If you have ever been in a situation, are currently in a situation or fear you may be in a situation in the future where you are dumped by your girlfriend or wife, and you want to know what to do to turn things around so she starts chasing and wanting you again, this article will explain exactly how to do that. That way you can help yourself or a friend you care about to get yours or their girl back.
It’s really a bad feeling when you know that you screwed things up to the point where your girlfriend or wife dumps you. It’s an even worse feeling, to be in a situation and not know what to do to turn it around.
Women break up with men because these men are not providing a stable relationship environment where she can feel completely safe and comfortable exposing her heart. If a man does not know how to treat a woman, or he is constantly doing things to hurt her, and as long as she is not a wacko, she will break up with him.
To get a woman back after you have been dumped, you first need to understand the mentality, mindset and proper actions to take by reading my article “Here’s The Best Strategy To Get An Ex Back“. Once you have done what it instructs, then you must out-wait and out-wit the woman of your desire.
Once she starts contacting you again, and after you have read my book 10 to 15 times to the point where you could literally give a seminar on the topic, set a definite date. The date is simply a fun filled evening that creates an opportunity for sex to happen.
As you follow this strategy, and you use the communication skills I discuss in my book to open your woman up emotionally, her interest level will go up and she will start wanting you and chasing you again. The following is a long, but fantastic play by play e-mail I got from a reader who has been following my work. He’s done a fantastic job of turning things around, doing the work on himself to become a better man and making her feel safe and comfortable to the point that she is fucking his brains out again 🙂 My comments are (in bold brackets like this) in the body of his e-mail:
Hi Corey,
Firstly, thank you for everything so far. A lot of the things you present, I’ve already been doing, which is great. But I’m learning heaps too.
Since I respect your opinion, I was wondering of you could help me. Rebecca and I got together at a funny time for both of us. She was pining after a bastard that absolutely broke her heart, beat her, etc. This was her first love though so she tolerated him at the time. I was just coming out of some mild radioactive treatment from thyroid cancer (cancer is caused by over-acidification of the bodies tissues. Read my articles, “Rediscovered: The Fountain Of Youth“, “Circulation Is The Key To A Healthy Body“, “Death Begins In The Colon“, “How To Become More Confident & Sure Of Your Actions“, and “How To Maintain Your Ideal Weight” Educate yourself about how your body works and what it needs to stay dis-ease free so you can take the proper action to ensure you always are healthy.) and had been through a tough time with girls over the past 2 years and so was on what I call “rebound therapy”. Pretty much sleeping with as many girls as possible and not looking for a relationship (Good times. These experiences help you become confident and comfortable with women so you lose your fear of them). We’re both actors, and so had a lot in common. I’m 25 and she’s 23 years old. At first since I was in my state and she was in hers, we were just platonic friends for about 2 months. Then I realized I fancied her and we eventually got together about a month later.
We fell madly in love with each other except I had some deep insecurities regarding love, confidence, personal abilities since my cancer, you name it. But she loved me and supported me. She has her own little issues regarding the fact that she used to be quite a big girl, but has lost a lot of weight and is scared she’ll get big again. She won’t because of her being so vigilant. She has a few other little insecurities like that regarding bullying from when she was younger etc. But like her with me, I understood all of that and loved her. We were a very good match and because of that, actually spent too much time together. We never went more than a day and a half without seeing each other, which 9 times out of 10 would be fine.
Anyway, despite that it’s not all my fault, towards the end of our 1 year my insecurities got worse and worse and I developed a very bad temper (Behind anger is always fear.) and essentially on her birthday ruined the night by making it all about me since I didn’t think she was thankful enough for the gift I gave her (you should read Gary Chapman’s book “The Five Love Languages.”), compared the way she loves me to how she loved her ex before me, just in general acted like a complete dick (nice job). A week later she left me, saying she felt like we entered domesticity too early, that she felt like she mothered me (Translation… “You don’t know how to act like a man. You are constantly hurting me emotionally.”), and in general was drained (Women want to feel safe and comfortable. When you act like a needy angry jackass, it destroys intimacy and a woman’s ability to feel safe and comfortable.) I don’t blame her at all. I had been very needy.
