If you really want to sexually attract the kind of women you’ve always wanted, and keep them sexually attracted to you, you must understand that women are like cats, and men are like dogs.
What do I mean by this? Cats tend to come and go as they please. They do what they want, when they want and with who they want. Dogs on the other hand, are very loyal and always are at your side no matter what. Dogs will do what they are told such as: sit, lay down, roll over, etc. When you tell a cat what to do, they pretty much ignore you and do whatever the hell they want LOL.
When you call a dog, it happily comes to you. When you call a cat, it will usually give you a look like, “are you serious?” Men are very logic and reason oriented. If you want them to do something you must give them step-by-step instructions. They usually are not good at reading between the lines to figure out what a woman is really trying to say to them. When a woman is in a relationship with a man who does not understand women, she has a choice. She can either tell him in a logical way and with step-by-step instructions what she wants and how she wants to be treated, or she can become single again until she finds a man who does understand women. Why? The average man is too lazy and egocentric to admit they need help with women. Therefore, they will change nothing and continue to fail.
Cats are curious by nature and come and go as they please. If they become bored, they will leave and go exploring to find something that is interesting to them. So how can this help you sexually attract the women you want and keep them attracted? If you chase a cat, it will run away. If you chase a woman, she will run away. However, if you give a woman the space to come and go as she pleases, she will come to you when she feels like it. Usually when she starts to doubt that you really want her.
What I used to do when I was constantly getting rejected by the women I wanted, was I came on too strong and acted needy. In a way I was acting like I needed and was seeking her approval. Since women are more attracted to men whose feelings are unclear, you must give a woman the space to feel the depth of her emotions/feelings for you. Women will like you more and find you sexually attractive if they think that they like you more than you like them. That is why a woman will call you or text you at work during the day just to say hi. She may not have heard from you, or she simply misses you and wants to hear your voice. In a way it is a test to see how much you really love her. When you confirm how much you love and adore her by being grateful and happy to hear her voice, after you hang up she will probably be thinking about you all afternoon because you were sweet to her and validated her feelings for you.
This is really important in the courtship: If you call or text a woman, you must be strong enough and patient enough to wait until she gets back to you. If you can not hold out and wait until she contacts you when she feels like it, this will communicate to her that you are weak and needy and lower her interest level in you. This will cause her to back away even more. When a woman does this, most men will chase her even harder which confirms to her their weakness and unsuitability as a mate. Most single women have several guys calling them and wanting to take them out. They will always fall for the guy they can’t have their way with and the one who does not chase her when she ignores him. It’s all about feeling safe and comfortable. When a guy acts needy or tries to control her and make her do what he wants, women run from these guys! Why? Women know that needy, insecure and control-freak men become stalkers and abusive boyfriends.
Men who see themselves as a catch don’t chase women. Why? They don’t not have to. Women are calling them and trying to catch them and make them theirs. It’s always best to make sure when you are dating a woman that she calls and contacts you 70 to 80% of the time. The phone, texting, e-mail, etc. are for setting up definite dates. Not for giving out information or trying to get to know someone over the phone. The mistake most guys make is that they talk women right out of going out with them over the phone. Why? Men usually tell women their whole life story over the phone. Instead of in person, and slowly over time in response to her being curious about you. Its better to lets her ask about you then for you to volunteer everything about yourself. When a woman learns everything about you over the phone, she has nothing to be curious about. Your life is like an open book. This is not a challenge to her and just like a cat, she will get bored and go look for someone else to be curious about.
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Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
Its always better if a woman thinks that she likes you more than you like her.
chris says
I’m having an argument with a guy friend who has just insulted me over the phone, lumping all women into just one category–disgusting, conniving cat-lovers who are unfaithful, etc. while lumping all men into just one category–” dopey and loyal ” ! Please let me know what you think about that?
As a woman who from the very beginning wanted to be a man–even as a child, largely due to being the second surviving daughter(My mother had several miscarriages and a stillborn son before having me and then some more miscarriages before finally giving birth to my much younger brother. At that point my parents stopped having children. In addition, friends of my parents later told me that my parents had only purchased blue baby clothes and toys that were appropriate for a boy i.e. trucks, etc. while expecting me. They had only selected the name ” Bruce ” and didn’t even know what name to give me when I was born. It took them almost 10 days to come up with a girl’s name. I ended up with a terrible, old-fashioned first name and middle name which resulted in my being frequently teased/mocked out at school and later on at work, too, and will legally change my name as soon as my father has passed away.(My mother is long deceased.). So, again, please let me know what you think–agree or disagree with a male friend’s assertion that ” Men are dogs, dopey and loyal; women are cats, sneaky and conniving, unfaithful ” etc. ?
I find it totally wrong that my about to become ex-friend who’s a guy lumps men into one category and women into another, the positive category being exclusively male and the negative category being exclusively female.Incidentally he got the expression from another guy but wouldn’t tell me who it was. I’m guessing it was a bartender or drinking buddy because he often goes to ” Happy Hours “, sometimes twice to three times/wk. This makes me wonder if a lot or even most guys feel that way about themselves and women–that there is this huge difference and that they can never trust women or really respect them due to the above-mentioned differences. Personally if it’s true which I somehow doubt is the case since the above suggests broad-sweeping generalizations and each person, male or female, or transgender, is a unique individual, right? then something’s wrong with the idea or saying.
Looking forward to your reply when you get a chance.
Thanks for your help,
Mike Dunn says
Thank you for your logical insight and encouragement
mike says
Today i saw a sign posted on a residential fence that read pittbull puppies for sale. Next to that sign was posted another sign that read free kittens. I’ve felt that women are typically more like cats for the same reasons you indicated. Similarily i’ve long felt that men typically are more like dogs again for the same reasobs you indicated. Very seldom do i encounter a cat that i find likable, very, very seldom. While i do not like every dog i do like dogs in general. In fact i good dog is a treasure in my opinion. I feel strongly against animal cruelty even if i am not fond of a particular species. I feel animals have a right to happiness as long as they are not vicious or a danger to humans. I feel women are generally very selfish and that sign saud it alll…priceless!
phillipa mchugh says
rubbish all the men i know cheat even my brother and father and ex husband and long term partner
even when i was in hospital giving birth to my child
Andrea says
Okay, you are right. Men do act like dogs. Like dogs, they have to be told what to do because they cant figure it out for themselves, are too lazy to figure it out or don’t care. Like dogs, they want constant attention and are all over you. Like dogs, they want their creature comforts – food, sex, sleep. Like dogs, they respond to getting their physical needs met and then go crawl off into a corner to go to sleep. Trust me, no woman wants a relationship with a dog.
Shelby Alvarez says
This is great! Thanks for sharing.
That Is The Truth says
Women are like cats and dogs these days since they’re always fighting with one another.
JJ says
MGTOW is the only way -_-
ernest latwaitis says
“The average man is too lazy and egocentric to admit they need help with women.” That sounds like something a woman or wimpy man would say. Interesting article though.
Q Ortiz says
Another study of the workings of nature…human nature.