Updated Posts

2016 Jul 28

Do This When She Backs Away…

Let Women Come To You

2016 Aug 23

Successfully Deflowering Your Virgin Girlfriend

How To Re-Attract Her

7 Principles To Get An Ex Back

How To Make Her Submit To You

How To Open Your Woman Emotionally

Ladies, Don’t Get Hurt! How To Tell If Your Man Is Trustworthy & Really Over His Ex

When A Woman You Like Only Wants To Be Friends

Why Women Cancel Dates

Why Chasing Women Guarantees Rejection

Rejected? The Best Comebacks Ever!

How To Communicate With Women Effectively

The Best Strategy To Get An Ex Back

Pickup & Date Questions That Build Attraction

She Wants Sex & Nothing More

Walking Away To Get Her Back

3 Ways To Seduce Women

Being Her Rebound Relationship

Stuck In The Friendship Zone? How To Turn Your Girl “Friend” Into Your Girlfriend

2016 Aug 24

Let Women Chase You!

Indifference Makes The Difference With Women

How To Go From Broken Up, To Her Chasing & Wanting You Again

Women NEED To Wonder About You!

You Gotta Outwait & Outwit Women

She Still Loves Her Ex?

Texting That Attracts vs. Repels

Men: Beware Of The Bitchy Woman

How To Get Women To Approach You First

Women Want A Man Who Is A Challenge

Dominant Behavior Attracts Women

She Says She’s Confused?

Is She Flirting, Or Just Being Nice?

Why Women Prefer To Chase Men

Why Obsession & Neediness Causes Rejection

Women Are Like Cats, Men… Dogs

Ladies, Men Are Easy!

Women Want Your Attention… ALWAYS!

Why You Shouldn’t Date Strippers

How To Get Any Job You Want

Women Want To Be In A Love Story

How To Think Like & Become A Champion

Rate Me Baby!

Accepting Friend Requests From Ex’s

When Your Time’s Up, Your Time’s Up…

Death Begins In The Colon…

Tiger Needs To Be… TIGER!!!

The Ultimate Alpha Male

The Fastest Way To Speed Up Your Success & Achieve Your Goals Quickly

How To Deal With A Breakup…

Do Most Relationships Suck?

Life Is Change. Growth Is Optional. Choose Wisely…

Are Business Partners A Good Idea?

Goal Setting That Works!

Hugh Hefner… Stud Or Dud?

Making Money Is 80% Psychology, 20% Mechanics

What’s Your Greatest Dream?

Struggling Black Man Emails & Asks… “Are Blacks Inferior To Whites?”

He Doesn’t Want To Commit

How To Go From $0 To $40 Million In Under 5 Years

Time Is Not What You Think It Is

How To Get A Girlfriend

The Ultimate Time Management Strategy

His Fiancee Wants To Break Engagement

You Must Crave Success

Science Proves Women Are More Attracted To Men Whose Feelings Are Unclear

To Be, Or Not To Be?

Rediscovered: The Fountain Of Youth

How To Build Sexual Tension With Your Girl

Have You Ever Felt Like Giving Up On Your Dreams?

I Have A Potty Mouth

How To Keep A Relationship Casual When She Wants To Be Serious

Women Will Make It Obvious When They Like You

Women Are Giving Him The Cold Shoulder

The Real Battle Is Won In The Mind

Why Most People Don’t Achieve Their Goals

How To Sexually Attract Women Who Are Out Of Your League

How To Get Three Girlfriends & Have Threesomes

Another Client Has An “Ah-Ha!” Moment

Do You Bullshit Yourself?

How To Get Your Wife or Girlfriend Back

I’m Sorry… But The Joke’s On You!

What Others Think About You Is… Irrelevant

How To Overcome Getting Dumped By Your Girl For Another Guy

How To Have A Breakthrough & Succeed With Women Like Never Before

Never Mow Another Man’s Lawn

How To Make A Definite Date With A Woman So She Doesn’t Break It

Have You Ever Played The Makeup Breakup Game With Your Girlfriend?

How To Get Any Woman To Fall In Love With You

How To Win Friends & Influence People

Playing With Fire… Don’t Date Married Or Separated People Until Their Divorce Is Finalized

You Are Perfect Just The Way You Are, There Is Nothing Wrong With You

Real Men Never Hit Women

Why You Must Follow Your Heart, Curiosity & Intuition If You Truly Want To Be Happy, Fulfilled & Successful In Life

How Any Man Can Learn To Understand Women

How To Be A Great Leader

How To Turn Your Life & Business Around

How To “Go With The Flow” With Women

When Women Decide You’re Out… You’re Out!

Do Women Test Their Men?

How To Get A Job In A Bad Economy

How To Date Multiple Women

How To Deal With Your Girlfriends Male Friends

Never Settle For Anything Less Than What You Want

How To Avoid Becoming “The Other Woman”

2016 Aug 30

How To Get Women Who Like You Into Bed

Ladies: How To Catch & Keep The Guy You Really Want

Circulation Is The Key To A Healthy Body

Danger Close: Should You Date Married Women?

