Why you’re the CEO of your life, and why your success or failure is a direct result of how often you learn new knowledge, and how much you enhance and improve your gifts, skills and talents on a consistent basis.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss a follow-up email I got from the female viewer whose email I discussed in my video newsletter titled, “Free At Last!” Her original email came in over six months ago, and her latest email updates us on the events of the past five months, since she decided to return to her home country and leave a toxic relationship. I also got a quick seduction success story to share with you from a guy who just found my work two months ago and just made love to the first woman he’s ever been with who he felt was, “out of his league.” I also discuss what we all must focus on as the CEO’s of our own personal and professional lives, so we can reach our full potential and accomplish our grandest goals and dreams. My comments are in (bold parenthesis like this below) in the bodies of their emails.
First Viewer’s Email:
Hi Corey,
Wow, that was a real treat to get this email from you. (This is an update from the woman whose email I previously discussed in my article and video, “Free At Last!” I love seeing people doing well, living for themselves and making major changes in their lives that please them and make them happy. Because really, success is being able to spend your life in your own way. Even if you have a career and you work for other people, you’ve got to bide your time. You’re going to have to work jobs that are not what you really want to do. The key is not to get stuck there and start telling yourself the story that you’ve got to pay the bills. Unless it’s your dream to take over that job, you’ve got to have an exit plan. If you want to reach your full potential in life, you have to have a plan you’re executing on the side to move towards what you want, or you will lose hope.) I have been home in Australia now since March. It has been a hard road emotionally, but I’m finally at a point in my life now that I can say I’m really happy. It took 6 months. (Remember, being happy and successful is the result of making progress.) I had a break down when I got home, and I was on antidepressants for a few months. Now I don’t try to stop or block my feelings. I’m just biding my time until the love I had for my ex ebbs away. I am in control of my heart! (I read a statistic that said, when a person comes out of a long-term relationship, one that has lasted many years, the average person takes a year and a half before the really, completely get over it, and that charge is gone. The sooner you can understand or figure out what it is you want in a future relationship, do the work on yourself and vibrationally align yourself in your life with the kind of person you want to attract, in other words becoming the kind of person you want to attract, the sooner you ready yourself for someone way better. If you don’t feel like you have choice in your personal life, you will feel like you’re stuck with what you can get. But that is not what peak performance is about. Peak performance is about you getting up every day, looking in the mirror and being satisfied with the quality of the life you’re living, the quality of the people that are in your life and and the quality of the experiences that you’re getting to have.)I’m surrounded by family that love and support me, and I’m continuing with my passion as an artist. I’m single, but not looking. I want one day to meet a genuine man, so I keep watching your videos so I can learn what that, in fact, looks like, Lol. I will never be in that kind of a relationship again. I tell everyone how much being able to watch your channel has changed my life. (I really appreciate the fact that you honor me with referrals.)
I left a bad relationship after 13 years of abuse, went to New Zealand for a change, got into film school, and then went straight back into another bad relationship. (If you continue to do what you’ve always done, you’ll continue to get what you’ve always got. If you’re continually attracting the same kind of people, then obviously you have to be honest with yourself and realize that your plan you’re employing for meeting new people is not a very good one. That’s where a book like mine comes along and helps you to understand a healthy relationship and how somebody who has their shit together is going to act naturally, so you can weed out the bad ones.) He wasn’t as bad as the first one, which is why I tolerated so much. This is my lesson, I will never settle again.A few weeks back, my ex contacted me saying he misses me and wants to keep in contact. I told him to fuck off, Lol! The work you are doing is far beyond what you realize. You are totally serving a higher purpose, and I will be eternally grateful to you for putting your work out there. God bless you Corey. (Thanks for sharing your story. The cool thing is, now you’re surrounded by people who love and support you, so you get into that vibe of what it’s like to be around healthy people who really just care about you for who you are. You set yourself up in a much healthier vibe than where you were the last time around. I like how you told that dude to fuck off. Sometimes you have to do that, because some people are toxic, and you have to just hit the delete button.)
I thank you so much. XX,
Second Viewer’s Email:
This email is simply to state “thank you.” The information that you teach and the videos that you put together 100% work. It is incredible and life changing. I found your work this past June, and began applying your techniques. I’ve met dozens of women and practiced what you teach. The past night I slept with an incredible girl, who in my previously life would have been way out of my league. (Dude, it is your birthright to be with women who are “out of your league.” At the end of the day, it’s just the story you tell yourself. It makes no sense to date if you’re not going to be with somebody who totally knocks your socks off physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally, where they’re just easy and effortless to be with.) She couldn’t wait for our third date and had me come over to her place the night prior. Drop dead gorgeous body. And it all started halfway through our first date when I told her, “You need to kiss me now.” Sound familiar?I still have a lot to learn and continue to practice, watch your videos, and read your book. I’ve made mistakes, but learned from them, and continue to get better.
Thank you so much Corey. Your work has changed my life. (Thanks for the great success story. I’m happy for you, because when that happens, it goes from a fantasy to reality. Most of the men in this world don’t get to experience that.)