After that I was terrible, like most dumped guys begged, pleaded, nagged etc. only to drive her further away (Begging never works. It was your weakness that turned her off to start with. Begging works in movies, but NOT in real life. Begging is the ultimate display of weakness and beta male behavior a man can display to a woman. It turns their stomachs and causes their interest level to plummet.) Although during all of this she would always be in tears, much like how she was when she was dumping me. Which leads me to think that it’s her head ruling what her heart actually feels. And she’s somewhat agreed with all that. She said from the very beginning that she felt like she could see something flourishing between us in the future (Translation… “If you start acting like a man who knows how to treat women properly, I could be with you again. But right now… Dude, you need to get your shit together.”) but right now we have issues to work on.
So doing what every book and person says I completely walked away. Expecting not to hear from her for a month or more. A week later she started initiating contact. Saying she missed me and was thinking of me essentially (Translation… “Are you fixed yet?”). I organized a coffee date and left 30 mins later. Only to have her follow me to my work since she was heading into that part of town anyway, or so she said. Thus hanging out for a bit longer than half an hour. She was very warm and touchy feeley etc. During the time away from her I’ve done a lot of work on myself, which is great. And she said she can see I’m changing (She is noticing you are getting better with the help of an awesome coach.)
Anyway, 5 nights later we ended up in bed together. 2 hours earlier she’d been saying how she felt completely sexually defunct and hadn’t been with anybody else since me (Translation… “Please shut up and fuck me now.”) A lot of things like that. So it was interesting that we ended up having sex. I’d told her a few hours before that I still loved her. A few days later we met for coffee an she told me that the other night was a mistake and she still wants to be broken up, and it won’t happen again (Surrrrrre it won’t happen again. I put that statement right up there with… “I don’t want you to think I do this all the time.”, “I’m not normally like this.”, etc.) I very coolly told her that I refuse to just be completely platonic friends since I still love her (Good job. Communicates your purpose and what you want with confidence.), so was happy to hang out but can’t promise I wouldn’t lean in for kisses etc. (Alpha Males do not lean in for kisses. They get kissed and touched by their women who have sky-high interest level and keep keep their hands off their men, because their men are charming, confident and a challenge to them.) She just said “OK” and when I was going somewhere else followed me essentially to a science group meeting at university, which was cancelled and so we had a drink, then I dropped her her home because I had rehearsals for a play I’m in at the moment.
She texted me later that night just with some casual chat about a movie she was watching (Translation… “I’m hoping he will get the hint and come over and fuck me.”) Which leads me to think I’m on her mind (True that!). Two days later she invited me to have a drink with her that evening (Now she is initiating dates with you again. She is chasing you because her interest level and comfort level are rising again.), to which I probably could’ve attended but did have rehearsals for a while before hand and just made the excuse that I couldn’t make it since I wanted to give her a little more space to miss me (That took balls and inner emotional strength.). I politely declined her offer and instead suggested we have a drink 4 days later when we were both free (Smart. Nice counter-offer. This creates a perception that your time is scarce and therefore, very valuable. As her interest level rises, she makes herself more available so you will create the next opportunity for sex to happen.).
We did just that 2 nights ago and once again ended up in bed after a few drinks (Because you built sexual tension properly.). Both times neither of us were drunk, just a little tipsy. In the morning while she was having a shower, I made her bed and tidied her room, to which I think she thought was quite sweet (Easy Bubba. Don’t overdo it and become her butler. Reward her with things like that when she is sweet. Its a nice surprise and communicates thru your actions that you care for her.) I dropped her off at work. When we said goodbye, she thanks me twice for dropping her off and on general was quite warm, not touching me (Good eye! Always scanning for signs of interest level to tell how she emotionally feels about you moment by moment. This is how you stay safe and aware that you are being centered and a challenge.) but quite warm none the less. I thanked her for having me, to which she said “this isn’t going to be a routine thing” (Translation… “This is going to become a routine thing if you keep doing so many things right that are sending my interest level higher and higher.”) However, she said that a week earlier and look what happened! (That my man, is why you only pay attention to what a woman does, and NOT what she says. As you do more things right, she slowly lowers her resistance to what you want, and becomes more and more submissive because she feels safe and comfortable.)
