power of positive thinking kind of coach. I’m an authentic realist. I always tell my clients like it is, good or bad. It serves no one to blow sunshine up someone’s ass so they don’t feel bad. A good coach will point out what a client is doing right so they can do more of that right behavior, and what they are doing wrong so they can take corrective action and get the most out of themselves and their lives! It’s all about personal peak performance.
Human beings are happiest when every area of their lives that is important to them such as: relationships, personal finances, career, business, health, etc. is banging on all cylinders. A balanced life. I simply make the life that people want possible. I am not here to be anyone’s judge. I simply want to help as many fellow human beings experience the richness and happiness that having success in all areas of their lives brings.
Women who understand men do not get upset or offended when a man finds her attractive or sexually desires her. Women who do not understand men get pissed off the instant they notice a man checking out their body. The funny thing about this woman who got pissed off at my article on Facebook, is that in almost all of her profile pictures, she took the picture while holding a camera above her looking down at her. She always has a low-cut top that reveals her new giant DD fake boobs. All her pictures scream “Hey boys, look at my big fake boobs!” I bet every time a man notices her boobs or other part of her curvy body that she takes lots of pictures of, she gets pissed off and offended. She wants a man, but is pissed off when they are sexually attracted to her. She is mad and pissed off at men in general and therefore assumes that all men are the same and only care about sex. She is constantly looking for that and she has the same irrational emotional reaction every time it happens. She wants a relationship desperately, but she pushes every guy away because she does not understand men. I feel sad for her, but she has made her own prison. No one will ever say or do anything that is not a direct reflection of how they feel about themselves in a moment. When any human being attacks you, you must remember they are only projecting their own garbage onto you.
Date women who have a good attitude and good sense each humor if you want to have effortless relationships. Let the women who have daddy issues and are pissed off at men date guys who don’t get it. My life is a drama free zone. All of my girlfriends are drama free. That way we get to focus on making magic together instead of trying to make each other feel guilty for our natural sexual desires. Human beings are sexual beings. Our bodies and sex is a beautiful gift to be shared between two (and sometimes more… threesomes!) people who desire each other. Life is too short to spend it dancing with women who are jackasses and pissed off at men. You must be who you are, what you should be… is not important.
You can download the Amazon Kindle version of my book “How To Be A 3% Man”, in under 60 seconds to your Smartphone, Mac, iPad, or PC for only $9.99 by clicking here. Then read it 10 to 15 times so you learn the material so well that you could literally give a seminar on it. You must learn the fundamentals of understanding and interacting with women if you want to start succeeding with women like never before. I would also suggest that you book a one-hour phone coaching session with me personally by clicking here.
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How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
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Mastering Yourself
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls.”-Joseph Campbell
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