Talk To Strangers

Edgar Cayce… The Sleeping Prophet

How To Supercharge Your Success, Happiness & Fulfillment!

Woman Asks… How Do I Blow His Mind In Bed?

Women Want You At Your Best

Setting & Achieving Your College Goals

Pay Attention To What A Woman Does, Not What She Says

Are You Stuck In The Past?

What Is Money Really?

The Real Cause Of The Arab Spring

How To Become Interesting To Women

Heating Up Leftovers…

Women Want To Feel Safe & Comfortable

The Signs Of A Woman Who Has Low Interest

Women Making Fun Of Your Thinning Hair?

Do You Celebrate Your Victories?

What Is The Truth About The Iraq War?

How To Ensure Your Resume Gets You Hired

Don’t Act Dopey Around Women!

How To Find Your Purpose In Life

How To Get Laid On The First Date

Being Direct To Get The Boomerang Lay

Why Complimenting Women Doesn’t Work

How To Maintain Your Ideal Weight

How To Be Cocky & Charming To Get Laid

Why Women Love Cocky Jackasses

Do You Have The Will To Live?

Lose The Relationship, Keep The Casual Sex

How To Act Like A Man Around Women

Should You Want Your Ex Back?

How To Overcome Shyness & Feeling Inferior

How To Get Non-Stop Sex With Online Dating

Do Looks Really Matter To Women?

What Are Your Grandest Goals & Dreams?

Are You Moving With A Purpose Today?

Are You Excited About Your Life?

Single? Don’t Get Hung-Up On One Woman

Do You Feel Tired & Sluggish All Day?

Do You Have Any Success Rituals?

Women Make Men… Better!

Discovering Your Purpose Is A Process

Jaded Man Emails: “Women Are Money Grubbing Bitches!”

Why Does It Always Have To Be About Sex?

You Must Fight For Every Last Desperate Inch To Achieve Your Goals

Men With Confidence Are Sexy To Women!

I’m Obsessed With What I Do… Are You?

Falling In Love Is Pure Ecstasy! But…

Masculine Energy Grows Through Challenge, Feminine Energy Through Praise

You’re Not Really Here… Unless You Are

The Problem With Modern Medicine

The Sexual Revolution

The Art Of Seduction

Pick-Up Advice From A Woman

Avoiding The Mistakes Young Lovers Make

Relationships Based Upon “Horsetrading”

Do Women Understand… Women?

The Best Pickup Lines Ever!

How To Look & Feel 10 Years Younger!

How To Become Fearless

You Must Be Who You Are!

2016 Aug 31

How To Tell If She’s Cheating On You

Do All Women Want To Be Married?

Be A Gentleman, Not A Doormat

Men Should Celebrate Women!

Don’t Give Your Heart Away So Easily

Be The Hero… Always

Never Hold Back In Your Relationships

Do Strippers Make Good Playmates?

Why “Nice Guys” Finish Last…

Girls Just Want To Have Fun!!!!!

Here’s The Latest Must Read From Billionaire Hedge Fund Guru Kyle Bass

Become What You Want To Attract

How To Have Effortless Relationships

Getting Over The Girlfriend From Hell…

Women Are Not Logical

How To Turn A Friend Into A Girlfriend

“It’s Not You, It’s Me…” (Bullshit!)

How To Seduce A Woman

Why Men Become “Impotent” Sometimes…

Finding True Love: The Myth Of “The One”

Overcoming Loss & Succeeding Anyway

Body Language That Attracts Women

How To Attract The Perfect Woman

Good Dating Advice To Follow

Asking Friends To Become Girlfriends

Never Ask If She Has A Boyfriend

Men Who Understand Attraction

Success With Women Breeds Confidence

Love Is Playful & Fun, Not Serious

Learning From Your Dating Disasters

Women Bluff To Test Your Strength

The Top 5 Ways To Meet More Women

You Are A Magnificent Divine Being

Attract Women, Wealth & What You Want

Attract Beautiful Women Easily

A Swift Kick To Your Balls

Should You Give Women Gifts?

Self-Help Is A Pain In The Ass!

Do Women Really Lie To Men?

Seeking Her Approval Causes Rejection

The Pitfalls Of Office Romances

Friends, or Friends With Benefits?

He Wants Marriage, She Wants Out

Woman Dumps Boyfriend, Then Regrets It

Bantering Female Friends Into Bed

Women Are Taught Men Chase

Never Apologize For Wanting Her

Getting Laid Is Easy For Chicks

Honoring Your Relationship Commitments

Getting Laid When You’re Ugly

Succeed At Your Own Pace

Take Me Back… Please!

Sometimes, Walking Away Is Best

Sure Fire Ways To Build Attraction

She Said: “Work On Your Communication”

Subtle Marriage Hints?

Do Women Give Second Chances?

Fear Of Loss Destroys Attraction

Keeping Women Sexually Attracted

Overcoming Our Fathers Failures

Phone Numbers, Dates & Hooking Up

Do Opposites Really Attract?

Is She Ready For A Relationship?

Dude, She’s Not Into You!

Why She Acts Flakey

He’s Making His Ex Jealous?