She texted me an hour later just with general banter, and throughout the day kept texting me with plans to meet up later this week. Last night I called her on the phone (Its better if she chases you and thinks that she likes you more than you like her. With her chasing you so much at this point, there is no need to call to chat. It’s anti-challenge. Time away from you gives her the space to think about and miss you and builds sexual tension. If you start chasing her, her interest level will start to drop because you are stealing all her fun and deflating the sexual tension. Be busy going about your life until she calls. If you have done something wrong and do not hear from her for several days, then call her and fix what ever you did wrong. Otherwise, she will be blowing your phone up multiple times a day when her interest level is sky-high.) and we had a nice chat about our individual days and made loose plans to get together later this week. I said I was tired and needed to go. (Being the first to end a date is a challenge and leaves her wanting more.) I think leaving her wanting to chat more. Since I’d already suggested hopping off the phone to get her to go to bed and she kept talking to me and asking about my day. (This communicates she has high interest level. You noticed this because you are becoming aware and learning how to properly gauge her interest level as well as maintain it at a high level.)
Where to from here? (Rinse, Recycle, Repeat. Just keep creating the next opportunity for sex to happen when she contacts you. When she wants to be exclusive, she will bring it up. Until then… enjoy the Indoor Olympics!) I still love her very much and we’ve had a nice time recently. I can’t help but feel that she has always still loved me all this time since the break up, but her head felt like it wasn’t working (It wasn’t. But that was the old you.). I think since seeing me change, and I have, we’re both doing really well in ourselves since having some time apart, that she’s becoming attracted to me again, but just doesn’t want to say it (She will when she feels safe and comfortable enough. Stop worrying about it. Stay mysterious. Take time to get back to her when she calls or texts. Always make definite dates and plans. Be a busy successful guy. Let her come to you.). I want her back, what do you think I should do? (Dude… you may have not noticed this… but… shes fucking you again and chasing you! You have her back already. Women vote with their feet. If she’s with you, it means she voted for you. What you are actually talking about is an “official label” of boyfriend/girlfriend. You get the milk without owning the cow. If you continue to be a good boy and create mysterious and fun-filled, romantic opportunities for sex to happen, she will make you her boyfriend and give you a silly little label 🙂 She won’t give you any other choice. If that’s what you really want, then all you have to do is say… “yes” once she brings it up. Hey, maybe she will give you a gold star too! Relax, its in the bag. Its inevitable. Keep doing what you are doing. You got this.)
Thank you so much for your time. It means the world to me. (Awesome! Then feel free to be generous in your gratuity by clicking the “PayPal Donate” button located on the “Wibiya” toolbar that runs along the bottom of this page.)
(You can download the Amazon Kindle version of my book to your Smartphone, PC, Mac or iPad in under 60 seconds for only $9.99 by CLICKING HERE to learn how to meet and date the type of women you’ve always wanted and have effortless relationships. Then read it 10 to 15 times so you learn the material so well that you could literally give a seminar on it. You must learn the fundamentals of understanding and interacting with women if you want to start succeeding with women like never before. I would also suggest that you book a one-hour phone coaching session with me personally by clicking here.)
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From my heart to yours,
Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves.”-Thomas Edison
Mauer says
I have only one doubt: if everytime a ex try to see you (before she dumped you and you walk away),dont seem to weak? To me sound like she is thinking:”i have this little chump everytime i want. All i need to do is say i want see him”. You say its a scientifict fact that women are more attracted to guys wich have their feelings unclear. If everyday she show up you offer a date, arent your feelings very clear?
Mark says
No they aren’t. You’re just a guy taking her out to have fun and that’s it. You shouldn’t be telling her how much you want her or love her at all. Focus on you and when you have time, show her a good time. Maybe do this with a few women so your not hung up on one woman because let’s face it….. They can sense that. They already know how you feel merely by you asking them out, but the fact that you’re not begging to go out with them makes them wonder why you’re not like all the other guys that gravitate to them.
Neil T says
I didn’t bother to read anything beyond the title of the story. Relationships end for a variety of reasons, but they do END. Yes,
‘letting go’ is very difficult, but most of the time you MUST. I reunited with ‘THE ONE’
a few years ago, and it was a disaster. I
wasted so much precious time worrying about doing and saying the right thing on the ‘second try’ that my insecurity drove her -and me- insane.
Want a second chance at love? Move on. Meet someone new.