Here are some things that are really important:
1) You are a brand. A brand is more than just a logo. What is the purpose of your business? What is your icon? Think of yourself as a brand. You are the CEO of your life. Who are you? What are you about? What a are the skills, gifts and talents you have that are innate and unique to you, and what are you doing to develop them in some way that people will compensate you for them? A job is not something you have to just pay the bills. A job is something that compensates you based upon your skills and the value you can add to other people’s lives. Your ability to earn money and add value to other people’s lives is going to be based upon how much you learn, how much you practice the things you learn, and the skills that you develop. That’s what people pay you for.
2) You must be able to market you and your skills personally and professionally. One of the most important things you can learn to do in life is to be able to sell yourself and convince people why they should hire you, why they should date you or why they should be your friend by being an awesome human being. It really boils down to focusing on becoming a person of value. The more successful you become, the more in shape you become, the healthier you become, the more of a leader you become, the more people are going to want to hang out with you, get to know you, spend time with you, hire you, pay you to do things for them and date them. It’s all a direct result of becoming a person of value. If you think somebody owes you a living or should pay you just because you exist, you completely lose all power and ability to take care of yourself — to be totally self reliant. When you’re 100% self reliant, you can make your own schedule and come and go as you please. What is your plan? What are you working on on the side to get better? What skills are you seeking to acquire and learn? What interests are you exploring? How are you trying to get better so you can personally add more value to people’s lives?
3) How to get any job you want. I suggest you look at the Career page on my website where you will find three helpful articles on this topic: “How To Get Any Job You Want,” “How To Ensure Your Resume Gets You Hired”, and also, “How To Get A Good Job In A Bad Economy.” At the end of the day, it’s what you say. I talk about this in my book. Whoever is asking the questions, in any conversation, is the person in control of that conversation. I teach you how to present yourself from a place of abundance and present yourself as somebody like LeBron James, Dwyane Wade or Steph Curry would present themselves when it’s time for them to negotiate a new contract.
4) How to win friends and influence people. Something everyone should get to know is Dale Carnegie’s book, “How To Win Friends and Influence People.” This is one of the most important pieces of work that everybody should know. These are basic people skills that everybody should know. One of the best skills you can have is the ability to strike up conversations with people anywhere, causing them to want to befriend you, to hang out with you, to invite you to join them, to hire you, to invest in your company, to date you or just have a fun conversation with you.5) Most jobs are stepping stones, unless you want to become the CEO of the company. Whatever job you’re working right now, if your plan is not to become the CEO of that company, you need to be thinking, what is your next move after this company? I advocate for lining up a new job before you leave your current job, but you’ve got to be thinking, what is your long term overall plan 5, 10, 15, 20 years down the road? Where are you right now, and where do you want to be a decade or two down the road?
6) Live like a college student. Economy means living within your means.
7) What skills are you personally perfecting in your life? If you don’t intend on becoming the CEO in your current company, what skills are you developing so you can either make a lateral move in the company or move on to another company when your skills are ready or perfected?
8) Moving towards what you love, are curious about, interested in, fascinated by and looking at how others are monetizing their gifts, skills and talents in the industry. In other words, the most successful ones. Model their success, and get the same or similar results with your own unique footprint. Or go work for them if you can. As you move into the things you love, you are developing skills and you are getting better. Who is making the most money in the industry? What are they doing to make that money? If you see somebody who has the most successful business, you want to use the skills I teach on how to get any job you want, so you can go work for that person. Because they’ve made all of the expensive mistakes. They’ve done all of the fucking up. They’ve perfected their business model, and by going to work for them, you learn how to do things properly. Plus, you learn skills, you learn how companies run, you learn how they advertise, you learn how they manage, you learn how they decide who to hire, fire and which type of people to bring in and which type of people to promote. Otherwise, if you just start a business from scratch, you have to figure all that shit out on your own. The idea is to go work for the best.
9) Never get so lazy that you stop looking to better yourself, your skills, your body, your peer group, your experiences or your knowledge. Remember, within the 6 Human Needs, one of the human needs, Human Need #5, is spiritual growth — growing as a person, growing as a human being. If you’re not growing, getting better, improving your skills and expanding your knowledge base, you’re going to feel like something is missing from your life.
There’s an acronym Tony Robbins has called CANI, and it stands for Constant And Neverending Improvement. That is something I have committed myself to personally and have been focusing on my whole, entire life. I’m always trying to get better, I’m always trying to learn things, I’m always trying to get efficient in life and business. And those things I obviously share with you.
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From my heart to yours,
Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“Success or failure begins and ends with the person you see in the mirror every day. Reaching your full potential and accomplishing your grandest goals and dreams is the result of continually applying yourself to learning new things, improving your skills, developing your natural talents and interests, and moving towards and becoming involved in things you love doing, are curious about, interested in or fascinated by. Even if your current job sucks or is a means to an end, you should be executing a side plan to improve your value, develop new skills, educate yourself and enhance what you’re already good at. The more value you can add, by taking action to become a person of higher value, knowledge and skill, the more you can earn in income. Always focus on getting better. It should be a life-long pursuit and self-discipline.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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