Be Mindful Of Your Thoughts

Sneaking One Past The Goalie

Subtle Mistakes Ruin Attraction

Let Your Failures Go

Why You Have No Competition

When To Call Her Back

Let’s Just Be Friends…

Don’t Become Her Butler

Let Failure Fuel Your Success

The Games Women Play

The Courtship Never Ends!!!

Let Women Do The Choosing!

When Her Kids Are Disrespectful

She’s In Love… But Unsure?

She’s In Love After 3 Weeks?

Bullshitting Yourself Ruins Attraction!

She Called… After 8 Months?

Where’s This Going? Nowhere Now!

How To Successfully Attract Women

His WHAT Is “TOO BIG???”

Cheating, Forgiveness & Moving On

Find A Way To Add Value

When Should You Get Married?

Making Her Unable To Resist You

Act Like A Stalker… Get Rejected

She Called… After 3 Months

Friends Zone: “She Hugs My Neck”

Exes, Bad Breakups & Restraining Orders

Ignore Her & Maybe You’ll Score?

Excessive Contact Guarantees Rejection

Go For The Kiss, Not A Hug!

Someone ALWAYS Gets Sold

Make Her Want You More

Attraction Isn’t A Choice

Should You Tell Your Girl EVERYTHING?

Dominant Behavior… Gets You Laid

Why Breakups Are Hard To Get Over

Dating When You Have Kids

She’s Constantly On My Mind

Date Women Who REALLY Want You!

Get Women To Notice You

Escaping The Friends Zone

How To Properly Set Dates

Why Politicians Are Like Diapers

Never Trust Deceptive Women

Why Women Can’t Say No

Practicing Pussy Cat Pickup Skills

Getting Her Number In Seconds

Always Be Ready To Flirt

Don’t Act Like A Wussy!

She Slept With Someone Else

Relax, You’re A Work In Progress

Texting & Sexting Seduction Secrets

How To Close The Deal In Bed

Why He’s Still A Virgin

Exercising Emotional Self-Control

Single Friends & Married People

Girlfriend Is Texting Other Men

People Don’t Change Who They Are

Women Who Like You Do This…

Women Don’t Want Control

Does She Only Like My Money?

Are Women Easy To Seduce?

I Don’t Want To Lose Her!

How Life Can Be Effortless…

Why His Ex Still Calls

Why She Doesn’t Call Anymore

He Almost Got Laid

Speak Fearlessly From Your Heart

Making Her Want You Again

The Race Barrier & Attracting Women

Be Patient With Your Progress

She Wants To Take A Break

Rejected Twice? Walk Away

Sex Must Be The Man’s Fault

Help Getting Her Back

Go With The Flow Of Things

Working Through Social Phobia

I Don’t Understand Her Actions!

https://understandingrelationships.com/she-doesnt-understand-her-boyfriend/9536 (sex)

How To Build A Successful Business

https://understandingrelationships.com/what-kind-of-woman-is-this/9543 (sex)

How To Attract More Wealth

Acting Weak Causes Rejection

Texting, Facebook & The Finer Details

She Has A Boyfriend? Walk Away!

Knowledge Is Only Potential Power

Mixed Signals From Women

He’s No Longer Happy She Calls

This Just Won’t Go Anywhere!

Why Being Healthy Isn’t Optional

2016 Oct 26

Be Friendly To Everyone!

Act Like Her Lover Always

Be Insanely Great!

He’s Unable To Concentrate On Work

How To Lose All Of Your Fears

Why Closure Is So Important

Women Are Turned On By Your Ambition

2016 Oct 27

When You’re Socially Awkward

Keeping Attraction & Seduction Simple

When She Wants To Get Serious Too Soon

Responding To Weak People

Talking Her Out Of Liking You

Be Cocky & Charming, Not A Dick

Getting Phone Numbers With Ease

Dating Multiple Women

Be A Man! Stand Up For Yourself!

Be A Man, Not A Pussy

How To Become Magnetic To Women

From No Dates To Choice With Women

Successfully Deflowering Your Virgin Girlfriend

Causing Women To Want Exclusivity

Dating 3 Hot Women Simultaneously

Don’t Try To Force Dates

I Hope There Can Be A Future For Us

Some Other Man Raising Your Kid

Dating My Ex’s Friend & Her Brothers Ex Girlfriend

Making A Move On Your Girl “Friend”

Are Professional Matchmakers Worth The Price?

I Want Her But She’s Taken

When You Stop Caring What Others Think

The Let’s Just Be Friends Speech

I Asked Her If We Were Still Dating

Women Were Circling Me Like Flies!

She Was Cheating On Him

She Needed To Think Things Out

Being Mysterious Without Being An Asshole

Are Men Really Supposed To Be Monogamous?

What Do You Want From Me?

She Got Drunk & Slept With Another Guy!

65 of 88 (zero from bottom)

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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur

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Self-Help Products, Books, Supplements, Etc. I Recommend
1 Hour Phone/Skype Coaching Session
Free eBook & Online Audio Program Access

How To Be A 3% Man

Mastering Yourself

Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations

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