What is the proper way to act like a man around women? Masculine energy is all about drive, purpose, direction, focus, achieving, etc. Men who are excited about their future prospects because they are relentlessly and passionately taking daily action towards striving to make their grandest dreams and goals a reality, are very sexually attractive to women. These men are going places.
These men are leaders. These men are exciting to be around. They are usually successful and that includes being well-off financially.
Think of the captain of the football team. All the girls want him, and all the guys want to be friends with him. Why? He’s happy, passionate and fearless. He goes for what he wants in life. If he wants a woman, he goes out and gets her. He does not wait for opportunities to present themselves. He makes things happen by taking action. Women feel most comfortable and safe around men like this because they act like men are supposed to. These free-spirited hard-charging men make women feel safe and comfortable enough to be their most outrageous, sexy and playful selves where they can come and go as they please. Life is a party! And girls just wanna have fun!
Alpha males are boisterous and extroverted. They are also usually the guys who are most comfortable in their own skin and confident in their own ability to attract the women they really want. They do not apologize for being sexually attracted to a woman. If a woman rejects him, he sees it as her loss and really feels that way. Alpha males know they are a catch. They usually have no problem meeting women and always have plenty of women who are trying to catch him. His biggest issue is usually deciding which girls to reject, and which one to give the honor of his presence to each night.
Alpha males do not care what others think about them. They are only concerned about how good they feel about themselves. They know that by becoming the best and most successful man they can be in all areas of their lives will give them the best possible chance for long-term happiness, success, love and effortless and drama free relationships.
When alpha males are around weak people who question or doubt them, they realize and understand that most human beings are too weak to follow their own dreams and only looking to them for leadership. The alpha male knows that demonstrating the superiority of his own example or beliefs is the best way to be a leader and inspire others to their own greatness.
The following is an e-mail I got from a reader. My comments are (in bold brackets like this) in the body of his e-mail:
I have competed in sports all my life and have carried it into my sales jobs.
In relationships with people, I have been passive at times including my relationships with women. (When someone is passive, it communicates a lack of self-confidence, belief in oneself, that you are impotent in your goals and therefore probably “impotent” at being able to love and open a woman up emotionally. Women want to be penetrated by your strength, confidence and masculine alpha male presence: emotionally, spiritually and physically. Men that lack confidence in their own ability to achieve their purpose or goals are perceived by women as lacking the necessary strength to penetrate women with their love and strength. This causes women to not trust their masculine core. It also causes women to not feel comfortable or safe around them. If she were to have a family with him, he probably wouldn’t be a good stable provider.). When my girlfriend tells me that I need more bravado, is it possible to develop and cultivate that trait in your personality? (Of course it is. The most important starting point is to have an emotionally compelling vision for your life with emotionally compelling goals. Whatever you work at to earn a living must be something that you have a burning desire to do. You should not be working at businesses, jobs or careers solely because of their income potential. If you were only there for the money, instead of being there because you have a burning passion for the job, you’re not going to be very good at it. Therefore, you won’t do what it really takes long-term to make the kind of money you want to make at that particular job. When a man is working at something he does not have a passion for, his woman can sense this and will usually encourage him to find something he really wants to do. Women instinctively know that men need to be passionate about their careers and purpose in life if they are to experience any kind of long-term success and happiness. If a guy is bouncing around from job to job or business to business, this communicates that he could be too afraid and therefore unwilling to pay the price it costs and take the required action in order to realize and accomplish his dreams. What woman wants to be with a man who has given up on his dreams, and therefore living and playing life full out? Only the kind of women who have given up on their own dreams. That’s a combination that usually leads to the creation of another dysfunctional family and messed up kids who are too fearful and weak to follow their own dreams when they grow up. They become conditioned to believe in and accept a life of mediocrity and quiet desperation just like their parents. Once you decide what you really want in life and what you want to create, then you must resolve to pay the price to get it. Write your goals down. Model the success of others, so you can speed up the path to your own success. Take the required daily action to reach your goals, and constantly be willing to change your approach when things are not working. Keep trying new things until you ultimately learn enough through trial and error, and gain the required experience to one day make your dream career or dream business, a reality! A man who is excited about his future and is chasing his dreams relentlessly is very sexually intoxicating to women!).
I welcome your comments. This is important to me if our relationship is going to thrive and grow.
A few more things I want to add:
*my girlfriend’s best friend says to her about me, “he’s nice like a puppy, what are you going to do with a puppy?”
(Translation… “your boyfriend seems weak and timid. He won’t stand up for himself or you. Why would you want to be with a beta male? A beta male can’t protect you and make you happy. He’s not happy himself.” That’s not a good situation. Her best friend is trying to interfere in your relationship. The best thing you can do to turn this situation around is, get serious and focused on what you really truly deep down in your heart of hearts want to create and accomplish in life. The kind of thing that moves you so much it makes you cry. If you are doing something for a career or your purpose that is not emotionally overwhelming when you think about succeeding at it, then maybe you should re-examine what you are doing and your reasoning behind doing it, and spend some time to figure out what your purpose in life is.)*secondly, my girlfriend says she wants a true “hunter” that knows how to get things done. Pure animal instincts. (This tells me that you have impotent goals. That is, goals that do not inspire you. See, your woman is sensing this and calling you to step up to a higher standard because she knows an alpha male would do that for himself).
So, can those attributes be brought out in me so that I am truly an Alpha Male and not a fucking pushover? (Yep. You need a compelling vision for your life. Once you figure out what that is, then you need to relentlessly pursue it and persist without exception. Invest in yourself. Let me help you discover what your true purpose in life is if you are having trouble figuring it out on your own by clicking here. If you only focus on using what I teach to attract and date women, but you ignore everything else I teach on health, goals, entrepreneurship, business, peak performance, etc., you will be unable to maintain your relationships long-term. Why? Because once the newness and initial infatuation wears off, you are still left with the fact that you are not very happy and fulfilled in your life. In other words, you can make a woman happy for a while by focusing on making her happy and doing the right things, but eventually the elephant in the room you are ignoring, and which is stinking up the place, will make her leave you for a man who has long since handled his elephant in the room. That’s something to think about.).
Please advise.
Chris “The Pushover”
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“Champions aren’t made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them: a desire, a dream, a vision.” – Muhammad Ali
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